If it was the two of them on a date, then maybe they could bring him here, but well, with pRIncess now, not!

Origami is ready. As soon as they step in, they will attack immediately. Because Yagami healed her wound, the current Origami military officer can attack at any time.

"Yue, is this a hotel? As long as you go in, you can do things that make you happy too?"

Because Yoshino had already left, the rain had completely stopped, and it was good weather again, and sweat was dripping from the forehead of the magnificent "HOTEL" Yagami in front of her.

"2000 for an hour and 8000 for a night." Such extra-large words are completely tempting ~ lure people to commit crimes!Especially when I was at the door, I introduced all kinds of equipment in the room, which made me want to go in and have a good time, but now.Facing Tohka's innocent face, Ye Shenyue couldn't do anything.

Especially when she said to you "you will be happy doing this" with a simple and joyful look on her face, it really makes you want to turn into a wolf!

"There is an abnormal situation, Tobiichi Origami raised the rifle to deal with the elves, as long as you step into the hotel, you will be shot, please change direction to an open place, when we stop Tobiichi Origami, it is you. If you don't use magic to restore her health, she won't have the ability to attack and interfere, hurry up and take the last step and bring pRIncess to a beautiful place to end the date kiss!"

The only person who can say "kiss" is Wuhe Kotori-sama. The great Kotori-sama is watching and complaining at the same time. She is standing behind a telephone pole that is less than 100 meters away. But it is Tobiichi Origami, who is always ready to shoot Tobiichi Origami.

"Uh... That Tohka, forget it. It's still too early to do this kind of loving thing. I'll take you to another place."

After getting Kotori's "informer" Yashinyuki, she could only give up the very tempting H idea for a while, and stopped Tohka and quickly left Origami's range. It's time to treat Origami so early. I didn't expect Origami to take out an offensive weapon just like this. If it's a fait accompli, wouldn't she have to kill the two of them directly?

He just couldn't bear to see her hurt.What a tangled one?

"Huh?...It's so beautiful..."

Ye Shenyue's speed is very fast, and Tohka is an elf's speed is not a problem at all, so Ye Shenyue soon reached the destination.

A beautiful gentle and brilliant sunset, a warm sunset that pulls people's shadows to the ground.

The dark green fresh trees and the city can be seen from the high highway.

"Good...so beautiful..."

Tohka sighed again. Every time she appeared, the place where she destroyed the ground and landed on the ground was terrible. It couldn't be worse. As soon as she appeared, she had to fight with the AST members. ?

Holding Ye Shenyue's hand tightly, Tohka was relieved and happy.

"As long as you are willing to stay, you can see the scenery here every day..."

For the first time, Ye Shenyue stroked Tohka's night hair, which was smooth and comfortable.

"But... can... can you really stay here?"

Tohka showed a longing look, as if she was seeking the opinion of the other party, as long as Yashenyue nodded, she would make a decision!

"of course."

Ye Shenyue smiled. Tohka really likes the life here. Although the price of raising is a bit expensive, she is worth the price.

"But...but...but I can't do a lot...and I don't know how to survive..."

It's just that Tohka still showed a worried look. She was just an elf, and she fell into this magical world, like a child who didn't understand anything.

"I can help you, you have me by your side! I will teach you everything, I will teach you everything, such as now..."

"ten spices!"

Ye Shenyue suddenly pressed Tohka's shoulder.His lips came closer and closer.

On the other hand, Tohka opened her eyes wide, and her big eyes flickered, but there was no obstruction at all.

She just let Ye Shenyue's lips slowly approach her soft lips.

10cm, 5cm, 3cm!

The distance is getting closer, is it going to be posted?


Just when Yagami's lips were about to touch Tohka's soft lips, Tobiichi Origami, who couldn't hold it any longer, finally fired, but this shot was hidden by Yagami, who was holding Tohka's little hand. opened.Dodged with Tohka.

"The thief, kill without mercy!"

Flying out of the dense forest, Tobiichi Origami-san, who had already put on the AST-specific equipment specially designed to fight spirits, showed a rare expression again. It was a very unhappy expression.

If it was a second or two later, her "boyfriend" would have been defeated by the elves.

But at this time, Origami said to Ye Shenyue again, "Don't worry, I will soon get rid of the elf's hand.

Chapter 0015

"This... what is this?"

No matter how hard Tohka and Origami struggled, it was useless, Yagami's hand just grabbed them firmly.Can't keep fighting.

"Bai Shi, my body, is a kind of ability."

From the IS world. From some scientist who likes to wear a bunny hood.In this world where every move is a fight, if there is no trick, Yagami is really afraid of being ridden by the girls.

"White style?"

A puzzled look appeared on Tohka's face, and Origami was also serious.

"Uh... it's a kind of equipment that can fight against your attacks. Let's not talk about this, you are not allowed to fight again."

Ye Shenyue used the excuse that it couldn't be worse, but his last sentence ignited the fuse again.



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