The classrooms are riddled with holes, and the roofs have flown away and become bare.

This is fighting!

In the middle of it, and he, Ye Shenyue, what should he do?

is blocking?still……

Go to a safe place to watch?Wait until they beat you to the death and play when the heat is in full swing?


This was Origami's missile, which landed on Tohka's body, but Tohka cut the missile abruptly.The powerful missile exploded in mid-air, making a huge roar.

The two have already started fighting.

"That's it, Tohka, I look forward to tomorrow!"

Ye Shenyue still chose to retreat. When a woman is fighting, it must be the worst when a man appears, because once it appears, it must be the pond fish that has been affected.

For example, as it is now.


Origami watched Yagami raise her feet and wanted to leave, and immediately fell to the ground on her side, as if she had been slashed by Tohka.

Origami was lying on his stomach softly, and he was lying on his stomach, but one hand grabbed the leg of Ye Shenyue's trousers.

"No strength, take me away."

Origami's voice was flat, but his face remained the same. He was very serious, and he was serious and didn't let people feel rejected.This is her characteristic expression.Origami emoji.

reason?Still ignore it?To bring or not to bring?

What an esoteric question, much more esoteric than Tohka's date.

The current Tohka jumped into the air when Origami fired a cannonball, and was intercepted by Origami's teammates in midair, so now only Yagami and Origami are on the ground.

If Origami stayed with the mentality of protecting him, that's fine.But now...

Master Origami, can you act a little less clearly?

It's just that I was not injured in casual clothes, but how could you be injured in armor called high defense?And it's still the shreds of the bullets chopped by Tohka?

You must know that the debris is really far away from us, almost 10 meters away. How can you shuttle back and forth in a second to intentionally get scratched by bullets?

Too fake!

Even Hollywood doesn't hide it like you do!

Ye Shenyue was full of complaints, but Origami remained motionless, dragging him seriously and not letting him go.Don't let him refuse to "take me away."

At this moment, Ye Shenyue really felt entangled.

ps: Ask for flowers for comments and evaluations.Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 07 Why Origami Loves to Sell Cute?

Anxiety is that when your heart is more and more empty, something will come.

Kagami Tohka is methodically resisting AST's missile attack, defending and attacking with her silver giant Shoshan, recovering the indifferent Valkyrie again.Purple armor and dress, fresh pink petal-shaped chest pads.

Tohka and AST were fighting without pressure at all, and now they are both in the dominant position and counterattacking, as if they were playing them.

Yes, it is indeed playing.In the process of being chased and killed, Tohka was very low-key. She didn't do anything wrong at all, she didn't feel sorry for anyone, and she didn't kill anyone, but why was she being hunted down?

Being hunted down indiscriminately?

But now, it's different now, she has a purpose, someone accepts her, invites her to eat (date?

Right now, Tohka is looking forward to tomorrow in her heart. When a person is in a good mood, her actions will be manifested in a similar way.These AST members don't seem to be so nasty today, they can make her happy.

Yato God Tohka, who is a little taller, actually showed a smile, and this smile destroyed her image of the indifferent Valkyrie. This was a sincere smile.

Yato God Tohka, known as pRIncess's Tohka's smile.

The smile that comes from the heart makes people feel like a spring breeze, but she is a beautiful girl who seems to have come out of the painting, which made one of the AST team members who attacked her stunned.

"Idiot, where are you looking! You have to be more serious when fighting people! I can't wait, I really want to hurry up to tomorrow!"

Tohka, who was still reluctant to treat the AST members with indifference at first, has completely dissipated the indifference on her face, leaving behind excitement and impatience for the members suddenly not attacking her.

It's best to beat all these guys down today, and then...they won't be able to stop them tomorrow.

Yatoshen Tohka held up her slaughter, and was invincible.

The change in her attitude and the initiative to speak made the AST team members even more surprised. How did this pRIncess suddenly change her temper? How should I put it? It seems that it is more human than a terrible spirit that can destroy human beings.

"Bastard! Don't be fooled by the other party's SEYou! Everyone cheers me up, what's wrong with Origami, why are you suddenly slack?"

pRIncess had a puzzled look on his face, and it was really strange that the most active confidant against the elves would be absent when pRIncess was showing his power.

It's just that Liaozi, who is the captain, is still very discerning. She can see that today's pRIncess is a little different. Not to mention the changes in her attitude and form, it is her purpose, which makes people a little worried.

pRIncess has never made a deadly attack, but this time, it has to hurt people before giving up!

What does she want to do?

Captain Liaozi under the sun is tangled, but what about the confidant who she is very concerned about at this moment?

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