This is what Origami explained to Captain Ryoko Hibuka.

"Can't we just stay a little longer? We need to discuss why Hermit escaped again."

Hibakata Liaozi frowned, and every time he fought an elves, he had to review it on a routine basis.This time is no exception.

"Something happened."

Origami's face didn't have any superfluous expressions, and she still responded to her captain with these two words.

"Well... Forget it... Anyway, back and forth are just those few words, approved, you go first."

Hibachi Liaozi shrugged and nodded helplessly.


Origami saluted, then turned around neatly and went home immediately.

"That... Captain, I have something to do..."

Seeing that Origami was granted leave so easily, the rest of the team members also wanted to make a profit. It was exactly what Ryoko Hibana said. Every time they didn't catch or kill the elves, they had to conduct a review, just going back and forth. Those few words from , let their ears hear the cocoon, so... since Origami is allowed to leave, then they can also...

"No! You continue to participate in the review!"

The captain of Liaozi under the sun is full of momentum, "If you want to take a leave of absence, you want to leave early and become an elite first!"


The players were depressed.

It's definitely a difference in level.

And the airship on the other side.

Commander Wuhe gave the most correct order, and let Yagami agree to go to the meeting with Tobiichi Origami, in order to get Yoshina back.

"Woo~~" Kotori agreed, plus Reine's stroking Yoshino has stopped crying, and the freezing of the airship has also stopped. Although many functions have been affected, it is still floating in mid-air. questionable.

be rescued!

The teammates in the airship started cheering, but Tohka had an uncomfortable face.

"Why do you want Yue to meet the nasty woman Tobiichi Origami... Yue will definitely be bullied by her!"

Comrade Tohka, who was pure and natural, said so, but was stopped by Kotori just as he was about to kick again.

If you let her kick the airship, which was floating in mid-air with great difficulty, she would fall completely! She wouldn't want Yagami to go to Tobiichi Origami, it was a helpless choice.

There is still room for reservations about this choice. For example, Kotori-sama’s reason for comforting Tohka is “Tohka, don’t worry, now the idiot Oni-chan is still under our surveillance, and you can also hear it with headphones. The voice on his side, once something happens, we will know at any time, and under our surveillance, the idiot brother will not dare to mess around, after all, I haven't forgiven him for the way he treated you..."

"That look means... sleeping with Yue?"

Kotori's explanation made Tohka quiet a little, but Xiao Tiandao focused his attention on another aspect.

"this and that……"

Kotori didn't even know how to explain, and at this time Yoshino looked at her blankly, as if Yoshino also wanted to hear.

But the words "I just saw you guys are having sex" can't be said at all!

"This...Look, the idiot brother has come to Tobiichi Origami's house!"

When you are too embarrassed to speak, you should change the subject!

Kotori-sama is extremely unscrupulous, and started her favorite topic-changing topic of Oni-chan. It is also skillful to change the topic. It is too obvious that it will definitely be said, so the topic-changing must include some things that everyone is very concerned about, care This thing outweighs other things so it's easier to handle.

For example, now, Kotori sister pointed to the screen used for surveillance, and now Yagami has arrived at the apartment with "Tobiichi" written on the door number.

This is a single apartment, or an apartment where girls live alone.


Ye Shenyue hesitated and pressed the doorbell, but just as his fingers were about to touch the doorbell, the door that had been closed suddenly opened, and a shoulder-length silver hair with a pistol was revealed. Silk girl, the girl pointed the pistol directly at Yagami.

Want to shoot him?

This is impossible!

Ye Shenyue was not afraid, and Origami didn't make Ye Shenyue scared either. With a snap, she shot at the ultra-miniature camera beside Ye Shenyue pretending to be flies buzzing.

Origami's marksmanship is very accurate, and the camera explodes with one bullet.

At the same moment, Commander Wuhe, who was watching the monitor, found that the screen instantly turned into a white flower.

"That bastard woman! It's nasty!"

Kotori Wuhe watched Origami take out the gun and thought she was going to do something, but she was going to shoot the monitor!What a nasty guy!

"But it doesn't matter. Even if there is no video surveillance, there are still headphones. Brother bastard can still hear our instructions and we can hear his voice. He is still under our control."

Kotori comforted Tohka, who wanted to kick in rage again, turned on the voice monitor and continued, "Unnie-chan... Unnie-chan, hurry up and answer when you hear it."


After a second.


ten seconds later.

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