"Really? Really? Ye...Yishenyue classmate...no...don't lie to the teacher...the teacher is easy to be deceived...that...is the teacher really cute?"

The petite teacher almost fainted. This was the first time someone had confessed to her. I used to keep a distance from boys when I was in school because I was timid and shy. Most of the teachers at work also had partners and liked her. She doesn't like it.

Therefore, it has become now, 29 years old, 29 years old and still not married!

Poor teacher.Every day is told by parents.

"Well, the teacher looks young and cute, if we can, then let's get married!"

As if she thought that the relationship was not strong enough, Ye Shenyue actually proposed the big killer of marriage.

"Jie... get married? Really? Ye Shenyue-classmate, is this really true? You really don't lie to the teacher?"

"Such as... If classmate Ye Shenyue really thinks it's okay to marry the teacher, then... let's set a date... Well, it's summer vacation, when everyone is on vacation together, you can invite Ye Shenyue. Go to see Mom and Dad, and then make a marriage contract, um... Do you want to live with Mom and Dad after marriage? I've been living with them all the time now, and it's a bit reluctant to be separated..."

The petite teacher was completely immersed in the ecstasy of marriage. Ye Shenyue could never imagine how effective marriage was for Teacher Xiaozhu. If she was 29 and waited, she would be an old girl. She was always urged by her parents to let her Nerves are tense...

Therefore, when Ye Shenyue proposed to get married, the teacher really lost control.Now it's not Ye Shenyue holding her shoulders, but she is taking the initiative to hold Ye Shenyue's hand.

The teacher's hand is small, like her body, petite, but it is very comfortable to hold.

Looking at her cute and excited appearance, Ye Shenyue was almost ready to pull her home.Even if you don't take it home, you can go to a relatively uninhabited corner to do something that can be surpassed "before marriage".

It's just that now he is under the supervision of the commander's sister, so he can't do something out of the ordinary.Otherwise, you will be surrounded by the crowd on the space battleship.

Ye Shenyue can only secretly apologize to the poor single teacher Xiaozhu, he just wants to stop the nc intelligent group formed in the original book Zhongqin.

Dating is your own business, what's the fun in being interfered with all the time?And the pictures of kissing and kissing with the elves were shared, so it would be a loss for them to see them.

"Stupid brother! How come you are so powerful all of a sudden!"

On the space battleship, Commander Kotori took a bite of the sweet lollipop. Looking at Ye Shenyue in the picture, he really wanted to rush up and take a bite.

"Commander, Lollipop. Lollipop 2.8 is broken!"

Looking at the lollipop that was bitten into pieces by the commander in an unhappy mouth, Kannazuki Kyouhei, the deputy commander, kindly reminded him.

"It's up to you! Humph! Combat modification, I'll leave the communication with the elves to that guy, my brother, and we'll be responsible for diverting the AST troops away and creating opportunities for the elves to get along with my brother."

Kotori-sama calmly took out another lollipop from the pocket of his handsome red uniform, peeled off the outer packaging, and put it back in his mouth.

Although the commander looks domineering, he also has a hobby that can detract from his domineering.

As the analyst, Reine Amamura murmured. The small flat glasses reflected a bright brilliance, and it seemed to outsiders that he was thinking about something profound and profound.It's just that her chest looks like a researcher. The little bear with stitching marks is really unpleasant, and it makes the researcher's temperament, who should have a blank face, a little cute.

Chapter 0004 I'm here to date you

"Teacher Xiaozhu seems to be very lively today..."

"Well, it seems to have become more cute."

"I heard that women only change when they are in love. Is that the reason for falling in love? Teacher is in love?"

"It's disgusting."

Ignore the last mantra, the last sentence is just a mantra and definitely not the truth, this is the mantra of classmate Meiyi, this girl with night-colored long hair and cute little glasses.

The girl sitting in the seat in front of her was lively and cheerful, with pale yellow and beautiful blond hair, and she had the best figure among the three.

And standing on the right is a short-haired linen.

Yes, the one who is talking about gossip right now is the trio of soy sauce Ai Mai Mii.

Indeed, after she confessed to Teacher Xiaozhu yesterday and expressed her "wish to marry", Teacher Xiaozhu became a different person. Seeing her lovely and radiant appearance, Ye Shenyue couldn't bear to tell her the truth, what to say. He just wanted to show Dou S's sister that he didn't need to be watched, and he didn't need anyone else to join in the dating process 06.

Forget it, one more person means one more person, anyway, he is also a bit of teacher control.Therefore, under the right and fair reasons, someone went to eat Mala Tang with the petite teacher last night, and the relationship seems to be progressing well.

And Ye Shenyue also discovered that most of the current sisters are the commander's shaking S mode. The cute and innocent sister before, who helped him prepare breakfast has disappeared. The current sister is a queen. , not good to send.

It's time to go home with a girl who is proficient in cooking, like, like... ahem, as for Tobiichi Origami.

She was so jealous.

Because Origami's younger sister is too jealous, and she is always thinking about destroying all rivals in love, Yashenyue can only watch from a distance and not dare to play molesting now.

If he became a boyfriend and girlfriend with her, she would definitely avenge her private revenge and fire the rocket launcher at the cute elves who were standing with him.

"Is something on my face?"

However, even if he does not take the initiative to provoke the great origami master, it does not mean that the origami master will let him go so easily.

After entering the classroom, Tobiichi Origami, the most beautiful girl in her age group, never left Yagami's sight.

The calm eyes have been staring at Ye Shenyue.

"What's the relationship between you and Mr. Zhuhui Gangfeng's name?"

Origami's face didn't change in any way, her thin lips were slightly open, Okafeng Zhuhui was Teacher Xiaozhu's official name.

As if deliberately, Origami just read out the teacher's full name, as if to make the relationship with the teacher very intimate.Well, to be more precise, it was a bit hostile.

You are a student now, so you have to give the teacher some face, okay?How can I call the teacher by his first name?

Although Ye Shenyue wanted to complain in her heart, she couldn't say anything to Origami's calm face, and it felt like she had seen through everything.

"Xiaozhu is the object of my marriage."

Let Origami get out of the way first.

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