A tangled look appeared on Tohka's face, but Yoshino, who was asked about it, stopped crying, stretched out her cute little hand and pulled down the wide, dark green four-eared hat and buried her face. Deeper.

It's just that his face was a little red.

Apparently, he understood what KISS is under the explanation of Yagami.

"Sure enough, a shameful lolicon!"

Kotori-sama seemed to say it through gritted teeth, it's always a loli loli or something, always thinking about bullying Yoshino, she is also a complete loli, okay?

"He also likes Yujie's familiar~ women."

The words that seemed to be ruining the scenery were slowly said from the mouth of the analyst, Reine Murasame, who pushed the small glasses.


Really bad scenery.

Commander Wuhe shut up completely, she almost forgot, there is also an "old lover" of a lecherous brother here. "That... what is a mature girl?"

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Yatoshen Tohka, an elf whose power was sealed by Yashenyue through a kiss. This natural stunner doesn't know what atmosphere is at all.

"Understood, since that's the case, if you want to get that hand puppet back, come to my residence and get it in person."

Origami's voice was still flat, as if it was the same as everything he had said before.

And he spoke horrified words in the same flat tone.

"Also, please stay overnight!"

Lonely men and widows live in the same room, and have to stay overnight, what will happen in it, needless to say?

It is definitely a very ambiguous and pink thing!

For example, in her house, in the room of the lustful brother, what the lustful brother did to Tohka!

Commander Wuhe's spirit was highly concentrated.

"I can't promise her!"


Origami's voice had just fallen, but two opposing voices appeared in the airship at the same time.

Wuhe sister blushed, not shy but angry and excited, but the sudden objection made her care, and she looked at the girl with long hair in the night who shouted.

Yato God Tohka.The little girl's cheeks swollen at the moment.It seemed to be puffed up.

"No... I can't let Yue go to Tobiichi Origami, I don't agree!"

Tohka stepped on the ground hard, and in an instant everyone felt that the ground seemed to shake suddenly.

Is this the power of spirits?Wasn't Tohka's power sealed?how can...

It's just that there was not only one elf at the scene, there was another one, who had just been restrained from crying and started to cry again after hearing Yoshina hopeless.


The ground began to freeze.


The perimeter of the airship began to freeze.


Yoshino continued to cry, and the speed of the entire airship suddenly stagnated and seemed to have a tendency to fall.

At the same time, Kotori Wuhe, who was the commander, also received various reports from his subordinates.

"No, the big thing is bad! The airship has been attacked, and the fuel department has been attacked by ice cubes, and it will be frozen in 10 seconds!"

"The tail of the airship was completely frozen by unidentified ice, and it can only last for another 10 seconds,"

"The airship is about to fall! It has begun to fall!"

"This... rely on it!"

Commander Wuhe finally uttered a foul language.This power is too powerful!

Just a mere loli will completely destroy her airship?

This unscientific!

"Promise her, hurry up and get Yoshina back!"

Rao is that Wuhe's younger sister has many entanglements in her heart at this moment, so she can only solve the urgent need first, and said to Ye Shenyue as if she had surrendered.

ps: Thank you for your support!

Chapter 0032 Origami On Origami (One More Flowers)

AST headquarters.

"Yuan Yijun Cao?"

Seeing that Origami took off the equipment without saying a word after hanging up the phone, the team members were surprised. It's just a phone that needs to be so impatient?

It's like "going back to my hometown to get married" and "something."

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