Sera, Haruna, and Yagami Yue all screamed, what kind of attribute is this?Lolicon attributes?Could it be that Yagami is really a lolicon?

Although he seems to really like Lolita, Ye Shenyue doesn't make it into a legend, so everyone knows it!How could he, if it really be him, be so obvious!You must be remembering wrong!

"You... Are you sure you remembered it wrong? How... um, how could it be a lolicon!"

Holding a bit of luck, Ye Shenyue said hesitantly, "No wonder Idiot Bu always looks at people fascinated..."

Rarely, there was a pink blush on Haruna-chan's face, and she looked very charming. Moreover, at this time, Chunna-chan seemed... um, she seemed very happy and excited.

Does she also admit that she is an out-and-out loli?Haruna, don't be so happy, okay?If you really control loli, you must be the first to control you, not you, and you will be ranked second at most.

"En, it really looks like this guy. Not only is he a lolicon, but I'm afraid he has now become an all-age control of all evils. Lord Haiersela, what else is there about that Yashenyue?"

Sera nodded and continued to ask.

"The most famous of the legends about Ye Shenyue are his lolicon attributes and trash attributes."

Merit nodded and continued to write in the small notebook.

"Trash attribute? What is this? Could it be that Ye Shenyue is trash?"

If it is really his previous memory, no matter how tricky it is, it can't be a waste!Gaia, what are you going to make a fuss about!This is not his memory!

"Well, that Ye Shenyue doesn't have the slightest attack power, and she doesn't even have the ability to protect herself."

Merit nodded, very sure, "If Bu is really him... as expected."

After writing the words, Yu looked at Ye Shenyue with a complicated expression, as if he wanted to say something.

"Enen... Sure enough, in terms of waste, it fits the characteristics of Bu."

Sera nodded seriously. It was this serious attitude that made Ye Shenyue want to complain, Sera, what does it mean to be in line?Is he also a waste now?Dozens are trash, haven't they beat you too?

"Steps are really useless..."

Haruna also nodded clearly, which made Yashenyue speechless. Isn't she the first to lose to him?Isn't she more useless then?

"But Lord Hirsets, how could such a person with no bright spot spread out? The word legend is also used."

Still Serra was more sober, thinking of the strangeness in it.If a pure waste and lolicon, how could it become a legend? As far as she knows, there are many people with such attributes.

"The battle between the legendary Biliye vampire ninja and Megalo was created because of this Yagami moon."

Yu continued to write shocking words in the book, "Or maybe it's because of him that the King of the Night provoked a dispute and made the Three Realms fight."

"It is said that Ye Shenyue is entangled with Chris, and then has a relationship with Queen Lilith of Biliye. It seems that the queen did not let Ye Shenyue go and placed Ye Shenyue under house arrest, asking him to become hers. Princess, so Lilith and Chris fell out. Because of the fight for the ownership of Yagami, Chris launched a mutiny, competing for the status of queen, to become the new queen."

Yu continued to write, "But Chris's rebellion failed, and since then, Yagami has never appeared again. However, the king of the night incited Megalo through the civil war, and the blood-sucking ninja and Biliye scuffled, causing serious impact.”

"Also... That is to say, this melee was created because of that guy named Ye Shenyue?"

Sera's face was full of astonishment, looking at Yu's writing, doesn't it mean that the three major forces' civil unrest was caused by the Lolicon and the trash-type Yashenyue?Because Queen Biliye put him under house arrest, Chris was hit hard, provoked civil strife, and greatly reduced Biliye's strength, and the king of the night took advantage of Biliye's weakness to persuade the underworld and vampire ninjas to attack Biliye, So there was a melee.

It's just that the source of this war is that Yeshenyue, which is really surprising. Could it be that he is a blue-faced disaster?Actually provoked Chris to rebel?Although she doesn't know who Chris is, it seems that ig is powerful.

"No... it's impossible!"

In Haruna's impression, the source of the war has always been banned, and I thought it was the secret history of Duoxin, but I didn't expect it to be this fact?

Ye Shenyue, the war caused by the idiot step?Haruna, I really can't accept it!

Ps: Dedicate an extra chapter, everyone happy New Year's Eve.

Chapter 0041 Aikawa, do you like male teachers?

"That's the secret about that Yeshenyue."

Yu shook his head gracefully, causing Haruna's heart to be destroyed again.

"If Bu is Ye Shenyue, it is the truth."

While Yu was writing, she looked at Ye Shenyue, and the look in her eyes turned out to be complex and complex that Ye Shenyue had never seen before.

"Lord Halseth, since it is a secret, I would take the liberty to ask, why do you know?"

Sera pondered for a moment, then suddenly said to You.

"Yeah, Necromancer, how would you know! If it's really such a secret thing, even if your status in the underworld is very noble, you may not know it. How could Her Majesty take this because of competing for a waste attribute. Men and the news of the civil war got out?"

Rarely, Haruna's brain seems to have become much better, and she has found problems.

"Because that guy had an affair with Nini, but that guy seemed to only like Lolita at that time."

You quickly wrote it in the notebook, and then stared straight at Ye Shenyue with big blue eyes.

It seems that there are countless resentments in those blue and bright eyes?

Huh... how could it be a grudge?You, if I really liked loli at that time, shouldn't you be happy as an authentic loli?Because I am... a lolicon.But that Nini...

According to the impression from memory, it seems to be a beauty like a royal sister, and there are waves that seem to be comparable to Serra.

However, according to what Yu said, it seems that the world is very different from the plot he knows, especially the civil war between Chris and the queen.Is it really because of him?

Yes, let's just say that Chris' name is so familiar, have you really hooked up with her before?There is also the queen. According to his memory, it seems that the queen is even petite than Chris, and she is also called a young girl. Could it be that he has changed from lolicon to young girl?

"Nini? Lord Celses, shouldn't Nini be the number one master of the underworld, Negrelia &#; Nibiros? How could it be..."

Sera didn't study Biliye, but she still had a deep understanding of the underworld. She suddenly thought of the identity of the Nini pointed to between the lines of Yu's words and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

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