Yoshito is timid and timid by nature, so it would be better if she had more contact with people.

The cute little loli is really irresistible!

Ye Shenyue lay comfortably on the sofa and wanted to rest.


At this moment, a tall figure that made people want to stop suddenly appeared in front of Ye Shenyue.

There was nothing concealing her body, and the entire pure body came directly into his eyes.

This is a naked girl!Naked and naked girl!A girl with a youthful vibe!Beautiful and attractive girl!

Ye Shenyue's eyes moved slowly, as if she was looking at a work of art.

The gaze continues to move, and finally there is eye-to-eye contact.

Her big, beautiful purple eyes flashed his figure, but his eyes printed her naked body.

At this moment, not only Ye Shenyue was stunned, but the girl who walked out slowly was also stunned.Then, in the instinct of a girl, Xiao · mouth wants to scream.

"Yeah... woo woo..."

The naked girl in front of her was about to scream, but Ye Shenyue covered her mouth, suppressing all her voices.

"It's me! Tohka, don't call out!"

Ye Shenyue pressed the girl against the wall, and put her mouth to her ear and whispered softly, now that there are Kotori and Yoshino in the room, if they bump into the current scene, they will not be able to wash it out if they jump into the Yellow River. .

Just when he pressed it, it was clearly just to keep Tohka from making a sound to attract Yoshino and the others, but Yagami, who was the initiator, responded.

The young girl's youth seemed to exude a deadly poppy-like breath, but when she was close to her, the blood in her brain flowed more and more, and it was about to burn him.

"But... can I kiss you?"

Tohka's body smelled of shower gel, not only the scent of shower gel but also the scent of a girl belonging to her.

In an instant, Ye Shenyue found herself excited, and her body reacted strongly.

ps: Is it too early to push Tohka now?

One more ask for a monthly pass.

Chapter 0025 Chaotic home (2 more flowers)

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu[-]" Yagami Tohka, a elf who was deprived of his strength, was pressed against the wall by Yagami, and his mouth was covered by Yagami, full of doubts flashing in his big eyes. Even though she didn't understand anything, her delicate little face became ruddy instinctively when she met Ye Shenyue at this moment. When she heard Ye Shenyue's sentence, "Can I kiss you?"

His words seemed even more excited.

It was just that she was held down but couldn't speak. Even if she wanted to speak, but was held down, her voice was only a blur.

"I'll let you go, but I'm not allowed to call. If I call out, I won't take you to a date (a dinner party?!"

Ye Shenyue forcibly held down the urge to direct Tohka's Fa-rectification on the spot in her heart, leaned into Tohka's ear and said softly, by the way, she carefully listened to the room where there was no strange sound before she put it down slightly. Come to the heart.

Ye Shenyue doesn't believe that her charm is so great, so at this stage, she still uses dating (food?) to oppress her. With the attributes of Tohxiang Snacks, Ye Shenyue can still guarantee that she will not call out.


"Woooo~~" Tohka nodded obediently, but her expression was a little weird.A bit reluctant to look like.

"Tohka, I want to kiss you!"

Ye Shenyue took away the hand covering Tohka's mouth, and Tohka really didn't make a sound.

Just facing Tohka who was close at hand, Ye Shenyue repeated what he said before, but this time it was not a question but a positive exclamation.



"Can you let me put on clothes first? I feel very embarrassed. The place where Yue touches feels so hot..."

Tohka's beautiful purple eyes flickered, revealing a heart-warming look, a faint crimson blush climbed onto her pink and tender cheeks, at this time, where does Tohka, the God of Yato, look like the face she once had. The indifferent His Royal Highness pRIncess, Tohka at this time is like a ignorant innocent girl, and every word she says makes people excited.Is it okay to talk about such a thing as being hot all over?It's all about seducing people!

"Wear? Of course you can... Follow me here!"

Ye Shenyue did not embarrass her, but grabbed her little hand and walked to his room.

The corridor was only two meters away from the room, so after walking a few steps, Yashenyue pulled the phantom god, the naked girl with pink cheeks, back to his room.

"Go and wrap yourself in the sheets so I don't feel embarrassed."

Taking Tohka into her room, Ye Shenyue pointed to her own sheet as if she was very "kind".

"The sheet? Well, it seems that you can really cover your body."

Tohka nodded, her speed was also very fast, her tall and beautiful body was like making dumplings, Tohka only fluttered three or two times before wrapping her body tightly.

It was a real treat to watch Tohka's cute movements.It's just that Ye Shenyue's intention is not here, and now he has begun to undress and untie his belt.

Throw the shirt on the ground casually, and the belt casually on the chair.It still looks quite gentlemanly, at least from the top down instead of the bottom up.

"What are you doing here?"

Instinctively burying herself in Yagami Yue's sheets, Tohka, who rolled herself into a ball, looked at Yagami Yue's frantic undressing "performance" with a puzzled look.

"Didn't I look at your body just now? I'm a fair person, so I'll let you look back... Tohka, remember that this fairness is only mine,"

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