"Uh... I get it... I'll take you to bed right away..."

Oriban-sensei likes to tease the people around him when he's drunk, but he didn't expect to start teasing now, and he's really drunk.

Ye Shenyue picked Oriban-sensei even harder, and put her in the quilt that she had prepared a long time ago.

Because it was only him and Oriban-sensei sharing the dormitory, so he only made two quilts, and the room still looked very empty.

When Oriban-sensei put down her body, Ye Shenyue just wanted to cover her with a quilt, but Oriban-sensei would not let go of the hand holding his clothes.

There's no way to cover it with a quilt!

"Uh... well... I won't go..."

Ye Shenyue exhaled, comforting like a nanny, and squeezed Sister Qiandong's face with her hand.

It feels good no matter how many times you squeeze it.Ye Shenyue was a little reluctant to let go.

As if subconsciously hearing Yagami's comfort, Oriban-sensei, who had been holding on to Yagami's clothes with the intention of taking him off, finally let go.

Ye Shenyue had just covered her with a quilt, but the next second she looked at Oriban-sensei's sleeping face, and she was moved again.

According to the routine, the current Oriban-sensei is still in her sleep, that is to say... her consciousness is not clear, and she has no memory of what she wants to do? ¥Yishenyue is not a gentleman, at most a hypocrite.So, maybe... continue?

It was only at the fingertips that the breath belonging to Teacher Zhiban remained, the temperature belonging to Teacher Zhiban.

Ye Shenyue also got into Mr. Zhiban's quilt. Although this is only a hotel quilt, the one lying in the quilt is Mr. Zhiban Qiandong, his sister Qiandong, and Mr. Zhiban's nose. breath.

Ye Shenyue took a deep breath.

Slowly moving to Oriban-sensei's side, he also lifted the quilt.With a slight trembling in his hands, he undid the belt of Teacher Orimoda. The belt was not too tight, and it was pulled open with a gentle pull, and then the picture recorded by his camera was revealed.

A handsome and seductive black bikini.

Ye Shenyue found that he really was infatuated with Sister Qiandong.Although the quiet sister Qiandong lacked the vitality when she was awake, but she fell asleep like this, and she also had a unique style.

What can she be compared to?

Move like a rabbit, quiet like a virgin.

Ye Shenyue's mind began to shake.


For some reason... the voice, face and smile of Sister Qiandong, who was awake, kept circling in her mind.When she was awake, Oriban-san was so handsome and charming... Now...

The current she is not the real her!


What is he doing!

Ye Shenyue shook her head again and again, pushing Ms. Zhiban while she was drunk was definitely not an upright thing...

To push is also an open push!

After hesitating for a while, Ye Shenyue tidied up her clothes, but instead of helping Oriban-sensei put on her underwear again, she just put on the yukata, and then tied the belt reluctantly.

Just now, when my brain was hot, I put on clothes for Teacher Zhiban, but after putting on the clothes, Ye Shenyue regretted it again.

Although I decided to push it when Orioka-sensei was awake, but just now... I should be able to play more.

Maybe you can continue to undress at this time.

After gritting her teeth and opening the door, Ye Shenyue quietly walked out.As long as she glanced at Sister Qiandong more in the room, Ye Shenyue would definitely not be able to control herself.

Anyway, Oriban-sensei must be his in the end, so why rush it for a while?

However, Ye Shenyue didn't know that, just as he was walking out, the eyes of Oriban-sensei, who should have been drunk and asleep, slowly opened again.

The only thing that flashed in his eyes was the back of Ye Shenyue's departure.

"What an idiot," he sighed lightly, not knowing whether he was happy or regretful.

If Ye Shenyue walked a little slower and heard Sister Qian Dong's long sigh, I'm afraid he wouldn't go out like this.

The yard with no one seemed extraordinarily quiet, and Ye Shenyue, who walked out, felt a chill, and blew away her impulse.

It's just that Ye Shenyue looked around and saw a depressed girl sitting by the flower bed with 5.3 flowers. The girl was holding a flower with many petals in her hand, and was picking off the petals one by one, and she was still mumbling words. what.

"Like...don't like...like...don't like..."

The girl seemed a little lost, and her beautiful long golden hair fluttered gently in the breeze, just like the thoughts of its owner.

Confused and depressed.

Approaching a little, Ye Shenyue recognized this girl who was picking flowers alone by the flower bed under the moon.

Wearing a dark bathrobe of the same specification as him, the iconic golden long hair, the long hair is very beautiful, the girl's appearance is also very beautiful, the European and American unique white and tender skin, delicate face.


Ye Shenyue finally called out her name.

The name of the girl who picked flowers alone late at night.

ps: IS is coming to an end, thank you for your continued support.

Chapter 0035 Cecilia

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