If it is true, then this guy named Ye Shenyue not only hooked up with the queen of Bi Liye and the number one master of the underworld, this handsome man is too powerful!

Sera wanted Yuu to shake her head and say no, this would also relieve her almost collapsed nerves, but Yu nodded directly.Also, Yuu doesn't seem to want to admit it.

"Lord Halseth, Haruna, let's go, we're going home."

Unexpectedly, however, Sera did not continue to ask, such as who the previous Night King was, but directly took Haruna's hand without looking at Ye Shenyue, and wanted to turn her head back.

"That... Sera, it seems that you have forgotten me..."

Ye Shenyue was a little aggrieved, everyone called Sera, but he was missed, it was not intentional!

"Shut up! Bedbugs who haven't been chaste since so long ago aren't worth calling me!"

Sera's scarlet eyes seemed to exude a fierce murderous aura, causing Ye Shenyue, who was only wearing a cloak, to feel a chill.

Whether he was chaste or not in the past had nothing to do with him now?

However, what Ye Shenyue is very concerned about now is that if he really came to this world before and had an affair with Chris, then...then...cough, his first kiss and whether it was early to be a virgin just lost it?

If it’s really the kind of lolicon that you can describe, then seeing Chris’s standard loli’s appearance, she should, she shouldn’t be able to hold it…Campus, indoor basketball court…


These three are the names they have called him for the past week. These three names make Ye Shenyue feel the urge to hit the wall, and the so-called "step" name has disappeared without a shadow.

Moreover, the relationship at home seems to have turned into a cold war.Another issue of his "Faayigh" comics came out. As usual, all the money was confiscated sadly, and it was all divided by the three of them, and he was still struggling. Fortunately, fortunately, he secretly sent One Piece. The money-burning comics, when it is published, the money will be much more than Fa, and it seems that it will be enough to raise a few more girlfriends.

In the current situation of the Cold War, Ye Shenyue seems to think that it is better not to talk about Ye Shenyue's excuses.

One slip into an eternal hatred, my brother would have known that he would not do that today.

"What's the matter? Are you worried?"

Ye Shenyue sighed alone, but beside him there was another girl, Hiramatsu Taeko, who was standing with Taeko watching Mihara play basketball.

"Are you in love?"

Taeko seemed to have gotten used to Yashinyue's presence on the basketball court where she played. She habitually took the towel from Taeko, wiped the sweat from her face, and suddenly added a sentence.


Taeko's expression at the moment seems to be a little exaggerated, and it seems that he is about to faint.

"Well, according to my observation, it should be like this. I saw that you watched Teacher Chris several times in two classes today. If you don't like Teacher Chris, how could you be so focused on him? Aikawa, do you like it? Teacher, right?"

"Hi... I like that uncle from the teacher? Uncle!"

If it were a cute girl, Taeko would still be able to accept it and accept it with reluctance, but... Mr. Chris is an uncompromising, ordinary-looking uncle!

Does Aikawa-san like Uncle?Is this why he has never had a girlfriend?It turns out that the other party... the person he likes has always been a man!I like men!

Can it be accepted?

Taeko pondered deeply... and then, as expected, fainted.

"Miaozi! Miaozi, you idiot, don't hurry up and take her to the infirmary! Also, don't take advantage of her!"

Mihara hurriedly roared at Yashinyuki who quickly caught Taeko with his eyes and hands.

Ps: This is the first update.Thanks for the reward of Qin Shimingyue and Han Shiguan.

More flowers, rewards, evaluations, comments, reminders, smash!

Chapter 0042 Youji, you are here too

Eh... Ye Shenyue sighed again, looking at the classmate Taeko who was doing the problem in front, and sighed again, since the last time that poisonous snake woman in Mihara said that he liked the teacher, classmate Taeko hasn't taken the initiative to answer for a while. If he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, Taeko would panic!

It's that guy Mihara!To see him so thoroughly!

During class, he did look at Mr. Chris, but that was Mr. Chris. When he got drunk, he would turn into Chris, a cute loli with big curly pink hair, who used to have a leg with him. Li.

If his kiss... um, and other things are taken away by Chris, Ye Shenyue sees that the other party doesn't look like an uncle that stands out at all... Can't help but feel a little bit hurt, no, It's quite a pain in the ass, his kiss is with this uncle... or virginity is with this uncle...

Ah, goosebumps are all over, spare him!

Ye Shenyue quickly threw this terrifying thought out of her head and went to think about other things, such as the three loli in his family who would not become male.

As for the rolls?Hehe, since it is a math test, this kind of junior high school problem of subtracting the square root from the square root is simply a small problem that cannot be made small for him, who has been honed in the teaching of the celestial dynasty. He has already done it, but this makes Haruna, who seemed to be ready to help him make up the class, was extremely depressed, and thanks to this, Yashinyuki escaped the super depressing teaching method that Haruna started teaching from the Cosmic Whip Theory. The Cold War has also thawed a lot. They should have figured it out. After all, there are three of them now. Although the paper window has not been broken, everyone already knows that if there was one before, it would be helpless. thing.

But Ye Shenyue also likes this hazy feeling. If he doesn't break the window, it seems that he can go to the new loli royal sister more boldly.


There was a slight noise outside the window, and Ye Shenyue opened the curtains, and then she saw Haruna's small body.

"Idiot step, Megalo has appeared!"

She leaned against the window, Haruna-san said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out after handing in the papers!"

There's really nothing missing.Gaia, I love you!

Ye Shenyue was full of surprises. This time, it seems that Friendship has appeared. Gaia, thank you, and send a new girl soon.Soothe my young heart...

"Is that the guy?"

Walking to the uninhabited alley where Megalo appeared, and looking at the... um, how do you look at such a wretched horse, Ye Shenyue had the urge to complain, saying that every time Megalo appeared, she always appeared So lustful.

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