I really don't know what her image will be in the heart of the instructor.

Raula had a sense of frustration that the battlefield had failed.The whole person is depressed.

"Yes, misunderstood."

Without any hesitation, Ye Shenyue nodded and said.

"Sure enough, it's still little girls... always wanting to make things wrong, and now it's still in the learning stage. You have to put your energy into learning first, and other youth and so on... have to come in second!"

Oriban-sensei stood up again, took out a can of beer from the table, opened it quickly, and drank it. When she wanted to open another can, Ye Shenyue's hand It has been attached, staring at Mr. Oriban, "Being a bit like a teacher in front of the students, drinking too much... It's really not good."

But if there are only two people, Ye Shenyue would like to drink Mrs. Zhiban, and it is best to get drunk.

Drunk teacher Oriban is very well-behaved. She doesn't have the domineering and imposing manner of her elder sister, but she is like a younger sister. She can order whatever she wants.

Drunk and sober are two different things.

This is similar to Ariel, who gets drunk just drinking carbonated drinks such as Coke.


Surprisingly, Oriza-sensei actually let go, and resentfully withdrew the hand that continued to hold the new beer.

"Then... Back to the topic, don't take me as a teacher, you are not students. Just take this guy's sister."

Oriban-sensei seems to want to take out the grievances that Yagami has stopped on these poor girls.


Sure enough... a family meeting?

I don't know how the girls understood it. Anyway, in Ye Shenyue's eyes, the girls seemed to suddenly straighten their sitting postures, and they looked very energetic and submissive.

It seems to be... expressing itself?

"First of all, the first one is only one. What do you like about this guy? Indeed... this guy is very good at cooking, washing clothes, and doing housework. He even has good massage skills. If you want to It's really suitable to find a housewife man."

Oriban-sensei began to praise Yagami with her standards, which surprised Yagami.

Emotional sister Qiandong really still remembers his "goodness" coming, but she just remembers that she has never helped with housework.It can be said that the "good man at home" revealed by Ye Shenyue was also honed by her.

Oriban-sensei said now that his face is not red and his heart is not beating.

"How... do you want it?"

Oriban-sensei continued to ask.

"Really... can you give it to us?"

x5 Although they had already confessed in Oriban-sensei's office, but now... Yashenyue is still under Oriban-sensei's control, and they can't have any contact with them at will.

That is to say...

Oriban-sensei is about to let go?This is good news!

"Little devil...you think too much...I won't give it...all of them are women. If you have the ability, grab them yourself."

Oriban-sensei is very rare, showing a tricky smile.

"Why is this..." Teacher X5 Zhiban is playing tricks on them!

Indeed, he was playing with them. Ye Shenyue, who knew Mr. Zhiban best, nodded. Mr. Zhiban was indeed playing with them, otherwise he wouldn't be laughing, laughing so... lewd?

It was only Sister Qiandong who made Ye Shenyue tremble, but she said in front of everyone, "It's all women, if you have the ability to grab it by yourself", Oriban-sensei also counted herself in it?

Or... Sister Qiandong's brother-control attribute has awakened?

Chapter 0034 Qiandong Drunk

"Sister Qiandong, if you drink again, you'll be drunk."

The girls had already been sent back by Oriban-sensei, but Oriban-sensei didn't seem to be happy, and actually brought out the beer bottle by bottle.

"Anyway, there are no students here anymore. The image of the teacher...you don't need to maintain it...but you can't drink."

Oriza-sensei opened the caps of three bottles of beer in a row and drank it without any interruption. Beer felt uncomfortable for the first time, but if you drink too much, it's like a drink, and you can't stop.

"I can't drink..."

Yagami doesn't think that Ariel-chan will get drunk after just one sip, but he really doesn't have much love for something like beer.

What's more, looking at Sister Qiandong's posture, she must be drunk until she is drunk before giving up. If he also drinks and is still drunk, then who will take care of Sister Qiandong?


However, after less than 10 minutes, Oriban-sensei, who was still continuing to open the bottle, suddenly softened and threw himself on the table.

Was drunk?

Oriban-sensei's eyes were already closed, and Ye Shenyue counted the beer bottles on the table and under her feet. There were more than twenty, and she had reached the limit of Sister Qiandong.

It can be said that the current Oriban-sensei is drunk.

"Sister Qiandong? Sister Qiandong!"

Ye Shenyue pushed Teacher Zhiban.But Oriban-sensei didn't make a sound. When Ye Shenyue hugged her shoulders, her hands stretched out of her own accord, and actually grabbed Ye Shenyue's clothes. Because she was pulling at random, she didn't see the bottom line at all. Somewhere, it was actually pulled on the neckline of Ye Shenyue's clothes.

After being pulled by Teacher Oriban like this, Ye Shenyue's chest was immediately exposed, and she touched Teacher Oriban's slightly warm fingers.

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