"Think for yourselves. But...if you lose...double the training, use the plan I made...how about it, do it?"

Orobara-sensei's fox tail was finally exposed.It's just that the girls in the two-person world where they are excitedly fantasizing about training at the beach haven't noticed.

Sure enough, girls in love are all fools?

"Agree!" x5 A war without gunpowder but the outcome has been determined has begun...

"Have you heard the conversation just now?"

The girls went back excitedly, but the older sister could justifiably stay in Ye Shenyue's room.Sitting next to Yagami Yue, Oriban-sensei rudely took the remote control of the TV over, and then chose the program she liked.

Although I like it, but seeing that Mr. Oriban actually likes a show like "Two Cross Talk", although I have watched it many times, but every time I think of Qiandong sister's majestic Ye Shenyue, I still feel astonished.

Well... it's not right to criticize people's hobbies casually.

Ye Shenyue chose to keep her mouth shut, but Teacher Qiandong didn't seem to be ready to let him go, as if she asked casually.


Ye Shenyue expressed no opinion.

"That's what I heard."

Oriza-sensei deeply understands his younger brother's habits.

"I'm doing this for your own good!"


"Even though you are still young, if you don't know how to control yourself every day, your body will definitely..."

Oriban-sensei was really embarrassed to continue talking about the latter, but Yagami understood.

Emotional Sister Qiandong is afraid that he will die if he is exhausted...

"My health is very good, so it won't be so useless. If it really was exhausted, death would have happened long ago!"

He is a Crystal Palace with the number of ordinary people worshipping. If it was really that "weak", the girls would have fled long ago, and he would have died long ago, who was tireless every day.

He is the guy who wants to become the heir of God, how can he die so easily?

Of course, such a straightforward oath cannot be said to Oriban-sensei right now. Oriban-sensei still has the label "Not Raided" on his head. Identity is hard to keep.

"Although what Sister Qiandong said is quite right, but..."

In just an instant, Ye Shenyue's body appeared 10 centimeters away from Oriban Qiandong, sitting side by side with her, and with a move of her hand, Ye Shenyue grabbed the remote control from Oriban-sensei's hand.


"I'm used to living with someone at night, and now if I don't have anyone to sleep with... I can't sleep..."

"Of course it doesn't mean you have to do that kind of thing... It's just more comfortable to have someone with you..."

While speaking, Ye Shenyue had already embraced Mr. Oriban, not wrapping around the other's soft waist from behind, but leaning over and hugging Mr. Oriban on his side.

Ye Shenyue's voice was not very loud, but she whispered in Oriban-sensei's ear.

The voice was so loud that it rushed into my heart!

"Really...really just want to hug and sleep?"

Oriban Qiandong felt that her own voice was a little unnatural, and even the plain and serious expression on her face... seemed... happy?

"Of course it is..."

Ye Shenyue's head moved down slightly, close to Teacher Zhiban's Bai Nen's neck.

Aimed at the neck and kissed the boss directly.

The breath that belongs to my sister... Ye Shenyue is a little obsessed.

He really is the sister control or something.

"No...not allowed on the neck...will leave a mark..."

When Ye Shenyue bowed her head for the first time, Teacher Oriban noticed it a little, but it was really too late to say this.Ye Shenyue had already kissed her.

Rarely and rarely, Mr. Zhiban's cheeks floated a strange pink.

Are you blushing?

Or... shy?

This kind of Qiandong sister is Qiandong sister.

Ye Shenyue, who hugged her majestic elder sister, was full of satisfaction. It seemed that in addition to the excuse of thunder, she had another chance to hug Sister Qiandong.

Pushing the glasses that didn't exist on the bridge of her nose, Ye Shenyue was full of confidence.

He has seen the end...

Day three.

The competitions of all grades are officially opened.

There were a lot of onlookers, and it is said that there were also a lot of leaders of various kinds who are hard to meet with ordinary people.The top of the IS Academy.

Oriza-sensei's boss's boss.

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