But Ye Shenyue is very calm, he is confident, and even if Lan can't, who is Teacher Zhiban?It is the head teacher, with a high level, favoring a child, and there is nothing to say on the top.

And Lan's own quality is also very good, not a problem at all.

After saying goodbye to Sister Lan who was overjoyed, the long-awaited body music and dance finally began.

This year, many people came to watch the dance, and the seats were no longer full, but there were still many people who were reluctant to leave and stood behind the seats to watch.

In the crowd, Ye Shenyue could see everything on the stage, but at this moment, when the music was playing, when she saw the dancing girl Shinoyuki appear.

Even though he was well prepared, he was still shocked.

Xiao Zhi's robe is beautiful.

It is beautiful indeed.

Dressed in red and white witch costumes representing pure fish and holiness, beautiful golden instruments, sacred instruments.

Shino no Kou, who is now dancing to the music, is extremely beautiful and holy.

Once his eyes fell on her, he was unwilling to look away again, and even blinking his eyes felt superfluous.

The steps are light and the dance is graceful and holy.

Ye Shenyue suddenly had an illusion, as if... at the moment of the dance just now, the Shinobi and the shrine maiden completely overlapped.

This is the witch dance.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

After a dance.It still leaves a feeling of incomprehension.

The people on the ground were shouting that they wanted to watch it again, but this was impossible, because the dancer at the moment had been taken away by Ye Shenyue and pushed onto the bed.

Looking at the appearance of Shino-no-no wearing a pure witch costume, Ye Shenyue felt her heartbeat rise again.

He also guessed his grandmother's plan, and he understood it completely.

Seeing each other in one day is like every three autumns.The first is to separate him from Shinonokyo, creating the urge to meet urgently.

Then let him watch Shinonokyo's perfect and beautiful dance with his own eyes.

Since it is already urgent to see a lover, and seeing a lover seems to be... and is particularly perfect, how can there be no impulse in my heart?

My grandma's heart!

"Stupid...stupid...now...how can now..."

Although Xiao Zhizhi was resisting, his body was completely controlled by Ye Shenyue.

"How can you wear a sacred witch costume to do...do such a thing...that's...that's blasphemy..."

Ye Shenyue's thin kisses have all fallen, and she can no longer refuse.

"The blasphemy of the witch... no one will care... it's okay..."

Ye Shenyueman said indifferently.

And now, Shino no Kou is not really a witch.I just don't know what a real witch would think.

But...what are they thinking, it shouldn't be his business...


The refreshing breeze slid over his ears, bringing up the beautiful strands of hair that were swirling.On a bright and soft grass, with clogs on her feet, the witch in red and white witch costume is holding a bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Feel.


The bow and arrow with the power to break the magic shot directly out, deeply inserted ~ into the tree that has been unknown for many years.

"Sister Kikyo...what's the matter with you?"

The little girl, who respectfully took out an arrow from the bag she was carrying, said in surprise that Sister Kikyo's arrow had shot wrong.

Kikyo-san couldn't possibly have made such a simple mistake. Sure enough, something went wrong. "It's nothing...just a momentary uncomfortable feeling. Maybe it's just the wrong feeling."

Shaking her head gracefully, the slender Miko shook her head.

"Forget it... I have to go see that woman Tsubaki today, maybe it's because Tsubaki has some conspiracy that makes me feel it."

Miko sometimes have precognition dreams, or have a strong sixth sense.

Maybe she felt something because of her powerful spiritual power.And the stronger the witch, the stronger her feeling.


Feng nodded, and obediently ran to the big tree...recovering the bow and arrow.

Arrows, etc., are not so easy to make, they have to be fully utilized.

"I just felt like..."

Frowning slightly, the most powerful priestess in history had an unpleasant premonition.

It seems that her identity as a priestess has been denied, is it Tsubaki?

That weak guy doesn't seem to have that ability.So...who will it be?

The witch of the Jade of Four Souls was confused and solemn.

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