Well, it is pitiful. The expressionless origami master actually showed an expression like an abandoned puppy. It looked really cute.

"When observing your living habits, these are the first information that your girlfriend needs to master. By the way, let's observe whether there are any suspicious stealing cats."

Origami, holding her head, looked at Yagami with satisfaction for several times, and finally heaved a sigh of relief as if nothing had happened.

It's just, it's just that the last sentence of stealing the cat is the point!

Origami must be wondering if Tohka will follow!

Sure enough, it's a girlfriend.

Ye Shenyue found out that Origami was actually very quiet. If she didn't take the initiative to speak, she wouldn't speak, but her eager eyes didn't fall on him for a moment.

Is he really that good?

Origami's stalking and fanaticism are stronger than the little loli of Shizusui Jiu who likes to follow him. Shizujiu can say that it is her habit and origami?

She didn't follow him once or twice. Every day, she fixed breakfast at the telephone pole and waited for him to appear. She was about to become a professional!

"Classmate Moon!"

At this moment, a figure appeared from the corner, and that was Mr. Zhu with a cute bicycle.

Gangfeng Zhuhui, 29 years old, unmarried, with cute oval flat eyes, petite but very cute, makes people have the urge to take them home and raise them.

Teacher Xiaozhu, who was riding a bicycle, seemed to be looking at Ye Shenyue in surprise with a smile on her face, and couldn't help but scream.The car was riding very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it stopped in front of Yagami and Origami.

With a bright smile, Teacher Xiaozhu waved to Ye Shenyue.

"Xiaozhu...it's even cuter today!"

Ye Shenyue is completely at your fingertips. Teacher Xiaozhu is cute at all times. When her sunny smile shows cute teeth, she is really cute, just like a loli.


Teacher Xiaozhu's face immediately turned red, and her little body was shaking with excitement.

"Of course it's true, Xiaozhu is very cute..."

"Really? Don't think that the teacher is too old? Don't say..."

Master Teacher got out of the car and put his arms around Ye Shenyue's arm. His round eyes were wide open, and he focused on "cough!"

Origami began to cough softly.

At the same time, I stepped on my shoes, trying to attract the attention of the two people who were talking, but the effect was very small. Now Yagami is discussing with the teacher how the takoyaki tasted the night before, and did not notice her at all!

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A more fake and louder cough sounded. Master Origami not only used his voice to remind himself of his existence, but also held down Yagami's hand and used pressure to remind him of his existence.

"Who are you? Tobiichi Origami classmate? Good morning, I didn't notice you just now."

The excited teacher Xiaozhu only reacted at this time, but her lovely big eyes were staring at Origami's hand on Yagami Yue's arm.

Because Origami was still pressing his arm at first, but in less than 2 seconds, he immediately changed the pressing to Lou, and actually pressed Yashenyue's arm against her chest.

If you can ignore her now, Miss Xiaozhu's 29-year-old life experience is nothing!

Are you trying to grab a man from the teacher?

How can there be such a bad student!

"Yuejun is my marriage partner, as long as the time comes, we will get married."

As if to enhance the credibility of the words, Xiaozhu-sensei digs it in her pocket, then digs it in her bag, and finally takes out a neatly folded sheet in Origami's slightly frowning brows. paper.

Okafeng Zhuhui opened the note in front of Origami, "This is a marriage agreement written by Yue himself. As long as he reaches the legal marriage age, we will get married immediately!"

There are indeed two lines of words neatly written on the paper.

"I, Yeshenyue, will marry Gangfeng Zhuhui as soon as the age meets the legal requirements. There is no basis for words and expressions."

"This is real?"

Origami's pupils shrank suddenly, ignoring the smug teacher Xiaozhu, and instead focused his eyes on Ye Shenyue.

If she was upset that Tohka took Yagami's "half a kiss" and he looked at the naked Tohka's expression, then now this "marriage agreement" has completely broken a girl's heart .

He obviously has a girlfriend...and signed such an agreement with someone else!

Tobiichi Origami's face was still expressionless, but now there was a look of pain.

"it is true."

It's true. The day before yesterday, in order to get Kotori to revoke the surveillance of other crew members, no one came to monitor him when he was attacking the elves, so he chose to attack the teacher, but the teacher's strategy was too easy, and it was very long. cute.

That's why I went to have a barbecue with her, but at that time the teacher was still asking about the marriage, so Ye Shenyue used this agreement to calm her heart and let her relax.

Unexpectedly, this marriage agreement, which was only created temporarily, was used by Xiaozhu-sensei on the current occasion, forcing Origami to withdraw!

"That's the truth... So Origami-san, I hope you can let go of my future husband?"

Like a victorious general, Xiaozhu-sensei secretly apologized to Origami in her heart, but hugged Ye Shenyue tightly.

I'm sorry Tobiichi-kun, you are so cute, it's easy to find a boyfriend.

Origami stopped talking and lowered his head.

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