The maid Origami nodded, looking relieved.

" taste? What's going on here?"

When did he tell Origami that he liked maids?Although it is very tempting to have a maid calling for bed service early in the morning, but he has never expressed his hobbies to Origami!

"In class, you talked about witch costumes and maid costumes. You prefer maid costumes."

Origami stared at Yagami with her azure blue eyes expressionlessly, and said word by word.


This can't be confused at all, okay?It was obviously Hiroto Tondachi who took the PSP and asked him what clothes to wear for his "girlfriend", and he just answered one casually. How can you believe it?

"You like maid outfits."

"You like maids."

"So, you like me!"

Origami approached Yagami, step by step, as if speaking in an irresistible tone, at this moment Yagami felt that she thought that Origami's character transformation was acting as a gentle maid. , Now that Origami is approaching step by step, where is the maid?It's obviously an origami classmate with a full aura!

Moreover, even if he said that he put on a maid costume for Tonomachi Hiroto's "girlfriend", it can only show that he likes maid costumes and not... but not maids!

Even if you like maids, but you can't jump several steps in a row, it just becomes like you!

"Please sit down."

At the end of the sentence, God said, "So, you like me!"

Afterwards, Origami didn't seem to want Yashinyue's response at all, but regained a calm expression in an instant, and took the initiative to walk ahead as if to lead him the way.

And when Ye Shenyue came to the hall, Origami sat down obediently and asked Ye Shenyue to sit down too, while she handed the teacup to Ye Shenyue, with the teapot already in her hand. It looks like he's about to pour tea right away.

It's just that there can't be only one teacup in a room!Origami, you are too stingy!

"It's no fun to drink tea alone. You can also drink Origami, so bring another teacup."

Ye Shenyue looked at the small teacup in front of her and suggested that if he was the only one drinking tea, Origami would definitely "observe" the way he was drinking tea.

Although he doesn't hate peeping and stalking, but this peeping... I feel a little tangled.

"No more teacups."

It's just that Origami doesn't seem to appreciate it, and refuses without hesitation without any thoughtful expression.

"Impossible! There must be a teacup for you to drink water!"

Ye Shenyue's brows twitched, because right after he finished saying those words, Origami's azure blue eyes stared directly at his hand, at the teacup in his hand.

"This teacup is... for your exclusive use?"


Still nodding without any hesitation.


That's actually the case, but the movement of Ye Shenyue's eyes suddenly stopped, "You didn't say there was only one teacup, so what are those!"

Ye Shenyue pointed at the three cups on the kitchen that were washed and kept cool, and he was almost deceived!

After buying a teapot, of course, it will be accompanied by a few teacups. Now the teacup in his hand is obviously the same model and color as the teapot, so of course there are other small teacups!

The final conclusion is that Origami is lying to him!

When he is a fool!He is not Tohka!

"Those are bowls."

Tobiichi Origami-san, who had pulled out a big lie that anyone could see at a glance, showed no expression, but her eyes were full of determination.

"Uh... is it really a bowl?"

Ye Shenyue opened her eyes.Origami master, you are a fool!

"Really. You can usually eat with them."

It's just that Origami's classmate is still calm and calm.It seems to be telling the truth.

"You lie to the ghost!"

Ye Shenyue really wanted to shout out this sentence.But he held it down. Now he is for the lonely man and the widow... oh no, he came for Yoshina, but he couldn't offend Origami, otherwise she told Yoshina to hide it. What should I do?

"That... I agreed... I'm here to get Yoshina... It's the rabbit puppet you picked up after flying."

Yagami gave up and continued to argue with Origami about "there is only one teacup", but said straight to the point.

"The hand puppet is indeed in my hand, but I have hidden it, you will not find it!"

Origami paused and continued, "But if you finish what you promised me, I will definitely give it to you, and even wash it before offering it."

"Now, you drink tea first."

Origami began to pour "tea" for Ye Shenyue, let's call it tea, but this deep purple color, what kind of tea is this!

It's poison!poison!

At this moment, the dark purple viscous tea that Origami poured out seemed to be jelly-like, and all of a sudden, nausea was aroused, and Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered Sera. Now the tea that Origami took out was better than Sera's cooking. Horrible to come.

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