Sera's food would be painful to eat, and now, if Origami really drank the tea, wouldn't it mean that he would die?

"That... what is this thing? Are you sure it can be drunk? Can't drink it! This weird color!"

It was more than a tea that was so weird that it could almost be called poison, Ye Shenyue held an attitude of refusal.

"You can drink it. And there are many more effects."

Origami didn't have any dissatisfaction, and continued as if bewitching, "So, please drink..."


Ye Shenyue raised her hand, and he deeply felt that his life was threatened.And Origami stopped obediently.

"What are the effects? Is it a tonic?"

Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched, even if it was a tonic, he couldn't bear it, no matter how he looked at it, it would kill him!

"Tonic? If you want that kind of tonic I'll look for it..."

Origami frowned slightly and stood up immediately, as if she was really looking for tonics, and the direction she wanted to go was right in her kitchen. Could there be tonics in the kitchen?

Origami, you are too well prepared!

"No... no need..."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly stopped her, what if Origami really took out the "tonic" and he ate it, what would he do?

"Please drink."

Origami was very obedient, and Ye Shenyue said that she immediately sat down on her knees, looked at Ye Shenyue, and pushed the teacup over.

"This...let's wait..."

If you drink it now, wouldn't it cause the seven orifices to bleed immediately?

"Please drink."

Origami ignored Yagami's dissatisfaction and pushed the teacup over.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that the teacup was about to fall in front of him, Ye Shenyue finally got angry and slapped the table with a man full of momentum.


Origami really stopped, motionless, her azure eyes staring straight at Ye Shenyue.

"You haven't told me the effect of this tea. I will drink it after telling me. I don't like drinking tea that has no effect!"

"Do you really want to listen?"

I don't know if it's Ye Shenyue's illusion, Origami's brows seem to... seem to be frowning, is it difficult to open her mouth?

I can't drink this tea!

"You really have to listen, and you can't hide anything, otherwise we will have nothing to do with each other! Especially the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Ye Shenyue's attitude is also very firm.A feeling of a dead fish and a broken net.


Origami took a deep breath, and then came back as if it was all poured out, "10% for the drug, 20% for the sedative, 69% for the charm medicine, and 1% for the tea. These are the ingredients of the tea."

As Origami spoke, there was an expression on his face as if the ingredients of the "Charm Potion" didn't seem to be enough. If there were enough Charm Potion, let alone Ye Shenyue now can choose to drink or not to drink 5.5, as long as he smelled it, he would immediately Can completely fascinate him.

"Charm Potion... Tranquilizer... And a drug!"

Hearing Origami tell the ingredients of the medicine without any doubt, Ye Shenyue's expression suddenly became very exciting, her hand had already touched the teacup, the teacup was shaken by him, and the viscous liquid inside seemed to be there. trembling.


The teacup in Ye Shenyue's hand fell to the ground, and the sticky "tea" was poured out, but his people wanted to leave this place, but just as he was about to stand up, Origami grabbed his arm.


Origami's speed was maximized, and she pushed Yagami, who wanted to escape from this place, to the ground, "You came here to get hermit's hand puppet, right? How could you leave so quickly? I didn't get the hand puppet. And I haven't fulfilled my request yet!"

Origami is much stronger than Silas, no matter how shy and scary he says, he won't blush, it's really scary!

Origami master, even if I like you, I definitely can't afford to play with you!

One of you is enough to break 10 of me!


Ye Shenyue, who was pressed down below, surrendered helplessly.

ps: ask for comments, your comments are the driving force of the sub-period code word

Chapter 0034 Origami Under Origami

"That Tobiichi... Your request is... If it's really a one-night stay, it shouldn't be this scene right now!"

And now, the Origami classmate sitting on top of him, according to his experience, seems to be doing a "reverse push" in the next step.He really came to Yoshina, not for other welfare.


However, this is just Yashenyue's words of evasion. In fact, as long as he becomes popular, he is a person with no morals, otherwise he would not have played games with his daughter and become addicted to the end.

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