"We are boyfriend and girlfriend."

Origami repeated again, the expression on his face was firm, as if he was taking a solemn oath.


When is this going to happen?

"When I asked you, you agreed to me if you didn't refuse. So, we are already boyfriend and girlfriend."

On the principle of "becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend", Origami-sama still talked about 4.6 in great detail, trying to make Yagami Yue recall it.

Yes, Origami had mentioned to him about dating him.Proposed just 2 hours ago.

"So, Ye Shenyue, go get along with me. If you don't speak, you agree, and if you speak, you agree."

This is Origami's original words, but how to listen to these original words and how to get confused, where are you asking for his opinion?It's just forced coercion!

No matter what you say or not, it is a promise, so he has other options?

"carried me!"

This is a tone that cannot be denied.

Origami didn't give Yashenyue more time to think about how to reject her, but was determined to make raw rice and cooked rice, while talking, she grabbed Yashenyue's left shoulder, and her entire slender body was already pressed. Going up, Ye Shenyue must carry her on her back.

"This... forget it... eh..."

Ye Shenyue was defeated in the end. He was defeated by Origami. When holding down his waist, he could restrain himself and try to look like a gentleman, but now, Origami's slender body is directly on him. , ps: The first watch without integrity, today's third watch, continue to ask for subscriptions, flowers, and rewards.

Chapter 0008

"Call me Origami, don't call me by my last name again."

Origami pressed Yagami's back tightly, speaking on his back, his tone was still firm and serious, "In exchange, I'll call you Yue, too."

Origami's face was attached to Ye Shenyue's back, which made Ye Shenyue a little more exciting.

People pursue equivalent exchange, but Origami, don't you think you're unfair?

It's the same name, why did he simplify his name to Yue again?

Isn't that a title that only his women can call?

They are calling each other by name, so they should be called Ye Shenyue.

He now has the surname of Wuhe.

"Can't you be called Ye Shenyue?"

Ye Shenyue asked one more question.

"No! It must be Yue, except for the surname, your name is Yue!"

Origami is a no-brainer. "The name Ye Shenyue is for pRIncess... No, that shameless vixen who seduces other people's boyfriends can't even call Ye Shenyue three words, he can only call you Wuhe. It must be like this."

Origami suddenly gritted her teeth.

The small fist clenched tightly, and gave Tohka a hard look at the still fighting.

Really jealous!

If she could, Ye Shenyue would definitely leave Origami behind and leave quickly, just because of a question of her name, she would be jealous. I'm not sure if she really became boyfriend and girlfriend, she would even talk to him and girls. I ate all the vinegar.


Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that Origami's momentum was too strong, he seemed to have become insignificant, and it was necessary to improve his sense of existence.

"The dating thing pRIncess said was fake, right? It's fake, right?"

It was a giant rhetorical question, but she was abruptly said it as a positive sentence, Origami paused and continued, "Elves are all goblins and are very good at deceiving men, you must be careful, don't be deceived by her, she must be right. You have other plans."

Origami is instilling bad words with Tohka.The ability to speak words that are absolutely false with words that seem to be the truth is truly extraordinary.

I'm afraid you are the one who has other plans for me!

Ye Shenyue just wanted to complain, but a strong feeling came from his ears, which made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Give up dating her."

Origami was very satisfied with Ye Shenyue's trembling, she turned her face away slightly, and said to Ye Shenyue.

"No...it's an appointment...uh..."

Stimulating him, forcing him to give up dating.

"No...no way..."

Only this one doesn't work...

Only on a date can you conquer Tohka!

The masculinity of the man rises!

Ye Shenyue insisted that he would not be attacked so easily by Origami. When he bowed his head to Origami, there was only a small tree, but if he looked into the distance, it was a large forest.He is a man with the goal of building a harem of three thousand, how could he be defeated so easily?

Ye Shenyue held on!


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