So, hurry up... Those who enter the kitchen in the future hurry up and confirm it!

"How about it?"

After Mr. Oriban tasted x5 one by one, everyone asked excitedly. "The best thing is..."

Oriban-sensei stretched out her finger and pointed at Yashinyue, "Yishinyue did the best, he is the champion."

In an irresistible tone, Sister Qian Dong said.

Come on, what's the matter!

Ye Shenyue was helpless, she just shot herself in the foot!

I knew he wasn't going to participate!Make up the numbers!

Has he forgotten that anyone who pretends to be a boyfriend will turn the fake into a real one, and has he unintentionally inserted the famous saying?

How the hell did he get involved!

Sister Qiandong must be jealous of snacks, and she doesn't want other girls to take advantage of it, so she decides that he won!

Today, what is it for?

Ps: Finally, there is a small chapter of Xiao Zhi Zhi's death, and IS will officially end at that time.Thank you all for your continued support.bow.

Chapter 0041 Summer Festival

"It's not goes well with my granddaughter..."

The scorching gaze of the old lady, who seemed kind but actually had some gossip, glanced at the bodies of Ye Shenyue and Xiao Zhizhi.

Ye Shenyue pretended to be drinking tea in a serious manner, while Shinonokyo, who was sitting next to him, blushed slightly and lowered her head.

" can't just make a great-grandson just because your heart is guys are not of legal seems that you can get pregnant out of wedlock too...for my unmasked grandson. Or granddaughter, Zhiban, I must ask you, please work harder!"

The old lady was silent for two seconds and then suddenly said in shock.

"Uh...get it!"

Ye Shenyue, who was just drinking tea, almost couldn't help but spit it out, but fortunately, he still held back.


Shino no Kou almost found a hole and got into it.

The reason why Ye Shenyue and the blushing Shino no Kou appeared here, and the reason they appeared here, was because of a word from Oriban-sensei.

Also a reminder.

"By the way...Xiaozhizhi, don't forget to go back and see grandma, you haven't been back for a long the way...take Ye Shenyue with you."

Oriza-sensei said so, and then Yagami and Shinoko chose to come back on the day of the summer festival, one can visit grandma, and the other can... have a good date on the day of the summer festival.

Ye Shenyue has always been a promiscuous guy, spending a lot of time with girls, but very little time with a girl separately.

So...this opportunity is definitely a hard-won opportunity.

I just didn't expect their abacus to be very good, and it won't work with my grandma. This old grandma... really...

Xiao Zhizhi couldn't refute, and couldn't help but want to drill a hole, and Ye Shenyue blushed as well.

He really can't compare to other people's grandma, his face or something, it's still far worse!

"Huo, have you really decided to do this?"

Because there really isn't much time to be alone together, Ye Shenyue's suggestion to Xiao Zhizhi was even more surprising.

Because Xiao Zhizhi agreed to help Aunt Miao Zi next door to participate in this year's Kagura dance, but she was free most of the time, but she insisted that Ye Shenyue would appear again during her dance.

The rest of the time does not meet Ye Shenyue.

Isn't this a waste of time for the two of them to be together?

"Well, grandma's trick."

Xiao Zhizhi nodded, but the more he spoke, the lower his voice became, as if it was something that could not be seen.

It's just the word "grandma", how can you not say it?

But Ye Shenyue suddenly understood, that grandma must have taught Huo some terrifying trick.Or the tyranny of the wife and the husband?

Out of curiosity, Ye Shenyue actually waited until the night, and of course the waiting time was not in vain. He had a good exchange with the artificial elves.Is it to enhance the relationship?

Although he was not accompanied by Xiao Zhizhi, he still gained something when he went shopping alone, and Gotanda Tianlan took the initiative to send it to the door.

"Lan wants to cheer up..."

Ye Shenyue kissed Wutan Tian Lan on the forehead, encouraging her to speak.


Sister Lan finally caught the time when she was alone with Yashenyue, and finally told Yashenyue the name of the high school she was going to apply for.

"IS Academy, the test score is A."

Lan is the president of the student council of an ordinary school. According to the status of the president and good grades, it is not a problem to go to a good high school.

In the eyes of outsiders, IS academies are not easy to take exams, there are no direct recommended places, and they can only be girls.

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