Yoshino's hand puppet suddenly stopped the commander as if he had discovered a new continent.

"what happened?"

Kotori flicked her cute crimson twintails like fire, and looked at the little hand puppet with her burning eyes.

Somehow, Commander Wuhe felt that this hand puppet gave her a big pear.

"You like Lord Ye Shenyue, right?"

The two little hands of the hand puppet touched each other. "These photos are all pasted with film, which is so well protected, but there are still fingerprints on them. You should be looking at them often... This degree of persistence is not compatible with The relationship between the younger sister and the older brother doesn't match up... so I must like him!" Really?Yoshino covered Xiao · mouth with a look of surprise.

"Like? ... um... you... what are you talking about!"

Commander Kotori's face turned red all of a sudden, "It's...it's not what you said...people...how can people like big horny demons..."


Yoshina didn't believe it, her mouth opened wide.


At this moment, Wuhe sister regretted bringing Little Loli in. She was easy to settle, but the hand puppet in her hand was not easy to settle.

"That...this...cough...I've been here for too long, why don't we go to the living room and find something to eat in the refrigerator, Ernie-chan should not have finished cooking yet~" Commander Kotori is shameful of learning her brother's favorite trick to "change the subject".


Yoshina is easy to be deceived, but Yoshina is not easy to be deceived, and uses the word "cut" to evaluate Kotori's methods.

But he also obediently went out with Kotori.Maybe Yoshino was hungry too.Yoshina is not only Yoshino's hero but also her nanny.

"and many more!"

Kazuo Yoshino had already walked to the hall, but Yashinyuki, who they were looking for, was nowhere to be seen.Just when they were depressed, a sound seemed to come from Ye Shenyue's room.

It seems that it is Yagami Yue and... um... and the voice of Yato God Tohka.

"Yue... woo... This pose makes me very embarrassed... Can I change it... I feel so embarrassed..."

The voice that seemed to be choked up was the voice of a girl, the voice of Yatogami Tohka.

"Tohka...one more date!"

He was panting, as if he was doing something very laborious.It's just that the temptation, the temptation, the temptation, the food temptation is still in the voice.

"Woohoo ~~" Shi Xiang's speech was suspended for a while, and it seemed to be agreed to be bought, but it was a sound that made people unknown, and it seemed to be humming lightly.

The voice inside suddenly became much quieter.

It's just that the people standing outside are puzzled.


A hint of doubt appeared on Kotori-sama's face, while Yoshina danced happily, "Isn't it possible that the lecher's mode is activated!"

"Sex demon?"

Yoshino secretly recited these two words.

"Let's go and see!"

Although Yoshina is only a hand puppet, she is Yoshino's hero and has great decision-making ability, and she dragged Yoshino in the direction of Yagami's room with all her strength.

"Is it really..."

Commander Kotori also followed in the mood to stop Yoshino, and the ambiguous voice inside caused a trance in the heart.

She seems to be confirming the fact that her brother is actually a lecher.

"If you want to know, just open it~~ oh oh... the door is not closed~ just right!"

Yoshina is really a restless child, holding the handle of the door with his rabbit's two little hands, and then he can actually open the door!

The unlocked door was opened, and the scene in the room immediately appeared in front of the two-handed puppet.

On the pure white bed, a very beautiful and beautiful girl with long hair in the night was lying on the bed, and the teenager behind her seemed to be doing some kind of activity.

The two of them witnessed the scene with one hand.A picture that makes people wonder what to say.


Commander Kotori's lollipop fell on the ground and didn't care, but Yoshino's eyes were wide open.The hand puppet Yoshina also opened her mouth wide. Its eyes are a fixed size of 643, so she can only open her mouth wide. "Little brother...you are...so bold. I actually used such a posture~~" "Yeah~ It's so embarrassing!"

Tohka suddenly buried her face in Ye Shenyue's bed sheet, and Ye Shenyue, this zombie oh no... his client also opened his eyes wide.


Damn, how did they get in?And he came in while he was pa-pa-pa!He suddenly felt that at this moment he seemed to be possessed by Brother You, and he forgot to close the door!And it doesn't matter if they don't close the door, they were discovered!Or find the target you want to attack!

It's too pitted to have wood!

But as a man, Tohka felt shy, but he felt embarrassed and tangled.

After all, it is embarrassing to be caught on the spot at this time.

And the entanglement is because now Kotori still has such a pure and lovely Yoshino to see, it will be even more difficult to get closer in the future! "Yoshino. Now what Mr. Yagami Yue is doing is We must stay away from the lecherous thing~~" Yoshina, the only hand puppet with the most calm expression, can also persuade its owner - the cute loli with wide blue eyes.

Color... erotic demon!No, Ye Shenyue, you are a super lecher!Sister Wuhe felt that her face must have been completely burned.

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