Xiao Zhizhi was still reluctant to turn around.It's okay to have a red face, but it's a little lighter than Raula's just now.

"wear clothes?"

It's just surrounding the towel. Anyway, they are both old couples and there is nothing they can't see.

Ye Shenyue looked down at him and her face turned red.

He finally understood why Raula would blush and call him a lecherous wolf at that time.

Yes, he only wrapped a bath towel around his waist, but he didn't expect that the direction of the wrap was wrong, and now something very noisy was standing up.

"Wait...wait a minute!"

Ye Shenyue quickly found a pair of pants and put them on.

"By the way, why did Huo come back so proactively today?"

Ye Shenyue remembered that she hadn't used the key to this room since Xiao Zhizhi moved out. Did she really miss him when she suddenly arrived today?

"this and that……"

Xiao Zhizhi's face was still a little blush. Although she and Ye Shenyue had already done this and that, the girl's heart would still blush when she should blush.

"I happened to buy a swimsuit today, so... so I'll put it on and show you."

Under Ye Shenyue's astonished gaze, Xiao Zhizhi directly pulled away the clothes that were still tightly protecting her.

Similar to some kind of ambiguous kimono game, let the master pull the belt, the girl in the kimono turns in a circle, and turns all the clothes away.

This is a very loving game. I didn't expect that Yi Huo's temperament would actually learn this trick.

Sure enough, people can't look like... oh no, they can't look like sex, the sex of temperament.

The bold purple suspenders and the European style of the hoof are beautiful in themselves. The outline of the just right thin suspenders shows the cute shape of the European style in a more eye-catching way.

how to say……


Ye Shenyue only felt that Xiao Zhizhi was too bold, but she didn't expect Xiao Zhi to have such a charming, charming and spicy side.

Obviously she has always been a senior and arrogant.

"How...how is it?"

Shinoichi asked with a blushing face.

"When...of course it is very beautiful, it is so suitable!"

When Ye Shenyue wanted to compliment her, she watched sharply as a small head popped out from under the bed.

Chapter 28

If only Cecilia sees him with Shinonokyo, Yagami will definitely not be embarrassed, 3P or something is completely acceptable, but now, the only thing to consider is Shinonokyo.

Xiao Zhizhi has long been his person, and Cecilia and Huang Lingyin are also tacitly aware of this, it is no longer a secret.

So it's not a big deal to be seen by Cecilia.And it can be very smooth to let Cecilia withdraw by herself.

But Ye Shenyue still underestimated how thin-skinned Xiao Zhizhi was.

"Get her out of here!"

Shinonokyo quickly put on the loosened kimono, and without any hesitation, rolled off the bed and got under the bed.

There was not even time for Ye Shenyue to react.

She actually hid under the bed herself!

There is also a Raula under the bed!

Shinonokyo, who had finally dragged the kimono to the base of the bed, suddenly heard a very disdainful remark.


Raula, who had been watching Shinonokyo's every move for a long time, said without any hesitation.

Although it was under the bed, the lighting in the whole room was very good, and there was a faint light under the bed, so Shino no Kyo saw Raula at a glance.

It's just that Raula at this time is also disheveled.


"You...how could you...how could you be here!"

Xiao Zhizhi suddenly became excited. Raoula must have seen all her actions just now!

Shouldn't they all be seen?

Huo had the urge to immediately silence Raula.

"Cut! It was all disturbed by you."

Raula turned her head away in displeasure and returned to her arrogant demeanor. In fact, she was jealous.

The eyes fell on the X mouth of the husk and immediately moved away, as if there was a needle there, as long as it touched the eye, it was unbearable.

"I'm in here..."

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