Not only was there a wide variety of visitors, but even the students were very excited. It was a first-year competition, and the students surrounded the arena. After all, this was a large-scale competition that was only held once a semester.

How can you ignore it?

And, this year's first-year game seems to be... strong.

Shinonokyo's Japan, Cecilia's England, Charlotte's France, Huang Lingyin's China, and Raula's Germany.

It feels like a battle of five kingdoms.

And...their behavior is too intense!

Any game with them on the court always ends quickly, and the big move is displayed at the beginning, which is completely bullying!

To the surprise of the senior classmates who were watching, this year's first grade is too arrogant, too chaotic, and... too violent!

"Teacher Oriolus, this year's competition is really lively."

Mr. Yamada Maya complained embarrassingly, these children are really unscrupulous.Not only the arrogant and crazy Cecilia and Huang Lingyin, but now even Shinonokyo, who has just obtained the body, is making great efforts to adapt to the body.Their passion was unprecedentedly high. Could it be that they were too excited because they received a machine that had been separated for a few days from Oriban-sensei?

Or... is there something she doesn't know about?

It's really pitiful to be their opponents.

This competition will definitely be a competition that everyone will never forget.

"Those idiots... just some guys who have been carried away by the body, winning completely by the body..."

Orimara-sensei rubbed her beautiful black hair.

The former teacher Zhiban also felt that long hair needs to be maintained, and it is very troublesome to clean, so he didn't want to keep it, just because a brother with long hair control obediently kept long hair.

Now that her long hair has grown to her knees, she has to be careful not to run into dust when she walks.

Oriban-sensei said with a flat voice.

"It really has the momentum of Qiandong-sensei..."

It is indeed in line with Oriza-sensei's tone.

Yamada-sensei, who was a candidate for the former representative of Japan, smiled awkwardly.

It was just the behavior of Oriban-sensei's rubbing her hair that made her notice something new, which was very different from the usual Oriban-sensei.

It was the unnaturally thin black scarf around Oriza-sensei's neck.

"Speaking of which... Qiandong-sensei... Why are you wearing a scarf today? It's very stylish, but it doesn't seem to match the weather..."

"Probably so..."

Teacher Oriban can't deny it.

But he didn't continue talking.The fact that the scarf was just to surround the hickey of a certain brother's vexatiousness on the field... I can't say it at all!

"Sister Qiandong?"

At this time, Yagami Yue, who was forming a team with Charlotte, looked at Oriban-sensei with emotion. Could it be that Qiandong-sensei was thinking about him?

Sure enough, last night's "sweet hickey" worked?

"That guy..."

The teacher on duty suddenly became uncomfortable, and she really couldn't indulge him too much.

"Okay! Teacher Zhiban...Yishinyue-san won..."

Yamada-sensei said happily.

Lively... oh no, the curtain of the chaotic competition has been drawn.

officially opened.

Chapter 0030 I like you, seaside

Why...why is this!

Looking at the list of room assignments in their hands, and the two names "Ziban Yeshenyue and Zhiban Qiandong" together, the girls were heartbroken.

It has now been three full days since the competition, and now they are in the car going to the beach.

Go to the beach to train.

Five girls actually got together.Sitting in two rows.

The girls' pretty faces had expressions of sadness or depression on their faces.

Oriza-sensei said that as long as they win the championship, they will get the right to "share a room" with Yagami by the sea.

Also, it is very important that Oriban-sensei will not stop him, nor will he stop the victorious one.

You can play whatever you want... um... You can get close to Yagami as you want.

The girls were very imposing, and as soon as they appeared on the stage, they stunned the students in other classes who were also in the first grade.

However, the fact is that Yagami also participated in the competition, teaming up with Charlotte.

When everyone thought that Charlotte was still a boy, she was randomly assigned to a group with Yagami, but now that she has regained her status as a girl, she and Yagami have won again and again.

In the end, the remaining four were wiped out.

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