Yoshino stopped crying, and there was no sign of continuing to cry. The little hand stretched out to catch the rabbit-shaped hand puppet in Yagami's hand.

It's just that when her little hand was about to touch the rabbit, Ye Shenyue moved the little rabbit away so that she couldn't touch it. The simple loli didn't think it was Ye Shenyue playing with her, because at this moment, Ye Shenyue put the rabbit away again. The doll was placed in front of her, and Bai Nenenen's little hand still wanted to hold it, but when the little hand was about to touch it, Ye Shenyue took the rabbit doll away, as if on purpose.

Is it intentional?

Little Loli is not a fool, but she is too simple to believe that Ye Shenyue is playing with her.

So when Ye Shenyue put her hand puppet within her reach again, Little Loli believed it again, and still stretched out her little hand.

"No way~~ I helped you get Yoshina back, how can you repay me? I won't give it to you if I don't make it clear~~" Ye Shenyue paid attention, although you are an elf but a little loli There is no sign of an outbreak yet, and Ye Shenyue is still very courageous.

"Repay...repay...you...what do you want...yoshino has nothing to repay you...yoshino has no money..."

Yoshino's expression was pitiful again, and the big eyes were about to burst into water again.

"I don't want money... Yoshino."

The corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched up, a hint of conspiracy.

"No... don't want money?"

A suspicious look appeared on Yoshino's cute little face.Big blue eyes opened.

"Well, what I want is something that Yoshino has... Actually, Yoshino, you are very cute! It makes me miss..."

"I really want to..."

Ye Shenyue's gaze swept from top to bottom, Yoshino's cute little face couldn't help turning red, she was not completely natural, she had Yoshina by her side, but she was instilled with a lot of knowledge , for example, be very careful of these peculiar mistresses with ulterior motives, they are all bad people and want to bully him.

In an instant, in the heart of the little loli, Ye Shenyue was also called a strange slut.

"I want to be your hero!"

Ye Shenyue half squatted down, holding the rabbit puppet tightly in her hand, with a smile on her face, "You are so cute, but it is easy to get entangled by some bad people, I know that you are very dependent on four now. Ito, what should you do if Yoshina is not around like just now? So you should learn to be strong and reject those bad guys!"

Ye Shenyue is really worried, Yoshino is so cute and easy to bully. If Yoshino is really not by her side, how will she face those who want to hit her?Obviously she is so shy and timid.

"I'm strong? But..."

Sito is a good boy. Hearing what Ye Shenyue said was completely different from the common words that Sitoon taught her, she quietly removed the word "weishu" from him. At the same time, she is still not confident.

She was so timid and weak.She also knew that what Ye Shenyue said was right, and Yoshina also encouraged her in the same way, but she just... just lacked that.

"There is no but, when you are truly independent and strong, Yoshina and I will be by your side. Not only Yoshina is your hero, but I can also be your hero!"

"You're my hero too?" Yoshino's cute little face lit up.A pair of azure blue eyes that still had crystal teardrops still remained staring at Ye Shenyue.

"Yeah...but it has to be done gradually. Now let Yoshina take care of you first."

Ye Shenyue rubbed the little Loli's head, and it didn't feel very good to rub her hands through the dark green hood, but when she thought that this was just the cutest Loli, Ye Shenyue's mood was also excited, and Yoshino showed a little bit. Dumb eyes but did not stop, let Ye Shenyue rub it like this.

"Huh? Injured?"

When Ye Shenyue wanted to hand Yoshina to Little Loli, she found that Little Loli's hand was a little red. She must have accidentally fell on the ground and was scratched just now.

How can such a pink and tender little loli get hurt?

Ye Shenyue stuffed Yoshina into her pocket, but held Little Loli's little hand.Bring your little red hands.


Yoshino looked at Yashinyuki curiously. According to Yoshina's introduction, it was time for the boy to hold her hand and beat him up, but at this moment, Little Loli didn't have the urge.

Because this is the one who said "be her hero" to her.It shouldn't be those strange milfs.

"Will it hurt?"


Little Loli said embarrassedly, but at the moment, Ye Shenyue's palm, who was holding her little hand, emitted a gentle golden light, covering her little hand.

Yoshino only felt that the sudden light was very warm. The slight pain in his hand actually disappeared, and the little hand felt warm. Is it the temperature of the opponent's palm?

For some reason, Yoshino suddenly felt that her little heart seemed to be beating faster.

"You... your name is..."

Ye Shenyue held her little hand, Yoshino hesitated for a moment and raised her face to look at Ye Shenyue, this time, instead of hiding her face in her hat, she showed her pink and tender skin. , lovely face.

"Night God Moon!"

At this moment, Ye Shenyue suddenly had the urge to burst into tears, Little Loli, little Loli, you finally got the point!

If you want her to remember you, you must first let her remember your name!

"Night... God... Moon?"

Yoshino read it slowly, but it seemed like she had to remember it in her heart.

"Yeah, Yoshino, you can call me Yue~~" Yagami touched Yoshino's face, but this time, without any hindrance, she directly touched Yoshino's little face.


Yoshino's azure blue eyes seemed to be flickering with brilliance.


Ye Shenyue nodded, with a sunny smile on her face, but this smile had the feeling of a strange mistress seducing a little loli.

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