Fortunately, he had the experience of standing below and catching his daughter who jumped from above, so it was not difficult to hug Tohka.Although Tohka is taller than one of his arrogant daughters who are only 142 cm tall.But it still works...

But still touching her body, Tohka screamed.


"Then... that... In fact, the feeling just now, the feeling just now was not very bad. On the contrary, it gave people a strange feeling, Ye Shenyue, did I really have a problem?"

Tohka turned her face sideways, as if she was organizing her own words, and it took a long time before she finished speaking.As he spoke, he looked at Ye Shenyue with sincere eyes, and was faintly worried.


What should Ye Shenyue say?Toh Xiangjiang, you are so deceitful, how can you say these words?I will blush too.

Made him blush a little.

"What the hell is this bastard brother explaining! Don't teach the elves badly."

Commander Kotori, who was sitting in the airship, looked at the monitor and pouted, "And why does he know her specific model? Sure enough, he attacked her at night while she was sleeping! Brother Lust!"

"Yue is right, girls should really protect their important parts..."

Miss Reine, who came over with coffee, took a sip of coffee and praised it while looking at the screen on the monitor.

"Such an explanation will definitely spoil the child... um, Reine, what did you say? Yue?"

Qin Li wouldn't nod her head, but she remembered that Ye Shenyue said she only had A, and she had been working hard all these years...

Kotori quickly realized that Lingyin had only met Ye Shenyue once?Why... called him Yue directly?

This dubious title.

"What's wrong? It's normal to call Yueyue..."

The analyst, Reine Murasame, turned his face slightly, as if he didn't quite understand what her commander-in-chief said... The latter sentence was called out again without any waves.

"Don't try to fool the past, you must have something to do with it!"

Kotori has already stood up from her seat, and now the entire crew of the ship has been dispatched by her to prepare for the date city, so now this ship has only her bare commander Wuhe Kotori and an analyst, Muramura Reine-chan .

When the Commander asked questions, he didn't need any cover, "Relationship? Can't say."

The analyst turned around and pinched the scarred bear in his jacket pocket, still expressionless and tight-lipped.

No matter how hard Kotori asks or even lures her, she just doesn't say anything.

Keep your mouth shut!

"Cut! It sure looks suspicious!"

Wuhe Qinli is not a vegetarian after living together for all these years. Of course, he understands that Lingyin is speechless and can only find another party.

Therefore, Lord Qin Li put all the blame on Ye Shenyue. Her brother seems to have kept a lot of things from her over the years.

And now, Ye Shenyue, finally resisted her cheekiness, and proposed today's theme "Date" to Tohka.

"Date? Where's the food?"

Tohka looked around, as if delicious and fragrant food was right in front of her.

If another foodie did this, Ye Shenyue would definitely be kicked away in the future, but Tohka's expression was sincere, pure and beautiful, and she couldn't get angry.

She is so cute.

"I'll take you there soon, but Tohka, you have to change this outfit of divine power. Well, use your abilities to transform another outfit. Now this outfit is too ostentatious, and it's like this outfit on mine. That's alright, it looks like a couple's outfit... Wait, you can't be exactly the same as mine, girls still look better in skirts."

Ye Shenyue looked at Tohka, who had already obeyed his instructions and began to prepare to change clothes, and immediately grabbed her arm to stop her.

" there a template or something? I don't know what kind of dress to go with."

Tohka pouted a little face, she didn't like pants either, and it felt cooler to wear a skirt, just like her spiritual outfit now.

"Template? Hmm... I remember there seems to be..."

Ye Shenyue tried to get a picture into his pocket, he remembered that Origami seemed to have stuffed a picture into his pocket, saying that they were both boyfriend and girlfriend, and it was too unqualified to not have a picture of a girlfriend. I don't know if those people damaged the photo after sending it to the dry cleaners.

Well...these photos are...

Ye Shenyue remembered that he only had one photo and he was still wearing Origami's school uniform... um, why now, there are dozens of photos in his pocket, silver shoulder-length hair, like a beautiful doll-like expression Girl, this...why is all this origami!

Ye Shenyue turned around abruptly, and there was still no one around, but he still felt like he was being watched.

Yes, he was under Kotori's watch, but he always felt that someone else was watching him.

Tobiichi Origami!

It must be origami!Origami must be watching him!Origami must have slipped into the laundry and stuffed these pictures into his clothes!

"Is it this costume? Why is it all the same girl? And this girl... It's really uncomfortable!"

However, Tohka took all the photos from Ye Shenyue's hand, folded them neatly, and tore the photos in half, "Anyway, as long as it's a costume like this..."

After all, Tohka exuded a lavender radiance, the divine mighty costume on her body slowly disappeared, and she put on a cute dark black school uniform, a pure white shirt lining her body, and a snow-white temptation when she was approaching her knees. ~ Confused pleated skirt.It's really beautiful.

"Ye Shenyue, according to what you said, I also put on the underwear you just's a little tight~~" Tohka pulled the collar to show her discomfort, but she didn't know In Ye Shenyue's eyes, how tempting is this small gesture.

"This... ahem... Kotori, is the date town ready?"

Ye Shenyue diverted her attention to talking to Kotori through her earphones. Tohka was so pure that it really choked him.

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