Just as soon as I got into the water, there were bubbles in the water.

Like someone is holding back water under water?


Is it Qin Li?Kotori finally couldn't help taking that step, didn't she?

Ye Shenyue was a little excited, but there was no other action, because the person hiding in the water at the moment was about to show his face.

Beautiful silver hair, small flat glasses, white and tender skin, bright eyes that are always sleepy, and a little bear with scars in his mouth that seems to never be thrown away no matter what.

(Here, the plot of Lingyin hugging Ye Shenyue from the back is harmonized) "Yue-kun?"

The analyst pushed his eyes and recognized the appearance of the young man in front of him. In the end, thousands of words were turned into "moon" and "uh..."

Just when Ye Shenyue was about to say something, it was astonishing that Murasame Reine actually directly grabbed his key point. "Sure enough, I must have been excited for not doing it for so long~~" Can you not use the bland words? Say it in such a tone!

It's as if I've known you so well that it's already been some kind of relationship.

Ye Shenyue groaned in her heart, but the current Murasame Reine slowly moved her body down, kneeling with her legs upright, as if... as if she was preparing to start a certain harmonious posture.

No way!So open!

Ye Shenyue was stunned, and she was stunned by Murasame Reyin's analysis officer, who seemed to be used to the actions of serving people, too... too familiar!His relationship with her seems to have broken through the N layer long ago!It must be so!It's just that even if he breaks through, he doesn't have to use such a posture as soon as he comes up. He likes a more normal one, really.


Just when Yagami was about to say something, the door was pushed open, revealing the commander who had thrown the crimson jacket aside and was only wearing a shirt.

Lord Commander pushed open the door with one hand and pointed at the two who are now entangled!

"Sure enough, there is adultery! You can't escape this time!"

It seems that the commander Wuhe, who "came to catch a rape", still has the victorious vibe, but when she sees her commander's posture, it seems that she is preparing for some red-faced action, Lord Commander. His face turned red all of a sudden, and he closed the door at a super-fast speed.

After speaking, she blushed and went to the hall to turn on the lights, but when Ye Shenyue and the analyst came out of the bathroom, the redness on Kotori's sister's face did not weaken, but became even stronger. One chip, red, like a cloud of fire.

"That... ahem... I didn't know beforehand that there were other people in the bathroom, let alone Reine."

Ye Shenyue walked out wearing a pair of pants, while Lingyin put on a pure white bathrobe. She should be exposed. There are no other outsiders now, so it doesn't matter.

However, Ye Shenyue knew that the analyst at the moment was not wearing anything under the bathrobe, because she put it on in front of him without any scruples, and... in fact, she also put on his pants by herself. of.

The relationship between the two seems to be even closer than a husband and wife.


As soon as the commander saw Lingyin's bathrobe, he remembered what he saw in the bathroom just now, but when he saw his bastard brother's indifferent expression as if nothing had happened, he was immediately angry, Wuhe. The commander was daring from his heart, and he just suppressed his shyness.

"Ye Shenyue! Do you think you are hiding a lot of things from your dear and lovely sister? Be frank and lenient, tell everything, and... and your relationship with Lingyin, this is the key point!"

As soon as the commander took a bite on the lollipop, courage or something came up immediately.

Knocking hard on the table was like emboldening myself.

"Well... I didn't want to hide it from you. As a big brother, your big brother has a lot of abilities..."

Ye Shenyue didn't hide it, she slowly revealed her abilities, but never mentioned that she just came to this world to gain power.Some things should be said for more convenient use, and some things should not be said, it is to avoid the girl getting angry, for example, if his sister Kotori-sama knows that he has collected girls from several worlds, it is still uncertain. What will this girl do.

So Ye Shenyue continued to make things up. Anyway, he said that he was an abandoned child. As a child like a fan, he didn't even know the news of his parents, so it was not surprising that he had some strange abilities.

It's just that Lord Commander doesn't seem to care about this. The response to these abilities that Ye Shenyue said was flat. With a crisp "touch", Lord Commander bit the lollipop like a treasure and said the key point of today. , "Have you ever slept with Lingyin!"


Ye Shenyue, who was drinking water, sprayed the boss, and the commander sitting opposite simply stood up because she was excited to know the answer, otherwise the person who was sprayed would definitely be her.

"Well, it's already been done. So, you can call me sister-in-law, Kotori."

What made me want to spit blood even more was that after pinning the bear with a scar on the collar of the bath towel, and pushing up the glasses, the analyst, Reine Murasame, stared at Kotori and said one word at a time.

The attitude on his face was extremely serious, and there was no trace of the usual drowsy look on his face.Today's Murasame Reine analyst seems to be in very good condition.

Ps: One more request for flowers.I found that I like origami, the unscrupulous Sanwu, and covered my face.

Chapter 0018


Now both the commander mode and the sister mode are turned on. The chief analyst who has been regarded by Wuhe Qinli as a friend or a sister suddenly turned into a serf and became his sister-in-law... son?

How can you accept it!

Wuhe Qinli went berserk, and with a fierce bite on the mouth, she directly shattered the treasure-like lollipop. If it was normal, she would definitely feel distressed and couldn't stand it, but now she can't stand it even more. thing.

Oni-chan, who has never even developed a girlfriend in her direction, got hooked on her analyst at some point, and now she has given her an extra sister-in-law who can't be called out no matter what.

Wuhe Qinli, who was the god sister, was angry, completely angry.

He kicked the chair away, and the commander was full of anger, "What kind of sister-in-law... Obviously, it's okay to be a sister... I... I don't call it!"

Wuhe Qinli's eyes turned red as if they were about to burn.

It's just that Ye Shenyue at this moment is... a little stunned.

"Is it okay to be a sister?"

He heard it right, god sister, yes, what Commander Kotori said was god sister, the one who pronounced it in the fourth tone.

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