The winner is the group of Yagami and Charlotte!

"Don't say it, the most wronged thing is that I pull..."

However, Charlotte, who became one of the champion group members, had a more complicated expression of depression and disappointment on her delicate and gentle face.

"I didn't lose in the end..."

Charlotte won, but Oriban-sensei asked her to compete with Yagami again. Only if she also won would it be considered a real victory!

The result can be imagined.

Charlotte, who finally won the trophy, is so powerful and depressed.

They... seem to have been dumped by Oriban-sensei!

Especially now, looking at Oriban-sensei sitting next to Yagami Yue in the first row.


As if aware of the extremely resentful Cannian's gaze, Oriban-sensei turned her head slightly, while the girls quickly turned their heads back.

It's impossible to confront Oriban-sensei directly...


Charlotte, who has the status of "girlfriend", is very lost.

Not to mention that there are many competitors in the position of the main wife, I didn't expect that even Mr. Oriza was one.

And... it's still a very powerful enemy.

There's absolutely no chance of winning.

"If you don't stick with them, you won't have the energy to be with me?"

Oriza-sensei turned back and looked at Yagami Yue who was resting with one hand on the armrest of the chair, and said in a flat tone.


Is Oriban-sensei jealous?

To compare her to the girls on purpose?

Either way, she wins.

Ye Shenyue opened her eyes, "Anyway, when they arrive at the training ground, they will come with them too. Now they have to recharge their batteries... Also, this training doesn't seem to be too peaceful. I just got the "Red Toon". Got the limelight at the competition, but some funny rabbit won't let her dear sister-chan just let go... so..."

"'s quite possible...if it's that guy..."

Oriban-sensei calmed down and left the useless smell of snacks behind. Immediately in his mind, the image of a rabbit who likes to be spoiled, funny, and spoiled.

If it was this guy, he would have to defend himself.

Moreover, the place they are going to go is the seaside, so they can "play" with their hands and feet.

It was indeed the scene that the rabbit liked to see the most.

"And it's almost July [-]th, so it's impossible for that rabbit to not show up."

Ye Shenyue accentuated her tone. The seventh day of the seventh lunar month was Shino-no-no's birthday, so the rabbit as her biological sister would definitely appear.

"It's really troublesome..."

Oriban-sensei thought about the complications that the arrival of the rabbit would bring.

Sister Qiandong rubbed her long hair. This was her habit. Before, she just wanted to show her long hair in front of a certain younger brother. Unexpectedly, it turned into a habit that she couldn't change.

It's just that this time Zhiban-sensei didn't rub her hair, her slender fingers just touched the beautiful and smooth long hair, when Ye Shenyue grabbed it.

"I'm tired of leaning on one hand, Sister Qiandong, lend me your shoulder."

After saying that, Ye Shenyue directly took Qian Dong's hand and leaned her head over there.

Almost half of the body turned to the side.Oriban-sensei could only catch him quickly, otherwise Yagami Yue would slip to the ground.

"I really can't help you."

Oriban-sensei moved his body slightly to make Yagami Yue lean more comfortably.

She just can't do anything about her only brother.

This time, Oriban-sensei held one hand against his face.How long has it been since this little guy's face looked so peacefully?

There was tenderness in Oriban-sensei's eyes.

Raula is jealously tender...

The sea, the blue sky, the sandy beach, and... seductive eyes!

Summer is a happy season for men, especially at beaches and swimming pools.

There is no need to deliberately stand at the bottom of the stairs and squat down to see the blue and white stripes between the girls' feet, and there is no need to sneak up on the street and be cast by the girls.

Here, lying on a beach chair, wearing sunglasses, and drinking juice, is indeed an indescribable enjoyment.

In the brown-black lenses, the young and lively well-developed bodies of the girls are shown.

Youth and vitality.

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