Yuan Yi Origami, Yuan Yi Jun Cao.

Lord Origami was holding on to Yagami's trouser legs. Yagami was sure that if he really decided to leave, Origami's grip on his trouser legs would definitely increase again, and then he would pull off his trouser legs.

Origami, do you need that much effort?

Just don't let anyone leave!

Seeing that Tohka was in good condition and there was no danger, as if she was playing, Yagami lowered her head, bent down, and stretched out her hand to Origami, asking her to grab his palm and stand up.

"Then... let's go."

Ye Shenyue said so, she stretched out her hand, and Tobiichi Origami also stretched out her hand. Just when the slender hand was about to fall into the palm of Ye Shenyue, Origami suddenly pulled away, a little reluctant to give up. Painfully pulled away.

"I can't move."

Origami raised her head, her hands stopped in mid-air, her face expressionless but she made the appearance of a weak woman.

You liar!

You can still reach out just now, right?

Yagami's eyes widened, but Origami repeated again.

"I can't move."

Holding this position, Origami did not move.


Coincidentally, at this moment, an AST team member threw a missile at Tohka, but the missile was cut open by Tohka directly with Shoushan Gong, and the two-half missile exploded in mid-air, sharply. The fragments flew in the direction of Yagami and Origami.

If hit by this missile, it must be the result of disability.

Origami's eyes moved, and the arm that he said could not move, the arm that was frozen in mid-air, quickly twisted and grabbed the high-powered gun that was still on the ground and shot directly.

The sharp, high-speed bullets blasted the indecent shrapnel without any deviation, and also produced a small explosion in the air.

The whole action is completed in one go, and the reaction nerve tells the development.How could it be possible for a wounded person to be sensitive and agile?

But Origami still turned around with a blushing face and a heartbeat, and said "I can't move, I'm hurt" to Yagami.

Origami, you really are deceiving ghosts!

The acting is too high!

Ye Shenyue's heart was full of spit, and Origami's hand was still raised, meaning it was obvious, not to take the initiative to hold her, but to take the initiative to hold her.

It's just that Origami deliberately didn't shake hands just for a handshake of Yagami's initiative?

No, absolutely not!

Ye Shenyue was already guarding her in her heart.

Sure enough, when Yagami was holding Origami's arm, Origami spoke again.

"Hold my waist, I can't straighten up."

Where is it not straight up?

You have nothing at all!

Ye Shenyue doesn't believe her anymore.He didn't move, and Origami continued to repeat her words "hold her" "Okay..."

Ye Shenyue is determined not to get close to Origami first, otherwise if their relationship reaches a certain level, Origami will definitely be hostile and kill all the elves.

Her jealousy was not good.

At least 10 times higher than Feiju, and [-] times higher than You.

"I just sprained my foot and can't walk."

Ye Shenyue finally put her hand on her waist, but it was a gentleman, but she didn't feel like she was enjoying it when she pressed it...

Origami wouldn't stop him from touching her.

Ye Shenyue has this confidence, but he is afraid that if he does too much, she will secretly call herself her girlfriend, and then start a series of things that destroy his "friendly" relationship with the elves.

He remembered clearly, Origami's move just now, the move to separate him and Tohka as soon as it appeared.

If your AST is to deal with elves, as long as you get rid of elves, that's fine, but you've been hovering in the sky for so long to suddenly insert ~ into the middle of him and Tohka, and force them to separate!

You are so jealous that you can't bear it.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue has become very gentleman, very gentleman, and she doesn't even have a good feeling about the delicate waist of origami, she is really a gentleman.

Keeping the distance so deliberately made Origami Juncao frown. She grabbed Ye Shenyue's palm and held the palm of her waist, "I can't even walk now, I have to carry it!"

No matter what the back is, there will be problems with one back!

Ye Shenyue shook her head, "Our relationship is still just friends. Carrying something back is something only boyfriends and girlfriends can do. I'd better support you."

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Uh... ah?"

He couldn't remember when he promised her.

He hadn't thought about being restricted by Origami so early. Although it was common for her to spy on something, but as long as she wasn't a boyfriend or girlfriend, she didn't have the right to stop him and Tohka and Yoshino. relation.

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