Could it be said directly, not to mention the junior three and the fifth, it is really a row of nouns, in fact, you are all more than the junior ten!

How can you say such a thing!

Facing the two beautiful faces, Ye Shenyue felt Alexander again.

Ps: Lolita should appear tomorrow, Lolicons, stand up!

Chapter 0017

"Well... Tohka, it doesn't matter, just go check it out with Kotori and the others, and then you can live with us."

The farce was finally over, and Tobiichi Origami also went back, but when she left, the expression on her face seemed a little weird, as if she got something of great value.

Ye Shenyue looked at "Qinli? Well, as long as it's Yue, I'll listen to it, really just... just check it?"

Tohka looked at the majestic Kotori Commander in a red jacket, and showed a look of hope. Who could refuse such expectation and her delicate and impeccable face?

"Well, that's true both in theory and in practice."

The younger sister who had already tied the black ribbon and turned on the commander mode nodded, stepped on the military boots and walked with Tohka's hand, but suddenly turned to look at Yagami.

The eyes seemed to contain a lot of complicated things, such as seriousness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and strange feelings such as depression and jealousy.

Did he do something to his sister?

However, Kotori kept Tohka away with no other information.

Sure enough, she had to steal her black satin ribbon and question her carefully.

Ye Shenyue looked at the commander's back, and secretly calculated in her heart, but Lord Wuhe Qinli, who is not in commander mode, has a lot of self-control. If it is replaced by a sister with a white ribbon, that will only Cute little sister who is cute...hehe, she can't refuse no matter what.

Ye Shenyue patted the dust on her body and went home step by step...

AST Secret Force Base.

"Report! Captain, Cao Touichi's behavior is very strange, I read it... a little scared!"

The Origami Corps returned to the training ground for a rare occasion, the secret base where the AST captured spirits.It's just that today's origami seems to be...a bit anomalous.Yesterday, just yesterday, the elf pRIncessw, known as Calamity, that could wipe out human beings, wounded all the team members who had attacked. This was the worst attack in history.

All face is lost!

"What? Was it badly injured and then collapsed?"

The bald boss, who was beaten by Tohka yesterday, had a thick bandage on his head, the leader of Hibakata Liaozi, who was righteous on his head. Because of the reason why they were almost wiped out, she was scolded desperately by the bald boss, and she was already upset. Full of anger, what happened to Origami?

"'s not like should I put it, the wounds on Tobiichi's body seem to have completely disappeared, it's not because of the's more like a mental...psychological problem... …look……"

His subordinates pointed to the Tobiichi military officer at the moment.

Tobiichi Origami, who was still wearing a bandage on her head in the morning, a bandage on her big leg and even leaning on a cane, is now... wiping her weapon with excitement.

Both the rifle and the long sword were wiped clean and spotless.

Even if it's so clean, it's still wiped... how should I put it, it's like... um, like I'm overexcited.

If you get closer, you can hear her muttering to herself, "Kissed... kissed... kissed..."

"That... origami? Umm... go ahead..."

The captain, who was lost by all the team members and watched deeply by the team members, finally... was defeated, because just when she wanted to touch Origami, Origami suddenly stared at her, just faintly. A quick glance, but Liaozi Hibuka felt that if she disturbed her... then the consequences must be tragic and tragic.

Although she is the captain's boss, but... the consequences seem to be unavoidable.

It seems that the pressure felt at this time is even greater than when facing the bald boss.


The other team members were speechless, but the captain changed his tune immediately after being stared at by Cao Touichi.Where has the power of the captain gone?

"You guys! Hurry up and take care of your weapons like Tobiichi Soldier! If you lose in battle because your weapons are not well maintained, you will be at your own risk!"

How could Liaozi under the sun fail to notice the eyes of the team members?He slammed on the metal wall beside him, and the hard metal wall immediately dented a big deep hole.

If this fist falls on a person... how can it be parried!

The team members who were still whispering... immediately calmed down.ォ丨And the origami master was still wiping her rifle.

There are still words in the mouth.

"Kissed... kissed..."...

"Qinli hasn't come back yet?"

Ye Shenyue returned home, but the room was still black and the lights were not turned on.

Shrugging helplessly, Ye Shenyue directly found a pair of pants and walked towards the bathroom.I've been busy for so long today, and it's time to reward myself well.


Opening the door, Ye Shenyue found that the bathtub had already been filled with water. Could it be that Qin Li would have been so considerate and had come back and filled him with water?

Could this be the meaning of her eyes when she was outside?

Could it be that the information in Kotori's eyes is not the dark side but the loving side now?

Maybe she will do a full service to wipe his back!

Ye Shenyue thought happily, and at the same time, she went into the water with the painstaking efforts to live up to her sister.

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