The only difference is that now the younger sister is wearing a domineering military uniform and a black headband.

Although Kotori has a commander mode, she and the ordinary weak sister are only different in personality, and the memory and so on are still shared.

In fact, they are still alone.

The title of unqualified younger sister, which was given by Ye Shenyue, was also shared.

"Well, a sister who criticizes her brother like this is not a good sister! A real good sister is like this..."

Ye Shenyue's hand suddenly stretched out and directly grabbed the black hairband in Qin Li.

" want to..."

In the end, Kotori's reaction was still a step too late, Ye Shenyue had already pulled off her black hairband and put it on her hand, picked up the black hairband and shook it in front of Kotori.

"Quick... give it back to me... or else I'll become that weak me again..."

Even Kotori in commander mode is a little nervous to ask Yagami, if she returns to her weak state, I'm afraid... I'm afraid she won't even be able to ask questions! My sister-chan climbed onto the table and was almost completely Standing on the table, he was about to grab the black ribbon from Yagami Yue's hand.

It's just that Ye Shenyue, a guy with bad taste, is full of bad taste, and he carries out his bad taste to the end.

"Want?" Ye Shenyue deliberately lifted the ribbon out of Kotori's reach, and Kotori nodded vigorously, she needs the ribbon too much now.

"Then let's eat the lollipop. Show me the lollipop. If I'm satisfied, I'll give you the ribbon back!"

Ye Shenyue shook the black ribbon in front of Wuheqin.The other hand was pointing at her delicate cherry lips.

What he meant was self-evident.

Qin Li's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Uh... Ernie-chan, you pervert!"

Qin Li's blushing was almost ripe, "What's so good about eating lollipops, hurry up and get lollipops... er, wrong, hurry up and return the ribbons to me!"

"Lollipop. Lollipop... Lollipop. Lollipop..."

Ye Shenyue did not give up.

Still place the ribbon out of reach of the piano.

It was all origami, which made his animal blood boil for a while, and he actually said that to Kotori when the blood was running around, and he felt that he himself had become a lot perverted.But, looking at Kotori eating a lollipop, he always thought... so cute, I really want to see it!

Now that you've changed, let's change.

"Well...really, I can't take it anymore, only...only once, you must give the lollipop... er, wrong, return the ribbon to me!"

Kotori became bold and strong by relying on the black ribbon. Although this ribbon has no magical effect, it is very important to her and can make her stronger.

This is the ribbon that belongs to her Wuhe Qinli.

Because the person who gave her this ribbon was...


Ye Shenyue nodded, since Qin Li had agreed, her reputation was also very prudent.So Ye Shenyue doesn't have to look at the ribbon closely.

He put the ribbon on the table, rested his chin with one hand, and stared at Kotori, whose face was flushed.

Really cute sister.Dark red slender ponytail, dazzling eyes like fire, and cute and handsome red military uniform.

Such a domineering sister is really, really, I want to bully her so much!

So, then bully her.

Under Ye Shenyue's gaze, Kotori slowly pulled out a red lollipop from the jacket pocket of her red military uniform.

The lollipop Shanghai is wrapped in brightly colored packaging, and the violin is gently shaking to remove the packaging a little bit. It is obviously a very skilled and familiar movement, but under the gaze of Ye Shenyue, she... trembling.

Actually nervous.

But Kotori's eyes fell on the black ribbon on the table, she made up her mind secretly, and continued to tear open the package.

For... why is his heartbeat so fast when he is staring at it!

Kotori-sama was really nervous.

Finally, in the blush of crimson, Kotori moved the lollipop that had been pushed away slowly and approached the small mouth.

He moved slowly and his face was red.It's like doing something shy.

And Ye Shenyue's spirit was also concentrated, staring at Kotori, at her cute little lips and pale pink lollipop.

The lollipop was close, really close, but Kotori's face turned red.

"No...don't stare! You'll be embarrassed!"

The lollipop was about to touch her lips, but Kotori suddenly pulled it away.

blushing.Very awkward, very awkward.

"That's good... um..."

Ye Shenyue just took a step back, but Kotori suddenly put the lollipop into her small mouth at an extremely fast speed, making him miss this scene!

what a shame!

It's such a pity to see my sister sticking out her tongue and licking her head ~ licking a lollipop!

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