Yes, Ye Shenyue abducted her for the reason of being friendly and accepting the elves... Oh no, she brought a laughing loli home... Little loli has only been in this world for a few days, but The AST has been hunted down no less than ten times, and like Tohka, she is a child who was hunted down.

And Ye Shenyue introduced herself that they came to cultivate a good relationship with the elves, and his home was one of the temporary strongholds.

Obviously, he copied the essence of the Ratatosk organization! However, Yoshinori is right, Kotori is the commander and he is the secret weapon against the elves, and he is also an important person in this organization.

It's just that this home is not a temporary stronghold, but private property.Therefore, Ye Shenyue is completely deliberately twisted to lure the elves.

For lolicon, everything is worth it for loli, even if it is twisted.

Loli is the supreme teaching.

"Um... Kotori?"

Put on your slippers first, Ye Shenyue just walked to the entrance when she saw her little sister sauce wearing a crimson military jacket...

His godsister, who once blew himself up as dry (read the fourth tone) sister.

Ye Shenyue noticed that the twin ponytails of her younger sister were tied with dark black ribbons with red patterns, and now she is in commander mode!

"You lolicon!"

At this time, Commander Kotori didn't have her iconic lollipop in her mouth.But he kept knocking on his little feet, as if he had been waiting for a long time.


Yoshino lowered her head, her face flushed red.

"This little girl knows very well, is it the girlfriend of this little brother? She is also a loli... um..."

Yoshina, who couldn't take it easy, got a chance to speak and began to preach her words again.

However, Yoshino quickly covered his mouth, blocking what he was going to say next.

"Humph! What look, she's obviously a sister... a girlfriend or something..."

Kotori deliberately made a dismissive expression, but that little face turned red involuntarily.

The gaze that seemed to be looking at Yoshina inadvertently also seemed to reveal appreciation.The commander is happy.

"Sure enough, you guessed it? The little brother is really a lucky person..."

Yoshina, who continued to be held down by Yoshino, spoke in a dull tone, but only she could understand what it said.

"Wuhe Qinli, this lolicon sister."

Kotori-sama was very interested in Yoshina's sentence "I'm also a loli", and even has a much gentler attitude towards Yoshino. This is the legendary Love House Kiwu!

Ye Shenyue groaned in her heart and at this moment, Yoshino was shy at the small hand that she stretched out, and then she stretched out her own little hand and put it in Qinli's hand.

Perhaps it was because she was being held by Yagami more, so Yoshino became more courageous, not only extended her small hand, but also took the initiative to speak when she had Yoshina in her hand.

"Yitino... And it's Yoshino's hero Yoshina. If what Yoshina said just now offends, I hope I can forgive him, he's not a bad person."

0.4 Yoshino's voice was soft, but timid. After speaking, she still lowered her head as if afraid of what would happen to Kotori.

The guts still need exercise.

"Yitano? So cute... um... lolicon, she's an elf, right?"

Kotori actually happily touched Yoshina's head, pinched the bunny's ears, and half squatted down to look at Yoshino's lovely face, pondered for a while, and still said it.

"Brother lecher, you really want to kiss such a cute loli! You big lecher, even such a small loli won't let go, when you look at her, you must be thinking about all kinds of restricted level It's a thing!"

Kotori's sharp eyes glanced directly at Ye Shenyue, as if to see through his filthy Lolita heart.

"What is kissing?"

Yoshino's expression did not change, but showed a little doubt, and looked at Yagami with big doubtful eyes.It seems to be asking him to explain.

"Kissing is %%&*&&..."

Yoshina, whose mouth was held down, really wanted to explain that it was just that its voice couldn't come out.

Chapter 0024 Chaotic home (one more monthly ticket)

Being stared at by Little Loli with her big, azure blue eyes that make people move, Ye Shenyue suddenly felt that she was very obligated and obliged to relieve Yoshino's worries and explain what kissing was.


It's just cheating that at this time when you can enhance your relationship with Loli, there is still a person who is unpleasant at the scene.Wearing a heroic and cute red military uniform, with black military boots kicking on his feet, his hands crossed on his chest, his eyes staring straight at him, his mouth slightly open, although he did not make a sound, he seemed to fully understand his sister What will be said next "lolicon lolicon lolicon..."

Well... he's a lolicon, what can he do?

He is the one who started the Lolita control, okay?

Ye Shenyue really wanted to ignore her own mother (gan chanted first), his sister's eyes full of contempt, but his face was not so thick, and he wanted to tell little loli what he wanted to bring in front of his sister. You go to see goldfish or something like that.

So Ye Shenyue still squatted down as a bachelor, and was able to lower her body to the same height as Loli. "Kissing is actually just like the two people's lips touch together like now..."

Ye Shenyue said that, but she was saddened in her heart. If Qin Li was not here, he would just use words to explain, and he would definitely use his own experiments to show her.Of course, learning something is more effective if you practice it yourself.

Yoshino's lips are very tempting~ seductive, moderately shaded pink~ tender and cute, and she seems to bite them.

"Mouth... lips touching?"

Yoshino's beautiful azure blue hair seemed to be floating, and there was still a confused look on her small face.

"Well... Kotori, how about we experiment with the performance for Yoshino?"

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