The captain's room of the airship.

"No, no, there seems to be something wrong, it's these two girls, um... It seems like they're following Yoshino!"

Sitting in the captain's room, Commander Kotori frowned while watching the surveillance screen.In her line of sight, there were two figures of 433 moving constantly behind Yoshino.

Young girls, but these two girls sneaked behind Yoshino, always feeling like they wanted to do something shameful.

Because of Yagami, Commander Kotori's nerves were also much more sensitive.

"Where did these two sneaky people seem to have met? Where did they meet?"

Tohka in the captain's room stared at Kotori's monitor, her cute little head tilted slightly.The little hand pressed against his cheek as if trying his best to remember.

"These two people?"

After Shixiang mentioned it, Ye Shenyue also felt that their faces were familiar, but she couldn't remember anything.

"Right! I remember it! I remember it, these two people attacked me!"

Tohka stood up, her face flushed, as if she was excited because she remembered something that could help Ye Shenyue.

"Sneak attack? Who is the person who attacked you?"

Kotori didn't react for a while, just frowned cutely.

"It's a member of the AST! Yoshino was discovered by the AST! It's in danger!"

However, Ye Shenyue reacted. Now he spends most of the time with Tohka, so it is impossible for Tohka to be in danger.So the only one who attacked Tohka was the AST!

"Mmmm, it's still the moon, these guys have appeared again!"

Tohka hugged Ye Shenyue's arm and nodded.

"Let's hurry up and bring Yoshino back... so that I won't be bullied again later!"

Gan (the first sound of gan chanting) The younger sister put Shixiang aside and hugged Ye Shenyue's arm tightly, with a straight face and immediately gave the most correct order.

However, Ye Shenyue stopped her at this time.

ps: Thanks for the tragic hardship, Ruoning's monthly pass.

Chapter 0030 is your hero

"Kotori, let Yoshino work hard this time. Being besieged by AST is also a test. You can't always be beaten passively like this. If you want to be bold, you have to pay back the hardships you've suffered in the past, and tell Yoshino not to be afraid."

Ye Shenyue looked serious.

"Let Yoshino go?"

Kotori's expression was a little hesitant, Yoshino was so timid, even if the training made a little progress, it meant that Yoshino would fight back.

"Well... let me talk to Yoshino!"

Yagami stepped forward and said loudly into the loudspeaker, "Yoshino, now that you have been discovered by the AST team, they will attack you in a while, but don't be afraid, be brave, and Let them fight dignifiedly, don't forget that there is Yoshina beside you now, and now I'm watching you, as long as there is danger, I will go there immediately."

"Fight... fight?"

Yoshino's voice paused a bit, and was a little timid, "But... Yoshino doesn't like pain, and doesn't want... I don't want them to feel pain... They definitely don't like pain."


The cute Yoshino's theory Yagami has long known, but now, this theory doesn't apply. "If so, then summon the angels and freeze them with the power of the angels! It will be unfolded. They froze when they were in the free field so they wouldn't feel the pain."

But they will feel cold!

Not the same!

In an instant, all eyes turned to Yagami, could such an excuse deceive Yoshino?

Lie to children!

"As expected of the moon! That way they won't be in pain!"

No, there was another alien at the scene, Yatoshen Tohka, and the elf that Yeshenyue met was like a girl from the Valkyrie, a girl who was sealed, a girl who was naturally dumb, and became a little girl who was a foodie.

It is completely incomprehensible with natural common sense.

"Understood, then...that...then I'll give it a try!"

And soon everyone heard Yoshino's voice.

Did she actually agree?

This unscientific!

Is it because Yoshito is a loli, who happens to be in the category of "little girls"?

The next thing was very simple, Yoshino pretended not to see the two AST members who were following behind, obediently walked to the desolate area under the instructions of Yagami.

"Found Hermit! But she seems to be deliberately going to a desolate place away from the crowd. Is there a conspiracy?"

Amy, who was following Yoshino, reported to the captain.

"Regardless of her conspiracy or not, now she is within our siege range! Origami! You go first!"

Captain Ryoko Hibuka and the other five team members floated in mid-air leaning on the propulsion device, watching Yoshino, who was running constantly below, and immediately ordered.

"Yes!" Origami, who was following, picked up the rifle and shot directly at Yoshino!

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