This laugh is not fair at all! ...

At the same time, on the other side of the city, amid the screams of several scumbags, a girl with hair like a shadow and skin like a pearl—a girl with a timepiece with a bright left eye revealed her body from the shadows. shape.

This is a terrifying and beautiful girl in jet black clothes.Black hair tied in two bundles, white porcelain skin.From between the fore hair that swayed while walking, he could see the left eye with a pattern like the dial of a clock.

It's just that the girl who doesn't seem to exist in the world actually appears in this dark corner.

There were bright red blood stains on the ground. Yes, I read it right. It was indeed blood, or fresh blood. These filthy blood spattered from the bodies of people named scum.

"Thank you for your hospitality~~" She pushed her skirt down extremely elegantly, and walked out of the shadows with an elegant smile at the corners of her mouth, but the girl's beautiful brows suddenly knitted together with a bewitching color all over her body.

Because at the front of the small alley, there is a vague shadow parked there, which seems to have been parked there for a long time.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl in jet black frowned and asked in a low voice, this shadow has the same identity as her, both are elves, but

Chapter 0023 The chaotic home (2 more for support)

"How did you feel just now?"

"Suddenly touched Yoshino's waist!"

"how do you feel?"

"Does Yoshino's face feel comfortable to the touch?"

"I've touched her in such a short time! Isn't she very powerful? I really want to take care of her?"

"Brother, you are very good! Yoshino's face is red... um..."

Thanks to the improvement of his goodwill, Ye Shenyue took Little Loli's hand and walked home together. Ye Shenyue was reluctant to let go, but now he really wanted to grab Yoshino's other hand. It's just that, instead of continuing to touch and scratch the little hands that are kneading others, I want to grab the rabbit hand puppet Yoshino that was put on the fingers by Yoshino. Once the rabbit is returned to Yoshino, it will be noisy. and a depressing start.

Hand puppet Yoshina is indeed Yoshino's hero. Yoshina is an independent personality that exists because the four lines are hand puppets linked to spiritual power.

Its character is completely different from Yoshino's timidity, it is so open and open, and the continuous questions asked along the way make people really want to pinch it.

This rabbit could see through his Lolita physique at a glance, but if he saw through it, he saw through it. If he knew it in his heart, it would be ok not to say it, but this rabbit changed the way and the words to say it. , I really can't be hurt, but now Yoshino is still present to bully it, otherwise Yoshino will cry again.

Although she was cute when she cried, he couldn't bear it.

Didn't you see Yoshino's little face getting more and more red?

In the end, before Ye Shenyue could make a move, the shy Yitina Little Loli shot herself, pressing Yingina's small face to her chest and temporarily blocking the words Yingina was about to say that made her blush.

"It will be there soon."

Ye Shenyue snorted haha, Yoshina, the rabbit, almost said all of his thoughts, which is why he was so embarrassed, and being seen through is not a pleasant thing.


Little Loli nodded and hid her head in the big green rabbit hat. No matter how you looked at it, she was affected by what Yoshina said just now. For example, Yagami Yue really had that thought, Lolita control or something.

Like her small body or something.

"Yoshino doesn't like pain, does he?"

The little rabbit was forced to stop talking, but Ye Shenyue and Yoshino were a little embarrassed to hold hands, especially Yoshino seemed to have a little bit of estrangement from him. You cannot give Yoshino the Rabbit Puppet.

It's not reasonable to just walk, you have to save it.So he picked out the topic first.

"Yeah. I'm afraid of pain. Pain is unbearable."

Yoshino's voice was small.It's just that she is very firm, this is her true opinion.

"Yito is an elves, right? When they appear, they will be hunted down by humans. Why do they just run away instead of attacking when they have the ability to resist?"

Even though she already knew the answer, Yagami wanted to hear the explanation from the kind and timid Yoshino's mouth.

"Yoshino doesn't like pain, and is afraid of pain, and they will suffer even if they are attacked."

The little loli lowered her head slightly but said something very comforting.

Tohka, who is also an elf, is also attacked by the elf, but she will fight back, making her unhappy, and she will not make AST unhappy, not to say that Tohka did the wrong thing, she did the right thing, she is still friendly, except When she appeared, she would destroy the land involuntarily, but she had never killed anyone.Even for him who appeared suddenly, he asked several times, but he didn't mean to kill him indiscriminately.

And what about this adorable little loli?

How could Origami and the others give up on Loli with such a kind heart?

Let him take this loli!

Ye Shenyue held Yoshino's hand tightly, entropy Jiaozhuo and Yoshino also looked suspiciously at the other Yoshina who pressed Yoshina's body against her chest because Yoshino used the strength He was somewhat relaxed, but his head came out.

"Hufu... It's really uncomfortable, Yoshino's chest is so soft, I can't breathe... Little brother, it's you, don't look at it, Yoshino still has breasts...

When the rabbit hand puppet spoke, it was so earth-shattering that Yeshenyue was almost dumbfounded, but her gaze involuntarily went to Little Loli's chest.

He really just wanted to verify Yoshina's words, there is no other meaning, there is really no other meaning.


How could Yoshino not feel Yagami's sight?Even the little face was hidden in the rabbit hat, but the cute Yoshino once again grabbed the rabbit hand puppet, her little face blushing.

It's just that Ye Shenyue's home has also arrived at this time.

"Come in, this is my home... Of course, you can also live in in the future. We love elves very much."

Ye Shenyue opened the door and let Little Loli go in first, and smiled kindly at Yoshino.

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