"Oni-chan, you big bastard!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue's voice, Wuhe Qinli finally burst out. At this time, I don't know whether it is the commander mode or the sister mode, or whether the two modes are fully developed.

In Wuheqin, there was a deep feeling of being played in her heart.

But when he opened the door, Ye Shenyue had already left, he really is a bad brother!

Holding the black ribbon that fell on the ground tightly, Commander Wuhe's heart was tightly...

"Qinli Zao, why is she wearing black eye circles like Miss Lingyin?"

Early the next morning, Ye Shenyue saw Qin Li in military uniform looking at him with an unhappy expression, as if she couldn't sleep last night.

Her own little joke really caused her a lot of trouble?

What a poor sister.

"It's not... it's not you! The bastard Ernie!"

Kotori sat on the table, waiting for Ye Shenyue to bring the cow's milk, and took a sip unhappily, "I'm going on a date with pRIncess today."

"Well, but your dating city needs support. Tohka is a snack. It requires a lot of budget."

"Is it Tohka?"

Sure enough, it was Yue who named pRIncess.

"Of course no problem, we Ratatosk were established to support you in saving the elves."

Lord Commander Wuhe nodded, what to eat is trivial, anyway, the accounts are not under her control.

"Then I'll go out first, my lovely sister, I'm going to be a qualified commander today~~" Ye Shenyue came over and touched Qin Li's head, it was soft and really comfortable.

"Well, to be successful, Ernie-chan... um... not good, the pattern has changed again!"

Kotori was depressed for a moment, even if she was wearing a black ribbon now, she would still be affected by Ye Shenyue touching her head.He actually called out Ernie-chan again.

She is Wuhe Qinli, Ye Shenyue's righteous sister.

Has a black and white ribbon.

The one who wears the black ribbon is the weak younger sister, who calls Ye Shenyue "Oni Sauce". The innocent side can be cute and close to the elder brother, while the domineering and handsome side can keep a distance and avoid contact as a younger sister.

In commander mode, she likes to call Ye Shenyue "Moon" instead of her brother, and her brother only calls it when he is happy.

But now that she's wearing a black ribbon and a dark red military uniform, she can't help but call out "O'Neill". Is it really because Ouni's charm is too great?

Commander Wuhe took a look, but Ye Shenyue had already changed her clothes and left. Today is Saturday, and there is no class, but Ye Shenyue is not wearing casual clothes but a dark black school uniform.

Is this a date dress?

Kotori frowned and wanted to catch up with her brother, but after thinking about it, it was okay.

Wouldn't it be necessary to kiss the elf if the older brother had the date ruined because of his clothes?

Then didn't my brother only kiss her... only kiss her?

bah bah bah!

Is this something that can be said as the commander-in-chief?

But in the end, Kotori-sama still didn't catch up.

Ps: The first one will be delivered, ask for flowers, ask for comments.

Chapter 0011 Simple and complex appointments (2 more for subscription)

"Has Tohka come yet?"

After leaving home, Ye Shenyue went straight back to the old school building, but in the school building that was about to be razed to the ground, Ye Shenyue did not find any trace of Tohka.

Didn't they all make an appointment, could it be that... Tohka missed the appointment?

No, she is such a pure girl, she will definitely do what she promises, not to mention that there is food as a temptation, it is impossible for Tohka to miss the appointment.

Could it be last night's battle, in which Tohka lost?defeated?

It doesn't make sense, no matter how you look at it, she is more powerful.

"Night God Moon!"

At this moment, a girl who belonged to the girl faintly heard an excited voice from above, and Ye Shenyue looked in the direction of the voice, and there was darkness in front of her.

Night slender hair, clear eyes, and beautiful purple armor and dress.The only difference from yesterday is that today Tohka did not kill the Duke with her exclusive domineering sword. Does she also know that a date with a weapon would be unpleasant?

But Ye Shenyue couldn't have any strange thoughts at the moment, and now he stretched his arms upwards, because this girl who seemed to walk out of the painting and didn't belong to the world fell straight from the sky.

Her voice also came down from the air.

Tohka stretched out her hand to Yagami.It didn't look like it was floating.

You really want him to continue?


Ye Shenyue received it, and received the girl's body falling straight down from the sky.

Tohka's body is very fragrant, just like her name, but the current Ye Shenyue is not when the sense of smell is dominant, but the reason for the dominant hand.

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