Ye Shenyue was stunned, what did he hear?

Kotori actually said...why didn't he come to her?

Could it be that... Kotori is willing?

It's just that this fertile water does not flow into the fertile water of outsiders' fields...he is that fertile water?Was it taken as one's own thing by the commander's sister early in the morning?


" heard it wrong! I didn't say anything just now! Reine, bring Yoshino over here!"

Commander Wuhe's face instantly turned red, but he was so strong that he turned his head away, as if to avoid the sight of Ye Shenyue's investigation...

Lingyin still looked like she was going to sleep. The "quarrel" between the siblings didn't affect her at all. It was just that Kotori ordered her to wake up immediately and went out to find Yoshino. I think she is actually sober, or she is watching their jokes.

The worst is the sound!

"I helped pick it out. Yoshino come in!"

Yoshino was changing clothes in the next room, so Reine brought Yoshino over within a few minutes.

" cute..."

Looking at Yoshino who walked in from the door, Yashinyuki felt once again that her lolicon soul was touched again. Yoshino had already taken off her spiritual costume and was wearing a light blue princess. A white hat with red ribbons tied on the brim of the hat, but the little loli wore the hat very low, with a faint expression of embarrassment and being stared at. .


Yoshino lowered the brim of her hat, her voice was small, and she didn't dare to raise her head yet, as if she still felt a little "fearful of this Lolita" towards Yagami.

And her Yoshina, her hero, is still as lively as ever. For example, seeing Yagami Yue's admiring expression, she immediately waved her two rabbit hands.

"Little devil brother, are you excited to see Yoshino's cute appearance? Do you really want to bring Yoshino to the room now and have sex... uh..."

Yoshino in Yoshino's hands was talking about being high, but was covered by Yoshino's half-blush face.

"Cough cough cough..."

Commander Wuhe pretended to have a dry cough. After all, the words "papapapa" were now taboo words.As soon as it is said, there will always be a certain impressive picture.

Sister Wuhe was a little shy, Lingyin said she was calm, and Ye Shenyue was also a little embarrassed.

This rabbit really dares to say anything, even more than him!

I feel like if I put it next to Yoshino, it won't take long for Yoshino to be taught badly.Sure enough, he had to come forward.

With an extremely correct expression, Yagami tried her best not to look at the cute loli's face, as if it was a declaration of justice, "Then now, the plan to train Yoshino is officially launched."

However, as he said, the entire captain's room seemed to be suddenly silenced.

"It turned out to be training... The lecherous little brother really can't stop thinking about Yoshito, thinking about how to play with the editor's method... uh..."

Yoshina's big mouth was once again covered by Yoshino 3.0. Yoshino lowered the brim of her hat, and at the same time her small face was completely lowered, and she didn't dare to look at Ye Shenyue at all!

"You really are a lecher!"

Commander Wuhe scolded her with hatred that she was completely disappointed with her brother.

The sound analysis officer kept his mouth shut, and once again showed his calm.I really don't know where her calmness comes from. Is it her nature, or is it because she has watched a lot, so she is... calm?

"What is training? Is it the things Yue asked me to do last night?"

, And at this time, classmate Tohxiang who was eating BBQ pork buns, one of the "open door" parties, finally finished eating the buns. Hearing the last sentence, his face showed doubts and wanted to know the answer. look.

"Last night..."

Wuhe Qinli stretched out his voice, and there was almost no color in his voice. "I announce that Yagami, which is a secret weapon, is now frozen!"

"Yoshino, now let's start your training plan, remember, be bold, we are all behind you."

Commander Wuhe glared at Ye Shenyue with hatred, as if he was disappointed with him, and then said the same to the shy Loli.

"Well... yes!"

Wuhe sister is now commander in full force, and Yoshina responds in a row, but her voice is slightly smaller, even smaller than at the beginning. .

ps: Thanks to sdolwhoyy, Moonless Day, Xushang's monthly pass.

Chapter 0029 Yoshito is dangerous? (2 more for subscription)

"Then...that...can...can you give me...give me a fish?"

Yoshino, who was sent to the ground by Kotori using the teleportation function of the air battleship, started "training" with the small list that Reine handed her.

"Fish? Of course you can... She's such a cute little sister... She came out to help at such a young age!"

The fish seller was a middle-aged man. He laughed immediately when he saw Yoshino, and quickly sorted out the fish fillets for Yoshino.


Yoshino took the fish fillet and handed over the money that Kotori gave.

"Congratulations! Independently completed the first task! There is the next one!"

When Yoshino left the fish shop, Yoshina in her hand praised her.

Yes, Kotori and Ye Shenyue's training is to make Yoshino independent, not relying too much on Yoshina, and the current shopping is to train her to be independent.

In fact, it is far more than just letting her buy things, the purpose is to let her communicate more with others, so that she will be more courageous.

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