"Well...because I also have children...she also liked to cry when she was a child."

Reine touched Yoshino's head casually.


Tohka and Kotori both called out.

In their eyes, Lingyin doesn't look like someone who has given birth to a child!

"Ah? What did I just say? You heard it wrong."

Murasame Reine shook her head, seemingly dumbfounded.

Chapter 0031 Please be sure to stay overnight

"Beep beep..."

The AST team members who thought they could finally kill the elves were disappointed, but Tobiichi Origami, who was still in the air, suddenly rang the Tobiichi Army Cao's phone.

Origami turned on the phone, while the other team members stared curiously. They had not seen when Tobiichi Army Cao would call when someone was at the base, and they answered so quickly, just seeing the phone screen. When the name on the screen was displayed, it was connected before anyone even had a chance to respond. It seemed... I had been waiting for a long time, so I made it possible to quickly connect at any time.

I don't know if the AST members were wrong. It seems that the moment Tobiichi Junsao answered the phone, he seemed...he seemed to show a slightly happy expression, his cute head tilted slightly, and he held the thin touch screen phone tightly. pressed to her face, like if you didn't, you couldn't listen to the person on the other end of the phone completely.

"Tobiichi... that... Yoshino's Yoshina was taken away by you?"

Ye Shenyue on the other end of the phone covered her forehead and said, "Anyone who is forced to make a phone call will be very upset, and it is still a phone that is completely cut off!

Yes, the angry and capable Commander Wuhe ordered Yagami to call Origami and ask Origami to bring Yoshina back, but forced him to turn on the loudspeaker, and Kotori and the others could bring it through him. The "surveilled" earphones he was wearing heard what Origami said on the phone.

There are no secrets at all!

God knows what the origami master will say without hesitation!It's just that now he and Kotori and the others are still in an awkward state, and they don't want anything to happen again.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue has a distance in both the tone and the name, just to prevent Origami from saying something "strange" on the mobile phone because of the closeness he said, which can scare Gan (gan says first) sister words.

However, Tobiichi Origami suddenly frowned, "Origami."

She spit out two words with no expression, and glanced at the teammates who were peeking at her with indifferent eyes. The teammates who wanted to continue peeking or eavesdropping suddenly felt a chill on their backs, and immediately turned their heads obediently. .

Tobiichi Junsao's aura is so powerful!


what do you mean!Just hand over Yoshina obediently... Why did you pronounce your name?

Ye Shenyue is also a little bit unable to understand.


Tobiichi Juncao repeated her words again, but added in a humane way, "Don't call me Tobiichi, call me Origami, this is a boyfriend's basic obligation."

"What is the basic obligation of a boyfriend, it's really arrogant. Even if it's a girlfriend, it's his freedom to call her erotic brother. Ye Shenyue, ignore her, just call her Tobiichi!"

Ye Shenyue hadn't responded yet, but Commander Wuhe, who seemed to be wearing origami, said unhappily, God knows when brother lust will get along with this expressionless and threatening girl, and she won't admit it to her boyfriend or girlfriend.

"If she doesn't agree, just break up, break up!"

Commander Wuhe shouted loudly, super unethical.


Even Tohka, who was naturally dumb, felt that Wuhe's younger sister at the moment was a little too much, and she was even arrogant.


The words that came from Kotori's sister's lack of discipline, Ye Shenyue's face instantly became very exciting, but now it's the sister that is more important, so he can only say sorry to Origami in his heart, and , just a name, it should be nothing!

It's just that he forgot, that Tobiichi Origami is a very stubborn person who also values ​​certain things, such as the name of a lover.


There seemed to be no sound on the other end of the phone.

Origami is angry?Or resist with silence?

Ye Shenyue actually felt that he was a little nervous. Could it be that he was also worried about Origami?Because I was worried, I paid more attention to her and cared more about her?

"The rabbit in Hermit's hand is in mine."

Without letting Ye Shenyue wait or guess for too long, Origami's unsalty voice came over again.

"That's it, Brother Lunatic, hurry up and tell her to hand over Yoshina!"

It was a high and excited voice.Sister Wuhe suddenly started to overreact again.

"That... origami... Since Yoshina is in your hands, you can always give it to me!"

Ye Shenyue temporarily blocked his ears, and his sister's voice couldn't be controlled, almost making him deaf.

"You kissed her?"

It's just that Origami didn't nod or shake his head, but asked a biting question.

"No... although I really want to... uh... why are you asking this?"

Ye Shenyue almost completely said what she was thinking, but fortunately she came to it, but the true "although I really wanted it" vaguely contained in his heart, but was heard by both parties.

"kiss? Yoshino wants to kiss Yue too?"

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