Kotori, do you really have the spirit of devotion?

Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that all the blood in her body was boiling, as if it was about to burn, even worse than the current Wuheqin.

"Gan (gan)...what are you doing, it's wrong...it's the first 'gan' to do it!"

The commander, who was caught with a language disorder, was like a cat whose feet were stepped on. His eyes were wide open, but he didn't dare to look at Ye Shenyue with those eyes. "Beng" kicked the chair in front of him again." No... don't care! Anyway, sister-in-law or something... I won't admit it!"

Then, with the loud slam of the door, Kotori-sama was stared at by the two and slipped away.

"Kotori is this character... so don't take offense, Lingyin... um... why are you drowsy again?"

Just looking at Kotori, the analyst immediately turned into an appearance that was about to fall asleep, as if nothing had happened just now and Kotori's shyness and anger left.

There was no other way, Ye Shenyue had to pick her up, but when her hand just touched her shoulder, the analyst's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.Clear eyes stared at him, startling him.

"What are you going to do now?"

Ye Shenyue's conscience assured him that he really just wanted to carry her to the bed, how could he do it now standing shaky?It's just that when he was holding it, his hand touched her shoulder, because the bath towel was too wide, so what he grabbed was not the bath towel but her tender jade shoulder, so it looked like he was pulling her. clothing.

This pose will be misunderstood by anyone who changes it.

It's just Murasame Lingyin's analysis officer, you can't misunderstand it so thoroughly, he really doesn't mean that, and he doesn't mean to have sex right now.

"Well...let's cultivate and cultivate feelings..."

Ye Shenyue didn't expect that he would have a day to shirk, obviously he was still struggling with why he didn't sleep with him last night.

"It seems that I have forgotten a lot of things~~" Muramame Reine shook her cute head, and her pink lips opened again, "In other words, I also forgot our..."

"Well... I'm so sleepy, let me sleep, I haven't slept for more than ten years..."

The analyst's thoughts were beating very fast, but when Ye Shenyue wanted to find out what the complete words "used to us" were, Lingyin grabbed Ye Shenyue's neck and leaned against her, her delicate lips unguarded. directly on his neck.


really fell asleep?Go to sleep?Ye Shenyue shook her a few times, but Murasame Lingyin didn't move, her whole body was stuffed into his chest, if he let go, he would definitely fall to the ground.

Who told us to be a good man with pity for fragrance and jade?

"Lingyin...you can do what you say..."

Ye Shenyue lowered her head and leaned close to Lingyin's ear, only to give him a tight hug from Lingyin.

She hugged him tightly and pulled his body onto the bed, but she held her tightly as if she would never let go, "This time...don't leave me..."

The voice was muffled, but Ye Shenyue could hear it very close.

Don't leave her?

How could he leave her.

If he guessed correctly, he and Reine should also be connected to something called fetters, so she has been waiting for many years?

Waiting is a very painful thing. Chris, who has waited for him for a hundred years, once said that year after year, every time you wait, you fail and you have to start all over again. It's cruel to drink.

Wine is Chris's favorite, so not giving her it would kill her.

And waiting is more painful than death.

And she, Murasame Reine, was also someone who had been waiting for him for a long time.

According to the memory of the original work, Murasame is a person who doesn't like to express herself and has not been able to sleep for 30 years. Whether it is using sleeping pills or hypnotism, she can only wake up when everyone else is sleeping peacefully. Two days with dark circles under the eyes.And now, only when he came back, just leaning on his shoulder, she could fall asleep and fall asleep with peace of mind.

Has she found a sense of security?

For an insomniac, his presence is stronger than those sleeping pills?

For some reason, all the ashes in Ye Shenyue's heart slowly melted away.

He was also lying on the bed, touching the woman's white face with his palm, grabbed her hand and held it tightly, he is here, don't be afraid that he will leave again.

Ps: We are not really the title.

Chapter 0019 Marriage Agreement? (3 more flowers)

the next day. "Qinli, I'm going to school."

It seems that Commander Kotori still hasn't recovered from the declaration that "god sister is okay" issued yesterday. She didn't dare to show her face until Ye Shenyue went out, and actually made Commander say such extremely shameful words, Kotori. The commander really didn't know how to deal with him.

And Ye Shenyue, on the way to school with her backpack, a familiar sight fell on him again.

Ye Shenyue turned back, and the girl with silver hair and shoulder-length hair who was hiding behind the telephone pole immediately hid. When his eyes were gone, the girl hiding behind the telephone pole immediately came out of her face and continued to watch. At the same time, he shoved a small mouthful of bread into his small mouth.From any angle, it looks like he's watching... oh no, it's like peeking.

Because she didn't mean to hurt Ye Shenyue... "Origami!"

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead, stopped, and finally called out, it's like playing hide and seek what is going on!


Origami's figure quickly flashed out from behind the telephone pole, and without waiting for Yagami to speak, she said a sentence that made Yagami spit endlessly.

"What a coincidence, a chance encounter."

"It's strange to meet by chance! Why do you always follow me!"

Ye Shenyue tapped Origami on the head, and Origami obediently covered her head, showing a pitiful appearance.

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