Ye Shenyue nodded but noticed that the current commander of Wuhe was still eyeing him. It was not so much that he was watching him, but that he was supervising him, and to supervise him not to do some things that took advantage of Lolita.

In Ye Shenyue's heart, the desire for revenge suddenly rose.So he stood up and pointed at his dry (gan chanted first) sister showing pure white teeth.


The goddess's face turned red all of a sudden, and the dignified scrutiny and surveillance just now disappeared completely, revealing the embarrassment and shyness that only a little girl's family can have.

Commander Wuhe is also shy?

If it is said that the sister who simply likes to be coquettish with Oni-chan who is tied with a pure white ribbon will be shy, but now she is the commander of Wuhe, the commander who has turned on the commander mode, she is also shy. .

"Yeah! Yoshino also wants to know what a real kiss is?"

Ye Shenyue used a roundabout tactic to ask Yoshino, he saw Yoshino's blushing a little bit, did Little Loli understand a little bit?

Know how to be embarrassed when kissing?

Ye Shenyue looked at Yoshina-sama, who seemed to "know everything", and was suppressed by the little loli. The little hand puppet was still screaming indomitably, but the covered mouth was incomprehensible. What is it trying to say.

"Want to... want to know."

Little Loli lowered her head silently, not knowing if she saw Ye Shenyue's eager eyes, so she softened her heart.

"Enen... Look, Yoshino wants to know, so Kotori... let's perform..."

Looking at such a cute and sensible little loli, Ye Shenyue really wants to kiss her boss now, but it's time to play tricks on her sister.

Ye Shenyue took a step forward, pressed Lord Commander's delicate shoulders, and slowly moved her face up, getting closer and closer.

"Ouni sauce~~" was held down on his shoulders, Commander Wuhe's little heart was beating super fast, his little face was red, Xiao · wanted to say something to protect his identity, but somehow His words turned into an unconscious "Oni-chan" shout.

Wuhe Qinli blushed and looked at Ye Shenyue's increasingly approaching face, but she didn't show any resistance or intention to resist, but she obediently closed her big eyes that were as beautiful as fire.

"Haha... just kidding... Kotori do you think I'll actually kiss you?"

Commander Wuhe closed her eyes, her small body was shaking slightly, she was waiting, waiting for someone to kiss her.

Commander Wuhe almost felt that his heart was out of shape.

The feeling that Commander Wuhe waited for a long time after 5 years did not reappear, but the voice of his unscrupulous old brother appeared in his ears as if he was playing tricks on her.

Yes, joking, just joking, she waited for about 10 seconds, this ruthless guy ignored her at all and was playing with her!

This time, Commander Wuhe, who was kicking his sharp military boots, was really furious. Brother Lunatic is really deceiving people... Oh no, he deceives his sister too much!


The commander was very popular, but he wanted to turn around and leave with heavy steps, but just two steps away, the sister-in-law was unhappy again. The lustful brother provoked her, and she had to provoked him too!

With the thought of a tick for a tick, Sister Commander turned back and squatted down and grabbed Yoshino's little hand. "Let's go with my sister, my sister will teach you some normal things. If you can't stay with this lust, he will defile you!"

Commander Kotori felt that this was her most kind time.How can such a sincere little loli not take the bait?The face is calm and peaceful, but the heart is gradually darkening. As expected, Qin Li, you are also bad, and you have learned to be black!

"No... No way... I was invited by Jun Yue... I have to... let Jun Yue agree..."

Little Loli lowered her head slightly, almost burying her head in her hat.

"Kotori, Yoshino is what I brought, of course I have to entertain her... Don't waste your time."

Ye Shenyue was moved in her heart, Yoshino really is a good loli, how could such a cute and intelligent loli be taken away by her godsister?

He can't bear it!

Glancing at Ye Shenyue with a smug expression as if Little Lolita had completely followed him, Commander Wuhe got angry, and at the same time made a killer.

"That's not right... Yoshino has a lot of pictures of the lecherous brother when he was a child in my room. Would you like to see it? You can learn more about the past of Oni-chan~~" Commander Wuhe had a pure smile on his face, as if At this moment, the sister mode is possessed.

"Yue...A photo of Yuejun when he was a child?"

Little Loli raised her head slightly, and seemed to move.

"Well...the pictures of the lustful brother when he was a child are very cute, like a little girl...I used to want to call him sister directly~~" I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's illusion, at this moment Ye Shenyue It seemed that he saw two small black horns from the devil growing out of his sister's head, and a long tail like a succubus was gently lifted from the back of her little skirt.

God sister turned into a little devil?

He's not a girl, okay?

For a moment, Ye Shenyue felt that catastrophe was imminent.It's just that this cute little loli is not on his side at the moment.

"It looks like it's fun, Yoshino let's must be fun..."

Because Yoshino's other small hand that was not holding a hand puppet was held by Kotori, so there was no extra small hand to cover the small mouth of Yoshina who likes to talk, Yoshina once again got the opportunity to speak with a face. excited.

"Then...that would be troublesome."

Yoshino lowered her face, let the little rabbit hold Kotori's cuff, and followed Kotori.


Yoshito is your morals?

You can't just be seduced by Kotori~ tempt me to go!We still have a lot of things we can do!

Ye Shenyue was stunned for a moment, but Kotori had already successfully kidnapped Yoshino and made a smug face at him.

Of course, it is revenge for not kissing her!

Ye Shenyue shook her head helplessly, but did not follow up. Although he also wanted to go in, this timing was a good opportunity for Yoshino.

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