I don't know what it's like in my heart, whether surprised, ashamed, depressed, or jealous, I just grab Yoshino's little hand, "Yoshino, let's go out first!"

"Um... huh?... Um."

Four-eared Lolita nodded and hid her head deeply in the wide green hat.

ps: Ask for flowers to subscribe.Thank you for waiting for the monthly pass of the crossing, the clergy, and the disabled.Waiting for Chuanjun, it's just that the update time is a bit late, so don't rush to update it...

Chapter 0027 The gaze of another pair of eyes

"Tohka and I are in love, so doing that kind of thing is natural."

Ye Shenyue, who came out of the room, stubbornly explained this, but Tohka's explanation was...

"Yue said that if he did that, he would take me on a date, many, many dates!"

Such a sentence caused Kotori and Yoshino to stop talking to him.

Although I can't look up and see me in a home, but when I meet Qin, there is only one sentence: "To use food to deceive people's virginity~ This kind of person is really the worst!"

Then nothing else was said.

The relationship with my sister is tense, and Yoshino...

As long as Yoshina is around, Yoshina always deliberately brags that he is "so bold, as expected of a little brother~~" And every so often, Yoshino keeps his head down and doesn't speak, and doesn't dare to look at him Ye Shenyue, as if he were some kind of terrifying monster.

This is good, the relationship between the two has collapsed.

Now that even Yoshino is protected by Kotori, he, a lolicon, has no chance to attack.


Ye Shenyue sighed deeply, two days have passed, and the situation at home is simply terrible.

Yagami sighed deeply as she looked at Tohka who was so cheerfully tackling the tuna sushi placed in front of the big table.

Although she was isolated by Kotori and the others, she had already promised Tohka's "date" and she had to continue.The idea of ​​using food to lure ~ deceive Tohka to sell her virginity~ is really abhorrent!Although he planned to do so.

"Actually, if Yue still wanted to be like that, they wouldn't refuse... Because at that time, although I felt very shy, but it didn't feel bad~~ And Yue seems to be very happy to say~~" Tohka-chan put a small piece of I swallowed the tuna sushi, and patted her lovely breasts, facing the listless Yagami Yuedao.Two purple eyes twinkled.


Maybe Kotori and the others wouldn't treat him like that if you had said it earlier!

Ye Shenyue wanted to shout out, but the person next to him was Tohka, this pure girl, the girl who was seduced by him with food.

How could he be angry at her?

"Boss! Another 100 sets!"

Reward her if she doesn't get angry!

It was only at this time that Ye Shenyue noticed it, and she always felt that there seemed to be a scorching sight behind her, and the sight was so fiery that it seemed to melt him.

Is it origami?

Tobiichi Origami has regarded following him as a daily task to implement, whether it is going to school or after class, anyway, as long as he is there, there will be a figure of the origami master, and the back of the telephone pole is definitely hers hiding place.

Ye Shenyue raised her hand but put it down again. If Origami likes to follow him, then follow him, as long as you don't follow him into the men's bathroom.

That was the real embarrassment.

"Yue? What's wrong?"

Seeing the sushi brought by the boss again, Tohka showed a happy expression on her face, but she said immediately after seeing the complicated expression on Yagami's face.

She is not only a foodie, she still cares about Ye Shenyue more than food.

Because he was the one who saved her.the only man.

"No... nothing..."

Ye Shenyue forced herself to ignore the fiery gaze behind her, since Origami waited, so she wouldn't come out, so just let her be.

Ye Shenyue suddenly reached out and touched Tohka's slender hair.Tohka's face turned.

"Tohka, are these sushi delicious?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu these are called sushi......it's delicious. I didn't expect there are so many delicious things in this world. I'm really happy to choose to be with Yue~~" Tohka's pair of purple The eyes were sparkling.Apparently lured by the success of the food.

"Then if someone invites you to eat, would you?"

"other people?"

There was a cute confused look on Tohka's face.

"Well, for example, some guys with a face full of flesh, if those guys with bad intentions lure you with very, very delicious food, will they agree?"

Ye Shenyue also showed a serious look on her face. He was using food to lure Tohka, so there was no guarantee that others would not tempt her.So Ye Shenyue wanted to get a shot.

"Delicious food? Woo woo... If Yue agrees... Then Ying Ai can eat it... But... If Yue doesn't agree... uuu, then don't."

Tohka had a reluctant look on her face, but she still made a decision.

The decision of everything rests with Ye Shenyue, as long as Ye Shenyue nods, she will accept the invitation.

After Tohka finished speaking, she showed a pitiful expression, as if she was afraid that Ye Shenyue would be dissatisfied with her answer.

"Well...that's a good answer...let's go eat cake later!"

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