It's terrible!

But if it is another way to eat, he is very happy.

"Even if it's to say hello today, I'm looking forward to the next time~~" Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly stepped forward two steps, and regardless of the current Touka staring at her, her head moved to Ye Shenyue's side. Face, and said softly, "Next time, I will eat you~" Sure enough, it was eaten?

Is he so delicious?

Or do you want his power?

"If you really need it, it's okay to be eaten by you..."

It was just that Ye Shenyue was a little unhappy at being molested by Kuang Sanru, and she felt that she had changed from active to passive.

"In order to fulfill your gentle ideal, Kurumi, you are actually a gentle person~" "Ideal? Gentle?"

Kuang San's eyes widened slightly, she had heard such words before, and it was the vague figure who told her to come and eat Ye Shenyue.

Now, this person who has been marked "to be eaten" by her also said the same, has she been completely seen through?

Or... is this a conspiracy of the two of them?Deliberately seduce ~ lure her to come?

"It's really funny... Yue-jun is still waiting for me to eat you~~" Kusan's mouth filled with a smile, but her figure suddenly disappeared, as if she had never appeared before. But her voice was still ringing in her ears.

"What an unpleasant woman!"

The disappearance of the girl aroused the dissatisfaction of another girl. Perhaps it was her natural sixth sense. Tohka always felt that this girl who suddenly appeared would steal her moon, which was much more uncomfortable than Tobiichi Origami.


This was just a momentary feeling, but Tohka was attracted by another point.

"Eat? Can you also eat it in the month?"

"Um... little idiot, how can I eat it! Let's go to the cake shop. Eat whatever you want today!"

Ye Shenyue knocked Tohka on the head, but she couldn't let Tohka be infected with terrifying behavior. If she really ate him while he was sleeping, the was terrifying!

"Woohoo ... I can't fight anymore, and it will really become stupid ~~" Shi Xiang held a pitiful expression holding his little head.

Makes people really love and love...

After that embarrassment, after meeting Kurumi, I felt that Yagami started to promote the restoration of the relationship with (gan chanting first) god sister and Moe God Yoshino.

Naihe's progress was so weak, Kotori had not called his brother for two days in a row, and at the same time hid the pure white ribbon, it seemed that he must maintain the commander's strong mode.Actually, he didn't appear in the mode of the weak sister, and his plan of "the weak sister mode is a good strategy" was completely ruined.

And Yoshino... As long as that Yoshina exists, he won't have the chance to find Yoshino alone, that rabbit is a ranting madman and can always hurt a few words.

However, the relationship with Tohka has improved, and I continue to use food to tempt her to pose what kind of posture...cough...

Back to the topic.

Although the relationship with Yoshino and the others has grown very low, there has been progress, at least it's possible to talk or something.

And now, standing in the captain's room of the airship, Yagami and the others are starting a great mission.

The plan to train Yoshino has officially started... um, no, the plan to train Yoshino has officially started!

According to the analysis of the chief analyst, Reine Murakami, Yoshino's affection for Yagami is still higher than that of her brother, and her lover is not full, so even if Yagami kisses madly and takes Yoshino's spirit away Energy, as long as there is a little stimulation, it is very easy to instigate.

Therefore, in order to stabilize the spirit once and for all, the "Training Yoshino" plan initiated by Commander Kotori Wuhe officially started.

"It's all you lecher! You did that kind of thing in front of Yoshino, and now Yoshino is a little scared!"

Yoshino is a little loli who is very easy to attack, but it is also difficult because she is easy to be attacked.

This training... oh no, the name is righteous "training" and its purpose is to make Yoshino stronger and more confident.

Right now, Ye Shenyue's relationship with her has not yet reached the limit of complete sealing, so Yoshino has to protect herself during this time.

But her timid and cowardly character is a big problem, so she wants to change her!

"Say, do you have ulterior motives in making this suggestion!"

The commander looked at someone who seemed to be eager to try, and shook his dark red slender hair, and his dark red eyes were full of distrust.

Even the younger sister suspects him, and as a brother, he has failed too much!

Ye Shenyue sighed in her heart.

"No, no, how could I have ulterior motives? As a younger sister, how can you not trust your elder brother? It doesn't meet the criteria of being a Gan (gan read first) younger sister at all."

"But I really can't believe someone who dragged Tohka into the room with his front feet in front of his eyes and his back feet immediately and used food to deceive people's bodies!"

The commander's hand clenched slightly, trembling slightly.Until now, the scene she saw two days ago still called her "deep memory" Could her brother really be a lecher?

It's a lecher!


"Actually, Tohka and I are in love with each other. When the relationship reaches a certain level, this is a natural thing, and I am also a normal teenager. If I don't sleep with you at night, I will toss and turn and sleepless... So..."

He's really a normal teenager. He's used to sleeping with girls, and suddenly he doesn't give him girls. What kind of entanglement is that?

But what Ye Shenyue did not expect was that Sister Commander blushed and yelled at him at the moment.

"Are you a sex demon? You still want to sleep with you! Why don't you go to your family to go to other people if you want to sleep with them? Don't the fat water that you don't understand flow to outsiders?"


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