Ye Shenyue's face was righteous at first, as if he was the most fair judge, but she became serious again when she spoke the second half of the sentence.When it's time to be serious, you have to be serious. Tohka is a foodie and a natural fool. If he is really approached by others or something because of a natural fool, wouldn't he be at a loss?

"Soga, that's what it looks like...but people feel a little embarrassed..."

Tohka was still in a daze, and once again blew up the feeling of being there.

"So... Tohka, how about we make a little game?"

Yagami, who was wearing only one underpants, was already in bed, and slowly approached Tohka, and Tohka was not like an ordinary girl who screamed loudly or tried to get close to it when she was attacked by a lecherous wolf. Simply waiting for Ye Shenyue to sit beside her, maybe she thought that as long as she wrapped her body up, she wouldn't be shy and blush.


"Yeah. It's a very fun game, let's compare and see who's going to cry! As long as you win, how about I'll take you on a date tomorrow? But there's a lot of food to eat~~ Man Han Quan Feast, pineapple bread, snapper Burn, takoyaki~~" Yagami threw away all her face with a pure expression and bewitched Tohka.

"Really...there's so much to eat?"

Xiao · opened his mouth slightly, and at this moment Tohka was completely captured.

"I promise! I promise!"

Tohka-san nodded vigorously, and sure enough, she was hooked.

"Well... Tohka is really good... Then let's start now, Tohka, take off the sheets!"

"Take it off? But...people will feel embarrassed..."

An embarrassed look appeared on Tohka's face again.

"But look at me, didn't I take it all off? I'm the same as you, so there's no need to be shy when everyone is the same."

Ye Shenyue patted her smooth chest.It seems that he is confirming that he is not wearing clothes either.

"Uuuu...but I always feel, you're still wearing shorts! It's not fair!"

Tohka's purple eyes flashed, "Are you sure you want me to take it off?"

Ye Shenyue's face showed a pure expression again, as if giving the other party a choice.

"En... If I take off my bed sheet by 1.5, then I will have nothing to hide in front of Yue, and Yue has a pair of pants, it's so unfair!"

Tohka showed an angry expression as if she had been treated unfairly.

No, from her pure point of view, Ye Shenyue is wearing one more piece than her!

"This is what you said...don't regret it!"

(The push to be harmonious here!

Feeling Tohka's long hair, Ye Shenyue, who was relaxed, had a strange thought in her heart.

What I wanted to tease Loli ended up being a tease of Tohka.

Kotori, you kidnapped one of me and gave me the other.

Now his body is full of Tohka's breath, and his body is soft and soft, and Ye Shenyue almost sinks into it.

ps: Don't forget to lock the door in the next chapter.

Chapter 0026 Don't forget to close the door when doing things (one more flowers)

Wuhe Qinli's room.

After abducting Yoshino, the commander finally felt a lot more relaxed. When she took Yoshino's little hand and left, she turned her head on purpose just to see her brother's lost expression as if he had been disturbed. , as expected, he has a strange idea about Yoshino!

When she returned to the room, Qin Li was not someone like her brother who could write a bad check. He quickly took out the album that was locked in the cabinet and placed on the innermost floor, and greeted the little loli to sit with him. On the bed, the commander opened the album, and what appeared in front of the two was a single photo, and all of them belonged to one person.

The small body is full of childish looks and a lazy smile that often appears on the corners of his mouth.

If Ye Shenyue sees these photos, she will definitely be very depressed, and the characters in the photos that are now preserved by Commander Wuhe as a treasure are him.He was completely shrunken by the curse cast by Queen Lilith in the zombie world.

It's really an unbearable memory. If he remembers it, he will definitely remember the scene where he was super unscrupulous to a group of aunts.

"It's really cute... Moon-kun!"

Yoshino's azure blue eyes were sparkling, and she looked very happy. She turned over the photo albums that Kotori had taken out one by one, in admiration.

"Well...the 06 really looks like a little girl...but it's even worse than Yoshino's cuteness!"

As a hero of Yoshino, Yoshina's heart is always biased towards Yoshino no matter what, although Yagami would be very happy to hear this, after all cuteness is not used to describe boys. .And he didn't think he could compare to Yoshino, who he wanted to take home and raise as soon as he saw it.

"Well... Yoshino is really cute, but, Yoshino, you have to be careful, you can't be like a lecherous brother so easily... After being kissed by him, no matter what you do, as long as it is beyond the ordinary The intimacy should be rejected, he is a lecher!"

As a gan (gan chanting first) sister, my sister is not saying good things for her brother, but... she is actually smearing it!

Is it a blessing for Ye Shenyue to have such a sister?

"Sexy? What is that?"

How could such a pure Yoshino understand the terrifying word "eroticism"?People are still pink and tender little loli! "Of course a lecher is a very scary thing, he would tie up a cute girl like Yoshino, drip wax and other more terrible things... Perverted, Yoshino, you have to be careful!"

It doesn't matter if Yoshino doesn't understand, as long as her hand puppet Yoshina understands very well, she is almost an expert.

"Well, that's it, so Yoshino, you have to pay special attention to that guy Yashenyue. He has the potential to be a lecher, so be careful not to let him do all kinds of strange things to you."

Commander Wuhe nodded repeatedly. She deliberately smeared her brother because she found that Yoshino was so cute. If she was a man, she would not help doing some strange things to her. Ni-chan won't let Yoshino go even after she's gotten started with Reine.

So... Commander Kotori decided to take a cut, as long as Yoshino hates him, then everything will be ok!After less than a second of repenting for his slander in his heart, Lord Commander regained a state of pure conscience again.

"That piano..."

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