"Damn it! It's Tobiichi Origami again, who always opposes us. It seems that she is still the elite of AST... Brother Lust, she is your girlfriend, so hurry up and turn against her!"

Commander Wuhe knocked on the seat with a dissatisfied look on his face, looking at Yoshino who was able to escape the attack and said unpleasantly.

"Ce...rebel? How can I contact her during the battle now?"

Ye Shenyue's face was speechless, Kotori was definitely in trouble, or...she did it on purpose!

It must be unhappy Origami, by the way, is unhappy with him!

Put all the blame on him!


Suddenly the scene suddenly changed, Origami fired another shot, but hit Yoshino of the frozen puppet that was about to be summoned!

"not good!"

Ye Shenyue's heart suddenly tightened, and then she saw Yoshino lying on the ground.

Did you get hit?


It's just that now the picture has turned again, and it has become Yoshino's face, with tears faintly on her white and delicate face.

all right?

"No, it's the Yoshina in her hand that has disappeared!"

Kotori was the first to discover Ni Tuan.

And without Yoshina in her hand, Yoshino was even more timid and weaker than when Yagami met her, and she actually let the AST members attack without moving!

Pit father!Yoshino, how weak are you!

Seeing Yoshino lying on the ground, Ye Shenyue sweated profusely.

At this moment, AST's attack came again, but Origami did not continue to attack.Instead, it flew to the ground and seemed to have found something.

"Let me go down, I'll save Yoshino!"

Seeing that Yoshino was in crisis, as the initiator of the crisis, Yashin Yue immediately ran outside.

"be careful!"

Although she was still angry, Kotori still said something.

"I... I also want to go on, what if Yue is in danger?"

Tohka watched Ye Shenyue being teleported away, and wanted to go there, but was stopped by Lingyin.

"Now he's fine, he has enough power, believe him!"


For some reason, after Reine's words, Tohka actually became quiet.

And at this moment, the scene.


Yoshino, who was knocked away, was lying on the ground and was already crying, with two small hands lying on the ground, with various missiles coming fast behind her.

Even if he was wearing a spiritual outfit now, if he was hit alive, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.


Captain Hibuka Liaozi sighed.

Origami was expressionless.

Can you really kill elves?

If it is true, this is a historic scene, and they will not be scolded for letting the elves escape all the time!

At this moment, the captain of the lower part of Liaozi wanted to cry.


Huge sound, this is the sound of countless missiles hitting the target at the same time and exploding. Did it really hit?

Everyone's eyes widened.

And at this moment, in another small corner.

Yoshino opened her blue eyes.What I saw was the figure of a young man.

The boy's body is covered with armor, which is silver-white, and the boy's mouth has a smile, which is a gentle smile.

And this young man, she also knew.even familiar.

"Uuuu... Moon-kun?"

Yoshino raised her small face.

"Well... Yoshino, I promised to come and save you."

Ye Shenyue half squatted and stretched out her hand to Little Loli.

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