In other words, Ye Shenyue insists that as long as it is a cute girl, the girl he likes can be pushed back to you at any time!

Such a lack of discipline is just deceiving and deceiving his own soul that is not completely dark. As long as Origami goes a step further, he can definitely be pushed back completely.

However, the expressionless Tobiichi Origami-san, who still maintained a pure porcelain doll, nodded, as if everything Yagami said was right.

"Well, now is really not the time to start right away. But you have to promise me a request before I can get up temporarily."

Origami nodded, pressed Yeshenyue's chest, and brought her flawless and beautiful face close to Yeshenyue, not caring at all that the beautiful scenery inside would be seen from the gap between the necklines at this angle.

Because now there is only one person who can see this way, and the only person she has allowed.


A look of doubt appeared on Ye Shenyue's face. Didn't Origami make such a bold and direct request of "staying for one night", what else was there to be bothered by Origami-sama who needed him to agree?

Could it be that he was not allowed to interact with Tohka?

According to Origami's character, such a bad request can really be asked without changing his face.

"In the future, no matter what the occasion, no matter who I am in front of, I will have to call me Origami, not Tobiichi! In the same way, I will also call you Yue, and you can also call me "Dear" if you like."

"Just a salutation change and nothing else?"

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, as if she couldn't tell whether the girl sitting on top of him was an origami master.

"Do you have any other ideas? Feeling a loss!"

Origami said without any reservations, and pressed Yagami tightly at the same time.

Ye Shenyue raised her head at this time, but because the two bodies were so close together, she almost kissed Origami's lips.Soft pink delicate ~ tender two thin lips.

Ye Shenyue's body quickly retreated because of the overreaction, which prevented the great process of "crossing lips".


Origami snorted, seeming slightly regretful.

"This...that...cough cough...origami..."

Ye Shenyue swears to the sky, he really didn't mean it, he just, his body's ability to reflex is too strong, and his heart also wants to kiss.

"Humph! You have fulfilled this condition, but you can only call me Origami in the future, or your wife can also."

Origami took a breath, still with a slightly unconvinced tone, although Yagami had called her name according to her request, but Origami was not completely passive.

"This...wife or something..."

Wife or something, of course it will be fine when he finishes attacking all the girls, but how could he give up the whole garden just for Origami alone with only one Tohka?

Now it's only established that Origami, her boyfriend and girlfriend, will look at Tohka with hatred, and look at Xiaozhu-sensei with ignorance. If it becomes a relationship between husband and wife... Wouldn't it be more strict!

He still remembered that Origami finally asked him to write a "marriage agreement" that he wrote to Mr. Zhu for comfort.

The marriage agreement with his own handwriting was now hung in the center of the hall by origami as a family heirloom painting. It was so conspicuous that it seemed to remind him all the time.

"The husband's duty is to..."

Ye Shenyue asked tentatively.

"Don't be distracted!"

The four words were said decisively by Origami-san.The blue eyes did not waver at all.As if these four words were the absolute truth.

"Cough cough..."

Even if he didn't ask, fortunately he didn't agree right away, otherwise there would be a very miserable ending for Shura. It's not that he was only afraid that Origami would restrain him. What he was afraid of was other girls, such as Kotori. First read) My sister is still facing him with a bad face.

"Now you stay here first, and I'll do something that must be done."

The body gracefully and briskly jumped away from Ye Shenyue's body, Origami turned in a small circle in mid-air and landed steadily while talking.

"The important thing... Shouldn't it be taking a bath..."

"Well, to bathe and change clothes, this is a tradition among the many steps of dedication."

This time Origami did not deny it, but started to undress?

The neckline of the maid outfit was opened, and what caught Ye Shenyue's eyes was snow white.

"I've locked the door, you can't get out without violence, but considering your combat power, you can break through the door at any time, so... the hand puppet you're looking for is in my hand, so you can only obediently Wait here."

Origami continued to undress, the neckline of the maid outfit was getting lower and lower, and her little hands stretched in and out were... a pair of ears?

A pair of pure white bunny ears?

"Uh...this is..."

Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, but in just three seconds, Tobi Origami took out all the other parts of the rabbit, a little bunny hand puppet with a black blindfold.

No matter which angle you look at, it's Yoshino's hand puppet Yoshina!It was the rabbit he was looking for!

Unexpectedly, Yoshina was hidden there by Origami!

The unscrupulous Yagami looked at Origami in front of him, without any hesitation, without covering up, she put her hand in directly from the neckline, and then took out a rabbit-shaped hand puppet and complained greatly in her heart.

"That's it, please wait 30 minutes."

Origami left with the bunny, walked directly into the bathroom, and left Ye Shenyue alone in the living room.

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