Aojiao, Aojiao, etc. are still reserved.

Seeing that the girls had come out one by one, she raised her head slightly, and said this with her face turned sideways.


Yagami Yue, who didn't even stand up to praise Cecilia, really stood up and pressed Shinonokyo's shoulder in praise.

"You are beautiful today too."

Xiaozhizhihuo said so plainly, and showed her cute arrogance. If he didn't praise her again, he would definitely be sorry for her.

"Just...just as usual..."

Xiao Zhizhi was still arrogant.


Huang Lingyin, who also showed her arrogance, was greatly dissatisfied.Why is she treated so... so badly as a childhood sweetheart!

It's like a sky and an underground!

She was ignored.


At this moment, Raula, who was very eye-catching in the crowd, also appeared.

Said she was in the spotlight because she was still wearing a long-sleeved coat in a place where everyone was wearing swimsuits.

It seems out of place.


Raula's movements were a little stiff, and it seemed that it was already very difficult to walk in front of him.

Is there a battle going on in your heart?


Raula responded reflexively, but after she responded, she found everyone's fiery eyes, and hurriedly regained her composure.

"I...I think..."

Raula lowered her head slightly, as if she was going to do something very serious and important.It just seems that the courage is not big enough.

is tangled.


Charlotte, who was standing beside Raula, did her a favor and lifted the long sleeves that Raula was wearing. Not only did they lift them, but they threw them into the air.

A petite and tender body appeared in front of her eyes, a beautiful and simple old school swimsuit in dark blue.

The name is also written on a white strip of cloth on the chest of the swimsuit.

"That...the vice-captain said that if this is the case, he will get a high score."

Raula looked very embarrassed after the coat was taken off, her tender and lovely hands were constantly rubbing back and forth, and her voice was also low.

This was the idea of ​​the vice captain of her Black Rabbit team. Originally, Raula stated that she only had the equipment of the school's old-fashioned swimsuit.

But then Raula said that the rivals had been equipped with swimsuits, and the vice-captain made Raula wear old-fashioned swimsuits.


This is the vice-captain's Shanren coup.

But now, the effect is really obvious, Ye Shenyue's expression has changed.Anyone can see it.


It must be Yagami Yue's illusion. When she saw Raula wearing an old-fashioned swimsuit, Yukuriwood was the first thing that immediately reflected in Yagami's mind.

Speaking of which, Raula and Yu are really similar.

About the same height, long silver hair, and incredibly white skin.

"Who is Yuu?"

The girls are very concerned about the "you" in Yagami's mouth.Because when Ye Shenyue said this name, she showed an expression they had never seen before.

It seems to be petted, loved and missed.

The girls suddenly became interested, and they became particularly sensitive, especially when the relationship was tense, the girls could not let go of any clues.

" heard it wrong...I was saying that Raula is cute. Right, such a Raula is really cute."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and quickly recovered, almost revealing her secret.

You can't talk about girls from another world in this world.

At that time, it was not the harem that caught fire but was completely burned.

"It's really cute, but..."

Cecilia, who was still sober, expressed doubts.

"Who is that Yuu..."

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