Ps: Thank you for your support, the IS volume is over.According to previous votes, Aria from Scarlet Bullet is written next.I hope everyone can continue to support, bow.

In addition, when I complained, I suddenly felt that Xiao Zhizhi had a visual sense of a thousand songs.

dating wars

Chapter 0001 Sister Mawei is the Commander

ps: The sub-period has an exam tomorrow and has no time to update, so I have to send the archives first. The catgirl is only a chapter or two away from the end, and it will be added soon.

It's a date now.The sequence of the plot is still Aria, is and then the date, but now the plane of the date is written first.

That's why characters from the previous world appear. - "Sister Qiandong!"

In a daze, Ye Shenyue felt that her body was heavier, and her nose was smelling the fragrance unique to a girl. This familiar feeling and familiar posture, needless to say, it must be some "naughty" girl sitting on him again. on the body.It's really bad.

For example, it's Sister Qiandong!Yesterday he slept with Sister Qiandong, so it was Sister Qiandong who woke him up so intimately.

Unexpectedly, Qiandong, who has always pretended to be cold, sometimes has a sullen side, and likes to play games with little girls.

"Qiandong? Or elder sister? Who is that? Oni-chan, when did you have an elder sister without telling your cute little sister? It's too much. Kotori is about to cry... woo woo..."

The voice is very good, no matter what, it is a cute voice that belongs to the "sister attribute".No matter how you listen to this voice, you can hear the taste of coquettishness.

"Er? Sister? Are you... Kotori? Wuhe Kotori?"

Ye Shenyue immediately shuddered, the person who was sitting on him with her legs spread apart was not his sister Qian Dong, and... Ye Shenyue's memories kept turning over and over, and she finally looked at the person sitting in front of him. On her body, the girl with her long pink hair pinned into a double ponytail with a white ribbon with a pouted mouth, finally recognized her identity.

It was actually Wuhe Qinli!

Wasn't he still playing small games with Sister Qiandong, why did Wuhe Qinli suddenly appear in front of him?This top sister!

"Stupid O'Neill, you can't even recognize your own sister, is your head broken? Brother, are you really broken?"

Ye Shenyue's expression was vivid, and Qin Li couldn't see anything wrong. This brother was indeed his brother, although he was just a little stunned.

Shaking the white hairpin, Kotori still had a sweet smile on her face.

"Qinli! I'm just a little confused. As a qualified younger sister, how can you doubt your elder brother? Your younger sister is not qualified!"

Looking at Qinli, who was teary-eyed because of his "unqualified", Ye Shenyue secretly said that fortunately, his eyes saw the ribbon tied to Qinli. It was a pure white ribbon, belonging to the cowardly sister's ribbon. Fortunately, the younger sister who is rather dull and easy to deceive is now. If it is "Kotori" who has turned on the commander mode now, he is really not so easy to fool him. It seems that not only his personality has changed, but his IQ will also change.

It seems that Gaia and Alaya have arbitrarily chosen a world for him to experience, which is why he arrived in the world of DATELIVE now.

Fortunately, this world is also one of his favorites, the cute Yoshino, the strange slut, oh no, the big brother who is here to save you is coming.

"Brother? Why is your expression so strange?"

Walking side by side with Yashenyue, Kotori, who had finally recovered from Yashenyue's "unqualified sister", gently poked Yashenyue's arm.

Although they were brothers and sisters, Kotori was holding his arm tightly, looking like a couple, but this simple sister didn't have such a "deep" mind, she just wanted to get closer to her brother.

The act of hugging each other between brothers and sisters is very common, very common.

"Strange? Nothing strange, right. By the way, Kotori will be obedient today."

Ye Shen's moon face was flat, looking very righteous. Then, he stretched out his palm and touched and touched his sister's pink head.

"I hate it, it's still on the road here..."

For some reason, Kotori felt her face turn a little red too.His face was red and his voice was small.

Still seems shy.

The younger sister of this character is easy to deceive, but... the younger sister who is in commander mode most of the time is not so easy to deceive.

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart, but she took back her hand very late.

"Student Ye Shenyue is indeed a pervert."

"I also took action on my cute sister, and it really is a sister control."

"It's disgusting."

The three girls peeping beside the telephone pole whispered, and pointed at Yashinyue.

Those three women!

Ye Shenyue was depressed, of course, with his ear, he could hear the whispers of the three of them.Is he that bad?What if his sister is in control?He is a great all age control!

Just when he wanted to reply a few words, he felt another pair of eyes.

Steadfast, hiding.

Could it be Tobiichi Origami?

Ye Shenyue wanted to turn her head away, but she was afraid to scare away the girl who secretly "peeped" at him under the name of observation, classmate Tobiichi Origami.

Tobiichi Origami, excellent grades, all-around sports, top of the perennial grades.It also won the first place in the national mock exam.Is a gifted girl.

However, under the bright appearance, the essence is stalking and voyeurism.

It's a bit like his still water long loli.

"Oni-chan, we made an appointment to meet at the family restaurant, even if there is a space earthquake, we will meet there!"

Finally, when they reached the fork in the middle school where Kotori was going, Kotori put the small handbag behind her, bent slightly and smiled at Ye Shenyue.A pair of big watery eyes are full of tune that can't be rejected.

"Well! I've made an appointment, no matter what, I will definitely go!"

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