"Married? You're not of legal age."

Origami's expression changed slightly, but it returned to her natural state, still Sanwu's expression.It's just that his eyes were originally looking at Ye Shenyue's whole body, but now he is looking at Ye Shenyue's eyes, as if to judge whether he is lying.

"What you need now is a girlfriend. It's too early for marriage or something."

"This... um, in fact, I'll have a girlfriend soon... eh?"

Under the pressure of the origami master step by step, Ye Shenyue was a little nervous. It seems that Origami is also so strong.

"Soon it means not."

"So, Ye Shenyue, go get along with me. If you don't speak, you agree, and if you speak, you agree."

Origami Sanwu's expression was rarely serious, and his azure eyes were threatening.

What's even worse is that Origami didn't know when Origami had grabbed Ye Shenyue's sleeve and seemed unwilling to let go.


Origami, your aura is too powerful!

No one can refuse it at all!

Ye Shenyue really wanted to cover her face.

"Beep beep..."

The siren sounded again.

"Stupid brother, space vibration has appeared, are you ready? Ready to attack!"

Kotori's lively voice came from the carry-on's earphones.

Space vibration means literally, by compressing the air in space, it will make a huge explosive force in an instant. If this space vibration is moved to the ground, it is definitely the power of an atomic bomb.

This is the common ability of elves.This is also the place that humans are most afraid of.

When elves appear, space shocks are generally generated, but the vibrations are also of different sizes. Only when the elves deliberately control them can they produce huge power.

Yato God Tohka, did you really appear?

Yagami looked back, Origami had disappeared, and it seemed that she had gone to besiege Tohka according to their AST unit's instructions.

It was an embarrassing situation.Maybe this way he can stop replying to Origami's tough confession.It's just that Origami will give up?

A girl who can say whether you agree or not, I'm 560 who agree, would let go so easily?

"En! Send it!"

When Ye Shenyue walked to the corner, it was still a blink of an eye. When he opened his eyes, the surrounding scenery changed again, turning into an old classroom.

And at the door of the old classroom, stood a girl dressed in purple as if it was a ceremonial costume.

Purple hair, purple eyes.Purple clothing.

"Are you here to kill me too?"

Appearing again, the girl with fluttering purple hair who was besieged by the AST troops again held the giant sword again and looked at Yagami with no expression on her face.

She doesn't need expressions. She was hunted down as soon as she entered the earth. So far, all the people on earth are bad people, and they don't need expressions for bad people.

"No. I'm here to date you, Tohka Yatokami."

Ye Shenyue showed a smile and reached out to Tohka.

"So bold! Is this arrogant guy really my brother?"

Because of Yagami's dating strategy ability, Kotori just asked her and Reine to watch someone's surveillance images instead of sharing them with everyone.

Only at this time, listening to his brother's declaration, the commander-in-chief of Kotori, who was shaking S rank, also showed a surprised expression on his face.

Brother is too arrogant!

Chapter 0005 Give me the real Tohka!

"Tohka? Yatoshen Tohka? Who are you talking about? And what is a date? Are you really the one who wants to deceive me and then kill me?"

A girl in a handsome purple spiritual outfit, holding a silver giant sword, her eyes that have never changed seem to have become more serious, and she pointed the sword in her hand at Yashenyue's white neck without any hesitation. As long as the sharp blade slid gently, the blood flowed to the scene immediately.

Not only is it unsightly but also painful. When a sword is cut, it must be painful to die at the moment of being cut.

Ordinary people must have weak legs at this moment, but Ye Shenyue is not.Was pierced by Jingzi.

Death was nothing to him, and the pain of death was nothing to fear.

What really scares him is that if Tohka really does this and kills someone, then he is a sinner.

Yato God Tohka, this is a girl who is spotless like a piece of white paper, her hands are clean and pure, not stained with blood that cannot be wiped off.Just like Kyoko, stained with innocent blood.

It's not to highlight her righteousness, it's not contrived, it's real, Ye Shenyue seems to understand a little bit of what it's like to save.

He, Ye Shenyue wanted to save her, save the girl in front of him, the girl in purple spiritual costume in front of him.

"Tohka, it's your name. Yato God is your surname, your name is Yato God Tohka, it's my name!"

As if there was no long sword on his neck, ignoring the scene where blood would flow out if the other party was inadvertent, Ye Shenyue raised her head and looked at the girl's night hair and crystal-like eyes with incredible colors.

There was a firmness in his eyes that could not be rejected, just saying that, like a king, he announced the other party's name, and she was not allowed to refuse!

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