Origami snorted softly, she wouldn't give up so easily.


Ye Shenyue felt a coolness on her back, and the soft skin was directly attached to it, as if the skin was in direct contact without any obstruction.

He was no stranger to this feeling, and the feeling of drinking Feiju with You and the others was full.

But now, Origami isn't still wearing... um, she took off her preparations!

Unscientific, Origami classmate!

"Drip drip!"

At this moment, when Yagami was about to throw away such a noble quality as a gentleman, the message of Origami came.

Unlike a mobile phone, this is a special communication device equipped when using the armor.

It was this sudden voice that calmed Ye Shenyue, what happened to him just now?

Almost lost to Origami.Now it's broad daylight here, if it's true, it will definitely be greatly despised by Kotori who is watching him.

Even if he didn't play the violin, if he really did origami, it would be cooked from raw rice, and no matter what, he would be stared at by jealous origami.

So his dream of three thousand in the harem was not aborted?

Ye Shenyue quickly woke up.

It's almost a wrong step for eternity.Giving up an entire forest for a single tree was not what he wanted.

Ye Shenyue was reining in the precipice, but Tobiichi Origami, Tobiichi Jun Cao cut a sound, and directly pressed the end button of the pager.As if nothing happened.

Origami, that's your captain calling you!How can I turn it off directly?

Public and private must be divided!

Yagami looked at Origami, who had directly turned off the reinforcement message from Ryoko Hibuka, in a stunned manner.

"Don't date her!"

Origami is still repeating.Seems like that's what really matters.

"DiDi...Origami, hurry up and support!"

But soon, the captain sent another message in less than 3 seconds. The first time Origami hung up the pager before the other party spoke. It was her fault.

Although public and private public and private tend to be private, but now I have to deal with "public affairs" no matter what, "Don't date her!"

Origami was still repeating, but he put the armor back on, stood in front of Ye Shenyue, stared at him solemnly, and finally left reluctantly.

It was heading towards the place where about two-thirds of the AST members had been blown away by Tohka.

"It would be nice if Tohka were gentler."

Ye Shenyue watched Tohka beat the AST members with lingering fears. It seemed that she was determined to kill these AST members who looked very seductive.

They are really eye-catching, all of them are beautiful girls, and under the leadership of the 27-year-old captain Hibuka Liaozi, they are still very well-behaved.

Shaking his head, he pulled his sleeves, and on the sleeves lay quietly his white style, still not participating, let them have a good time.

Ye Shenyue left the place that seemed like a farce and went home.

But when he got home, he saw his sister wearing a mighty crimson military uniform, sitting on a chair with one beautiful leg on the other, looking at him as if to interrogate him, and knocking on the table.

"Ya Shenyue, what is the relationship between you and Tobiichi Origami? Saving the spirit is the first priority. How can you hook up with other women? And...and...still like that...just?

Chapter 0009 Lollipop in piano. Lollipop


Yes, in the end Commander Wuhe Kotori used this word to describe him.

Yagami won't know that Kotori-sama is watching the monitor that only she can see in her commander's seat, because Yagami showed her the ability to defeat the cute 29-year-old teacher Zhuo, so she will The synergy of the other team members was removed, and only she and Murasame Reine analyst came to watch his progress.

It's just that Murasame just went to get coffee at that time, and didn't see the little affair between him and Origami, only she saw it, so she wouldn't... not be so nervous, don't help him shame!

Really, it made her blush too.That Tobiichi Origami really couldn't tell, but there was a sullen heart hidden under his calm and beautiful appearance.

Although she was the only one who saw the picture, but because she saw it, she was not calm.

The blushing Lord Commander knocked on the table, as if to conceal some restlessness in his heart.

"This one……"

He is innocent, okay? He is the one who was tempted~!

But what to say... In the end, it seems that he himself fell.

"That... Kotori, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Ye Shenyue pushed away the chair and sat opposite Qin Li, trying her best to appear calm, "Your brother is also a teenager, and he is full of vigor, so he will have some normal behaviors. You have to understand, just accuse My brother is not a qualified sister!"

Ye Shenyue also banged on the table like Kotori's movements, and she was so imposing that she actually surpassed Commander Kotori.

"No... not qualified..."

Commander Wuhe opened his eyes wide, his eyes drifted a little, and he didn't dare to look at Ye Shenyue very much.

The reaction was like that of the innocent and weak sister in the morning.

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