Origami and Tohka said in unison, and the two also discovered this, Tohka glared at Origami, "It's so annoying that this guy shows up every time, I want to teach her a lesson."

"Stealing elf, it's my duty to destroy you."

Origami was not discouraged and continued to retort.

The fighting spirit between the two was still very strong.

One wants to teach the other a lesson, and one refuses to accept the other.


Being rejected so mercilessly, Ye Shenyue once again felt the aura of Xiaoshou, "If you still want to fight... then shoot me!"

Ye Shenyue let go of the two of them's hands and stuck straight in the middle of them, expressionless.

It looked like he was going to be angry.

"Shoot at... toward the moon?"

"This is impossible!"

Origami and Tohka looked at each other and shouted loudly.

For Tohka, Ye Shenyue is a very important person to her, the only person who agrees with her, who likes her, who takes her on a date (a dinner party?) Well.

Similarly, for Tobiichi Origami, Ye Shenyue is a very important person to her, someone she tries desperately to push, and she is also her boyfriend, how could she shoot at him?It's simply impossible.

"If you want to start a war, you have to shoot at me first! Otherwise, there is no discussion!"

Ye Shenyue's attitude is also very firm. He can't be forced out. These two girls are inherently potentially antagonistic to each other. If they start a war now, wouldn't it be a disaster?

They got into a fight. Wouldn't he be exhausted if he were to use Guangdu to repair such a large area by himself?

Also, being a man sometimes has to be tough.

"Yue, who is she to you, why are you protecting her!"

Tohka pouted, but she first put away the domineering and domineering Slayer, but she just put away the weapon, and she even asked something that seemed to be very inconsistent with her IQ. .

Sure enough, she is also a potential natural fool?Can be a blockbuster when it really makes sense, like Haruna-chan?

If it's so targeted, it's really hard to see that she can say it.

"I should be asking this question, Yue, why do you want to mix with the elves that are full of disasters? It would be bad if you were bewitched by her."

Tohka had a small face and Origami's eyes widened.

The two girls glared at each other and then grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm.The origami rifle was also thrown on the ground, and it was just abandoned like that. How could anyone shake hands with their lover with a gun in their hands?

It's just that the cost of this grab is not low, right? Is there really no problem in throwing it away?

"Yue, say it!"

"Yue, say it!"

If there is no difference, shout out from two different cute little mouths at the same time, no matter which side you put your face on, it will be a beautiful girl~ The face of a girl, if you change it, you must think it is a supreme beauty, right?

Only now, it's on Ye Shenyue's body.

Whether it was Tohka on the left or Tobiichi Origami on the right, they were both searching and eager, no matter what he said, he couldn't make it round.

"For me, I'm Yue's girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend!"

As if seeing Ye Shenyue's difficulty, the origami master "good at resolving worries" grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm, but there was still white equipment on her arm, so she couldn't touch the skin.

Bad feel.It's just that Origami is still holding on to it, tightly not letting go.

It's just that she "resolves her worries" and returns to her sorrows, does she need to read out the three words "girlfriend" in a tone that is three times stronger than ordinary words?And also read it three times in a row?

Is it deliberately showing off?

Ye Shenyue secretly complained, thinking that Origami still underestimated Tohka!

Just as Yagami thought, Origami's deliberate showing off had no effect, Tohka tilted her head slightly, "What is a girlfriend, can you eat it?"

Girlfriend, it is indeed edible.

Pure as Ye Shenyue of course understands that his girlfriend is to eat, but the mind of the origami master seems to be purer than his.


Origami was first taken aback by Tohka's answer.This is not the same as the reaction of ordinary people!

It's just that Origami quickly changed his words, "Of course you can eat it, whether it's the lips, the bulging breasts, the breasts, or the bottom..."

(manual action is harmonized here) "You are a... a... uncomfortable person!"

Tohka took Yagami Yue from Origami's hand with her strength as an elf. Although she didn't quite understand the meaning of "eat" in Master Origami's words, she watched Origami take Yagami Yue's hand away. When she put it in there, a very uncomfortable feeling rose in her heart.

It felt like my favorite taiyaki was snatched away to be eaten!

"You are also an unpleasant elf! As an elf, if you want to destroy it, just destroy it and then be destroyed. Why do you want to rob me of my moon!"

Origami stared at Tohka in dissatisfaction, but she was still weaker than the elf.She was robbed of her boyfriend in her own hands. As a girlfriend, she was so... a failure!

"That... origami..."

You seem to have said what you shouldn't have said. What does it mean to destroy as a spirit and destroy it and then be destroyed?What are your responsibilities as a member of the AST?How can anyone indulge an elves in order to compete for their boyfriends and even say such things to elves?

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