Are you going to give up?

Are you going to lose your origami master?

Ye Shenyue's heart is also strange, after all, he is still a greedy person, and he does not want to lose any girl.

Ye Shenyue's lips moved, "Actually, Origami is also a member of my future marriage."

This is similar to a confession, but Ye Shenyue didn't say it, or more accurately, there was no chance to say it.

Because Tobiichi Origami has raised his head, his face is firm, as if he is about to announce to the world, "Let's not say that I am not married yet, even if I am married, I can still be a mistress!"

"Even if the mistress can't be a lover, it's okay."

Master Origami went out of his way and settled on a principle, and he would never give up Ye Shenyue!

Even if she had to give her life.

Ps: Well, I broke my promise today.Lolita will show up tomorrow.The third master will also appear in Chapter 3. Although she is only playing for soy sauce, it will soon be her home court.

Chapter 0020

"Fold... origami..."

It would be a lie to say that she was not moved. Looking at Origami's resolute expression, Ye Shenyue had no doubts that this was her sincerity. If he really got married...she would really come to be the mistress.

Ye Shenyue was moved, while Teacher Xiaozhu cried, "Origami-san, can you say can you destroy the teacher's relationship..."

29 years old, unmarried.

It is said that 29 years old is a barrier, as long as you pass it, it is the category of an old woman, and she, Gangfeng Zhuhui is 29 years old and has not married yet, and she can only watch her friends all get married and even have children. , And she, Gangfeng Zhuhui has been urged by her family, and she finally got a lover and was ready to get married, but at this time, a mistress came!That little San is still her student!

Shengsheng wants to get involved in the little three in her happy two-person world, the teacher really wants to cry.

More than just wanting to cry, Teacher Xiaozhu buried her face in Ye Shenyue's arms and started crying. I felt pity for the tears that were crystal clear.

"I can cry too."

Origami raised her face to face Ye Shenyuedao, and at the same time began to rub her eyes, which was the first trick to prepare to fake cry.

Master, there is no need to act in this play!

Seeing that Tobiichi Origami was brewing tears, Ye Shenyue immediately stopped it, because he didn't realize what he said, shouldn't these two girls always think that he will only marry one person?So they run against each other.

"Cough... Xiaozhu, I will marry you but Origami... I will also be with you, not only with you but also with other girls..."

Seeing that Origami's pupils suddenly changed when she said she was going to marry Xiaozhu-sensei, Yashinyuki hurriedly added it again, but wasn't this addition a declaration of Huaxin radish?

"Will you really marry me?"

As soon as Ms. Xiaozhu heard the first half of Ye Shenyue's sentence, she immediately became excited, but soon became confused again, "But if you marry me, according to Japanese law, you can't marry a second one... This..."


Origami tilted her face slightly and made a suggestion.

Just looking at this feasible suggestion, I know that Master Origami was bewitched by Ye Shenyue's sentence "I will be with you too", and he actually came up with an idea. It seems that the effect of this sentence is still very powerful.

"Immigration? It's a good idea, but I prefer to stay in my country..."

Teacher Xiaozhu also felt relieved, tilting her head as if she was a little reluctant, as if she was going to immigrate immediately!

"As long as the moon is there, it's fine."

Origami added.

Hey, hey, you two, why should I complain about my fascination now, Origami, don't you like being jealous and jealous?

Why don't you respond when I say marry both of you?

Just when Ye Shenyue kept complaining in her heart, the voice of Murasame Reine came from the earphones she was wearing.

"Yue, Tobiichi Origami's favorability level has increased again, and it has already moved up from the maximum value. I have never seen such a high favorability level. The difficulty of the strategy is simply less than 0.000001%!" "Less than 0.000001%?"

Ye Shenyue almost screamed out in shock.

"Well, it sounds absurd, but the analysis is based on this value. Her request only needs to be married. Under this biggest request, even a little flaw can be tolerated. The sentence she said before is even if she is married. If you can also be a junior, it is true. She can accommodate everything about you!"

Bag...all inclusive?


The teacher is forced to get married, and marriage is also the first priority, so the teacher's focus is also on marrying her, and he is not with other girls. This is a small problem.

God, why are these two girls that I met today so loving?

Ye Shenyue was really thinking about whether she had bad luck today, maybe she should buy a lottery ticket.


Kotori-sama, who was truantly skipping class today, once again sat in the airship, Commander Wuhe, kicked the steel floor hard.

Now it is obviously not the occasion for the appearance of the elves, and the Ratatosk organization that peacefully resolves the damage caused by the space earthquake does not need to pay attention, but the commander is still "fairly" observing his brother and watching the development of things on the monitor , fiercely pulled out the lollipop from his pocket, tore open the package and bit it directly, not gentle at all, just like Commander Wuhe's angrily expression.

Her own lecherous brother actually added two more "sisters-in-law" to her in front of her, how can it be repaired!

Where the hell do you put her identity as a godsister!

"Ling Yin, don't you have any ideas?"

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