Soft and plump.

As soon as they arrived at the beach, the girls got excited, threw all their luggage in the already assigned room of the hotel, and then put on their swimsuits and rushed to the beach.

Because this was the first day of training, Teacher Zhiban decided to let everyone familiarize themselves with the environment.

This is the official language, and in the common language of everyone is free movement, whatever happens first...

But anyway, to the beach.

Of course I came to play, in a swimsuit.running on the with water.

The girls were so excited that they rushed directly to the beach, playing in the water and playing on the beach.

No matter where your eyes fall, it is a beautiful scenery.

The only thing that makes people a little strange is that... Ye Shenyue has been lying here for 5 minutes, and the girls who belong to him have not appeared.

How long does it take for girls to change clothes?

Ye Shenyue was astonished, but when a swimsuit with tiger stripes appeared, Ye Shenyue sensitively sensed that there seemed to be a storm about to appear.

The first person to show up was Charlotte.

Charlotte herself has brownish-yellow-colored long hair, and it goes well with a dark-yellow-colored swimsuit.

"It's beautiful today."

If you say "very good match" or "the swimsuit is beautiful" at this time, you are complimenting the swimsuit, not the person.

Of course, Ye Shenyue is not stingy with words of praise.

"Thank you."

Charlotte nodded lightly and grinned, as if her gentle girlfriend's style was back.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared from behind.

Familiar double ponytails, beautiful faces, and cute little tiger teeth.


Huang Lingyin, tied with twin ponytails, swayed in front of Ye Shenyue.

Came back a minute later.

Two minutes later, she finally stood in front of Ye Shenyue, and she didn't leave.


Ye Shenyue's head moved to the left, and Huang Lingyin also moved to the left.

That is... just to stand in front of Ye Shenyue.

Or should Ye Shenyue praise her.

Really a child.

Ye Shenyue wanted to laugh.


Just when Ye Shenyue wanted to stand up and touch Huang Lingyin 1.2's head, Cecilia took the initiative to appear.

She likes blue, both the IS and the headband are blue, this time, of course, no exception, the swimsuit is also blue.

The blue short skirt tied around her waist is sloping, bold and revealing. With her tall and beautiful face and figure of European and American people, it is indeed very seductive.

Just like a little sun, dazzling.

"Cecilia really suits the sexy route."

Ye Shenyue started from the bottom of her heart and praised her from the inside out.

" route!"

Could it be that Ye Shenyue classmate is implying something?

Must be implying something!

The secret weapon turned out to be the right one!

The last attack with a lot of resentment, the secret weapon has not come in handy, it turns out... it is to exert the strongest effect at this time!

Cecilia suddenly became excited, ignited her fighting spirit, and had a high fighting spirit.

"Why is Cecilia so radiant all of a sudden?"

Ye Shenyue thought he had said something wrong?

Chapter 0031

"It's not that I want your compliments, it's not that I put on a swimsuit because I want to show off my figure, it's just because... it's just because everyone wears it, so I..."

Following Cecilia, Charlotte, and the lovable Huang Lingyin, the one who is currently most closely related to Yagami Yue is Shino no Kyou.

Sheng Sheng was the first childhood sweetheart before Huang Lingyin.

Although Shino-no-no has been with Ye Shenyue regardless of your relationship with me, there is still no change in personality or anything.

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