That's right, Ye Shenyue's current move is to use the sound of footsteps and the strength of the footsteps to disturb the opponent's mind.In the past, Ye Shenyue had only seen this move in novels, but it was a novel after all, and it required the practitioner to have true energy, and could walk out of steps with different strengths, so that the sound produced confuses the other party.

After all, it was a novel, and Ye Shenyue in the previous life was only envious, but now it is different. Now he can do it!Just strengthen your legs step by step, starting from %, then %, %...% deepened a little bit, a little bit heavier, and aggravated continuously.Can have a confusing effect!

Ye Shenyue also has no tricks. After all, although he has the magic power from Haruna in his body, but without "Mist Ding" as a medium, he can't use it, and now, he has no weapons and can only use This move, just use this move, let Jingzi's mind completely collapse and win.

He was really kind, and he didn't even want to use bloody means to this Jingzi.

Step by step towards Jingzi, every step of the way, the floor is cracked to varying degrees, and when you are about to walk in front of Jingzi, that foot has already sunk into the ground centimeter deep!

And that rhythmic pace, sound, step by step, entered the heart of the girl who was already a little sluggish at the moment, as if, as long as one more sound, she would completely collapse.


The loud noise came, just as Ye Shenyue was about to walk towards Jingzi, a huge crack appeared in front of Ye Shenyue, cutting the path of Ye Shenyue to Jingzi!

Yes, it is cut!

Ye Shenyue could also see long and narrow cracks appearing on the ground.And, on the left, there is a royal lady with a great figure.At this time, Sister Yu was holding a secret sword that was sharp and scary.

"Sera! What are you doing!"

"For unchaste bedbugs, we should kill them together!"

Sera missed the hit and took back the green long sword. She seemed a little disappointed. Could it be because they didn't cut off these two... um, dog man and woman?It's just that those dark green eyes have been dyed with red, blood red, that seems to not fade away easily.

"Idiot step...I didn't expect you to become a lecherous maniac in such a short period of time."

Haruna's hair drooped down and seemed to be very weak, and from the center of Haruna's body, it seemed to be exuding a terrifying aura.Moreover, the breath even has substance, and it has evolved into a black substance.

Is it blackening?

Seeing Haruna's state at this time, Ye Shenyue felt bad.At the same time, a feeling of panic came from the bottom of my heart.

"Stop, it's not what you see... Haruna... Sera... Hey, Yuu. Why are you here too?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a lot of pressure, because when he saw You, You actually stretched out her little hand, and the slender, white and tender little hand placed it on the "Mist Ding" that was spinning at an uncountable speed at this time. " on the body.

Could it be that Yu, even Yu is going to transform?

"As lovely and charming as I am, I will invite death."

Two lines of text appeared on the ground, and Yuu, who was holding Mist Ding, completely transformed into Haruna's women's clothes in a pink light that warmed people's hearts.

The beautiful pink princess dress, the big bows on the waist and the sides of the head, and a pink round hat look very cute.

If it is " much have you seen?"

Three girls have already turned black, Ye Shenyue said embarrassingly.


Haruna didn't speak, Sera's eyes were red, and only Yu took out a small book and showed it to Yagami.

"Hehehe... So Aikawa-senpai is such a scum... Then, let me take over Aikawa-senpai's life."

A sharp edge flashed, and at some point, the blond girl who should have been attacked by Sera and passed out suddenly stood up, and held the long sword that was lying on the ground in her hand.That long sword stabbed directly at the unsuspecting Ye Shenyue.

Is it the original blow again?

Seeing Jingzi's long sword, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt a pain. Could it be that she was stabbed before, and her nerves were already in a sensitive state? .

Chapter 0034 Defense War (for collection!

Depend on!Jingzi, you are a fool!

Ye Shenyue knew that he was absolutely unable to escape Jingzi's attack from this angle now, so would he want to repeat the same mistakes?Are you going to be the same as you were before?Are you going to be stabbed by a long knife again?

sky!You must know that the most uncomfortable thing for him is pain. Even if he becomes a zombie and can be divided, he is not willing to bear it. Why?Because it hurts so much!The pain of being dismembered must be a hundred times more painful than the pain of being pierced by a long sword!


Just as Ye Shenyue was helplessly preparing to endure the second assassination from Jingzi, a sound of swords colliding came from behind, but at this moment, Ye Shenyue did not even feel the pain of being pierced again.

"Humph! I knew you would make a move! But... this move!"

The two swords were crossed, and a smile crossed the corner of Jingzi's mouth. The sword that was originally just an ordinary sword quickly caught a scorching flame.

"Sera...Are you all right. I didn't expect you to come to my rescue..."

Jingzi's attack was blocked, and Ye Shenyue had the possibility to catch her breath. Looking at Sera who was pushed aside by Jingzi, Ye Shenyue was still a little worried.Still, he was moved by the fact that Sera came to help him with the blow that was about to fail.

"Who will help the unchaste bedbugs, you bedbugs should be dealt with by me, not by other irrelevant ones."

Sera's scarlet eyes did not move, and at the same time, the dark green long sword in his hand more than doubled in size.And the momentum exuding from the body is also rising.

Angry?Still angry?

The current Sera seems to be on her side, but Ye Shenyue is really worried.

"Hehe... I didn't expect Yokoliwood, you are here too, I really want your magic power more, that powerful and unstoppable magic power."

Looking at Haruna and Yu who were facing her, Kyoko actually smiled nervously, and the incomparably sharp long sword in her hand once again flashed with chilling power.

"Although I am cute and charming, I will invite death!"

A dark red light flashed, a beautiful dark red hat was worn on the head, and even the simple suspender skirt was also wearing a bright red bow.Bow tie See also bow tie.Such a familiar outfit.

"Girl in magic costume? But who are you?"

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