
Raula blushed and nodded.But the small body was still shaking slightly.

"Obviously, he took off all his clothes and made an appearance of dedicating his life, so why did he cry out loudly just now?"

Ye Shenyue placed Raula's petite body, which was trembling with tension, on the clean white sheet, which was so long that it was about to touch the ground.

Raula's skin is very white, and the white is cute. Compared with the white sheets like snow, it is not too conceited.


Raula's face was so red that she could hardly rise.But the lovely Yin Taoxiao opened her mouth but she could only spit out two words for a long time.

Her breathing became heavier, and the strange feeling coming from her body seemed to be stronger than the description in some of the "documents" introduced by the vice-captain.

Are you going to push and overturn Raula, who was automatically delivered to the door in such a cluttered way?

Ye Shenyue didn't know whether to be happy or what to do.But at this moment, he can't stop, because he hasn't completely attacked Charlotte, the soft girl, so even with Charlotte, he didn't do anything too much, which means that he is actually holding back these days. on.

Finally, a loli accidentally came to the door by accident. Of course, Ye Shenyue couldn't... Of course, she couldn't refuse.

"I...my wife..."

Raula hummed unconsciously, her mind was completely blank now, and even humming was a completely instinctive reaction.

"Don't call that name..."

The title "wife" seems to have huge magical power, and it extinguished the flames of Ye Shenyue. Ye Shenyue quickly interrupted Raula. It must not be called "wife". If it is replaced by the title of "husband", it is still acceptable.

"Night... Night God Moon..."

Although he was not satisfied, he still called him by his name.

"You can also call Ye Shenyue... um..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly widened her eyes and looked at Raula, and Raula seemed to wake up a little, but she didn't call at this time.

In other words, it was the third person who called him Ye Shenyue!

"Dong dong dong..."

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, which was particularly loud in the room full of ambiguous atmosphere.

Raula, who was still blushing at first, suddenly flashed behind Ye Shenyue and grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm with both hands.

"It's okay... She doesn't have a key, so she can't get in. Put on clothes first."

Ye Shenyue was also startled when she heard the knock on the door, but she still wanted to comfort Raula.

You can't get in without the key.

So they can still recover some during the time they go to open the door.

For example, put on Raula's clothes first.

Ye Shenyue handed Raula's clothes to her, and Raula was trying hard to wear them, just because she was in a hurry and couldn't wear them quickly.

"Don't worry, I haven't checked the door yet, she can't come in."

Ye Shenyue patted Raula's little shoulder, but before she patted it twice, some kind of terrifying sound came directly into her ears.

It was the sound of the key being inserted and inserted directly into the lock.

In other words... the other party has the key!

This is impossible!

The door will be opened in a second, but at this time Raula has not put on her clothes, not even her underwear!

If the people who came in saw it, they would definitely know that they were there. He was nothing, but Raula was very surprised.

At noon, when Teacher Qiandong saw the naked body, she was already embarrassed. If she was seen again, she must be... Maybe it will be blackened and broken.

If it was only seen by the people who came in, it would be fine. Ye Shenyue tried her best to suppress Raula. The problem is that this is a girls' dormitory. When the door is opened, other girls may also see it. At that time, no one can stop Raula. Ulla's blackened.


Under the clear-headed judgment of HSS, Ye Shenyue lifted Raula's small body without any hesitation, and stuffed it all under the bed together with her clothes.

Hide for a while and wait for him to deal with unsolicited girls.


The door was opened.A long-haired girl with a pale green hairband came in.


The uninvited girl directly shouted a lust ~ wolf, and immediately turned her back...

"Uh...huo, why are you here?"

Ye Shenyue realized that it was Huo, and Huo also had the key to this room, so it was completely feasible and normal for her to use the key to open the door.

Why didn't you expect that it would be Shino-no-kun coming?

For some reason, Ye Shenyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Still... don't wear clothes soon..."

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