Ye Shenyue pinched Shixiangrou's little face, and finally showed a smile, this is his snack food, and he can only be seduced by him, how can others be deceived?

What made Ye Shenyue even more happy was Tohka, who still took him very seriously. The first two days were so strong that she pushed her directly. Afterwards, Ye Shenyue was a little embarrassed. After all, he used food to make Tenxiang Fragrance is submissive.That's why he was worried about Tohka, right? Food is more important than him. If so, where is his man's self-esteem?

But now the lovely Tohka gave him a satisfactory answer, how could he be unhappy?

"Cake? Okay...the month is the best!"

Tohka grabbed Yeshenyue's arm, pulled his body towards her, then moved infinitely close to Yeshenyue's profile, and gave him a heavy kiss.

"Don't kiss me while eating, your face is covered in crumbs!"

Ye Shenyue took out a handkerchief and wiped it, and also wiped it for Tohka.

Tohka is a snack food, but still very cute.This is her expression of joy and intimacy.

What surprised Ye Shenyue was that even though Tohka took the initiative to kiss him, Origami, who was hiding behind the telephone pole, did not respond at all. You must know that Origami was born at odds with Tohka. It will jump out no matter what, but now there is no movement behind the telephone pole.


Has Origami changed his mind?

Ye Shenyue even smiled when this thought came to her, wanting to origami to change her mind would be an earth-shattering event. After all, she would be jealous of even a kiss. If she knew that he was already with Tohka, hurry up with her. She will indeed turn in the direction of blackening.

At that time, I am afraid that it will be more targeted at Tohka...

After agreeing to eat cake later, Tohka quickly cleared the various sushi on the table, and obediently took Yagami's arm and walked towards the telephone pole.

Yes, just walking in the direction of the telephone pole, Ye Shenyue was a little curious, he wanted to know what happened to the origami today?So I went back.


Even if Ye Shenyue and the others turned back, the figure hiding behind the telephone pole did not dodge at all, as if he was not afraid that he would come over, but the scorching gaze suddenly climbed, and it seemed that he could climb again. .

near, near.

Ye Shenyue and Tohka were already close to the telephone pole, and soon they could see the appearance of the girl who was still hiding.

What kind of expression will the Origami be found at this time?

Ye Shenyue was a little curious.

But at this moment, the figure hiding behind the telephone pole suddenly flashed out. Is it because he was discovered that he could only come out obediently?


Ye Shenyue was about to call out her name, but the words that were about to be called got stuck in her throat and couldn't say it.

Because of the figure that flashed lightly, yes, wearing a black lace skirt full of temptation, slender black hair covering the left eye, but it gave people a quiet and mysterious feeling.


Small black boots and black gloves give the feeling of a queen.

"Guian, classmate Ye Shenyue."

She stretched out her slender fingers and lightly tapped some pink~ tender lips, the lovely woman said so.It seems that she has known Ye Shenyue for a long time.

"Tokisaki... Tokisaki Kuangsan!"

On the other hand, Ye Shenyue opened her eyes wide, and finally called out the name that had been lingering in her heart for a long time.

"Yeah... It turns out that classmate Yeshenyue knows me, it's really an honor~~" The pupils of the girl and God shrank, and the delicate white and tender face also showed just the right look of surprise, and then the sexy lips faded out. A strong smile full of interest.

"Yue, do you know this girl? When did you meet?"

Tohka, who seemed to be excluded, was holding on to Ye Shenyue's arm and shaking it. She had a bad feeling in her heart. This sudden appearance of the girl gave her a very uncomfortable feeling. The month will be robbed.

It can only be said that a woman's sixth sense is really strong?Especially elves?

"this and that……"

Right now, he hadn't thought about meeting Tokisaki Kurumi, and he didn't know how to answer.

Tokisaki Kusan, this woman who seems to be a legend, with the attributes of being sickly and bloodthirsty, who makes people unable to stop, actually appeared in front of him so early.

Now it's still Yoshino's plot, why did you suddenly appear, Third Master?Will you show up again after he has conquered Yoshino?

All disrupted his plans.

ps: The third master is playing soy sauce again, and soy sauce is also counted in the scenes. The third master has definitely the most scenes (covering his face)

Chapter 0028 Yoshino's training (one more for collection)

I didn't expect to meet Kuangsan now!Unreasonable!

Ye Shenyue sighed deeply in her heart, but explained with a flat expression on her face, "It was Kotori who said that, they have organized an investigation by Ratatosk, except for you and Yoshino, there is nothing in this world. There are other spirits, and Kurumi, Tokisaki Kurumi is one of them. I just saw her picture so I recognized it right away."

Ye Shenyue not only explained to Tohka, but also explained to Kuangsan, he didn't want to be found out.

The most annoying thing about exposing one's identity is self-destruction!

So he immediately put all the reasons on Kotori. Anyway, their Ratatosk organization was formed because of elves.It's not wrong, as for Kuang San... Kuang San has been around for so long, there should be some research.

And now, perhaps because he is angry with him, Kotori has put away the tiny camera, so now Ye Shenyue is not being watched when it is in full bloom, of course he dares to say that and dare to shirk responsibility like this.

"Looks like he knows about the elves... as expected, he's the one I'm looking for~~" Kurumi's face was slightly lowered, and his expression seemed... happy.As for the Ratatosk organization that Yagami moved out of, she was completely ignored by her.

I don't know if it was Ye Shenyue's delusion, he seemed to see the bloodthirsty flash in the eyes of the other party for a moment, did he really want to eat him?

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